Morning my royal family,
“Whenever you feel discouraged or disconnected, remember God your Father has already laid the course for your victory if you can just surrender and submit.”
“And he said to them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. 20 Immediately they left their nets and followed him.” Matthew 4:19-20
Growing up in the hood offered many opportunities to follow individuals, crowds and just plain evil. The choice between what and whom to follow most definitely produced pressure. Do I attempt to be cool, tough, dishonest or real as they say. It came down to whose voice I chose to listen to. The difference between me and some of my friends simply came down to which voice we chose to adhere to.
Even today we are being called by many voices. The voice to be successful. The voice calling you to take short cuts and whispering to you, it’s ok to cheat, be dishonest and submit to the ways of the world just this one time. The voice of our society attempting to redefine sin and righteousness.
Yeah, but the voice of God. I’m here to tell you that there is nothing like choosing to follow the voice of God. When we choose to follow the voice of God we have to give up something’s and say yes. Yes to His will and yes to His ways. Yes to where He leads me and yes to the ways He directs me.
We also have give up our pride. We have to give up some individuals. We have to give up those “good ole times” that are contrary to the word of God.
I will share this with you. When Jesus says “come follow Me” the reward will be greater than the sacrifice.
Keep Pushing The Stone
See you Saturday February 17th at “The Men’s Gathering.” Leave it at the alter and let’s “Go Deeper”
Bring it all and let’s “Go Deeper” together.
Man on Fire! 🔥