URA responds to Bobi Wine…
Following Bobi Wine’s refusal to hand over his new car for re-examination, Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has finally spoken out!
URA responds to Bobi Wine…
On 24th this month, URA wrote to Bobi asking him to return his Black Toyota Land Cruiser to the commission for re-examination, which the NUP darling refused adhere to.
Through his Lawyers, Wameli & Company advocates he told the Revenue body to immediately withdraw the decision to recall the vehicle because such decision is arbitrary and unsupported by any law.
Now URA responds to Bobi Wine, informing the Pop-star cm opposition honcho that his ride which he claims to be bullet proof, was erroneously cleared.
URA says the details of the car were misrepresented and consequently, the car was under-valued.
“An enquiry has been conducted into the circumstances under which motor vehicle Toyota Land Cruiser Registration Number UBJ 667F was declared to customs vide reference UGCWH C54 dated 12th January 2021 was cleared and subsequently registered,” says a letter signed by URA Commissioner for Customs, Mr Abel Kagumire.
URA says that their findings reveal that among other things, the fact that it was an armored car was not declared during the assessment.
“The above-mentioned motor vehicle was declared to customs as an ordinary motor vehicle, instead of an armoured motor vehicle, the implication of which is that the vehicle was under-valued at 157,925,502/=,” writes Kagumire.
URA says Bobi’s car was under-valued
This would mean the tax of about UGX 88 million that Bobi and team coughed was less than what he would have paid, hence the decision to recall the car.
URA says that their findings reveal that the fact that it was an armored car was not declared during the assessment.
“Under Section 236 (d) of the East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004, as amended, you are required to voluntarily bring the above-mentioned motor vehicle to the URA Nakawa Inland Port to Undergo a re-verification process not later than 3.00 pm without fail,” says the letter
Last week, Bobi told his supporters that the car, a Toyota Land Cruiser V8 was acquired by caring supporters after a fundraising drive, was armored.
This was after the URA had already cleared, registered and released it to him.
According to URA, the expensive sleek ride entered Uganda from Kenya through Busia border on November 5, 2020, registered under licence plates KCY550X logbook number K3323207K belonging to Mr Fauz Khalid, a Kenyan.