Help us help you!
We need YOU to help us keep the magic going and growing. We're looking for folks who would like to join the "street team" to help spread the word about Sanctuary CT (New Haven, CT), Psychopomp CT (Hartford, CT), and Resist The Club (Albany, NY).
The basic deets: You find us at events (me, Boss Salvage, Eric ZH, Alex Gombosh etc) and pick up flyers and stickers. You then you go out into your community (coffee shops, game stores, clubs, bars, your friends, etc) and give out flyers and swag, post flyers, invite your friends to fb events, share the socials, and spread the good word.
Seriously. Without YOU we wouldn't have a scene, a community, a chosen family. You're the life blood that keeps us going.
Let's stay spooky π¦