Bro, do you already understand what it is? 😱
Of course)) This is another bit that will definitely make you a hit and fit your mood))😉
Go to our YouTube channel at the link below and leave a reaction in the comments!❤️
Listen to our new beat and imagine how your voice will sound with it! 😍
Go to our YouTube channel to listen to all the beats one of the first)) ❤️
Brother highs with us from the process of creating a bit and go to our YouTube channel to hear the result and leave a reaction in the comments!)) ❤️
Do you want to get a premium bit for free? 😱
We want to make bit draws as often as possible.👍
This requires your activity! Follow 3 simple steps to pick up the bit:
1) mark 3 friends in the comments 🤝
2) subscribe to our Instagram. ❤️
3) drank a podsion under this bit and put it in your stories with the mark of our insta 💸
The one for whom the majority votes will win! We will hold the voting in exactly a week.
Creative success!💣
How do you know that a bit suits you? 🤔
Stick to these intuitive rules, and you'll shine on the bits! 😍
What you should pay attention to is style.💥
He sets the main direction, and emphasizes your vocals 😉
The second is the bit rate (bpm). You should be comfortable reading it, the speed of the bit should emphasize the vibe of your track and flow 😌
And most importantly: Feel yourself on the beat. If you feel that you can throw a real gun on this bit - take it without hesitation 😏
There are no people who are not mistaken
We launched the benderamusc project based on experience, and we believe that in any business experience is the main unit of quality product. 💥
It often happens that there is no inspiration to write a new track, and this becomes a big problem, especially when there are deadlines. 🙃 Our team has brought together real professionals in their field, that's why we don't worry about deadlines. 😉
There is a task - we are going to it. It's our profession and job. If side triggers interfere with the task, our customers would not be able to trust us as they do now. ✊
We try to make beats with the whole big company, and this is many times more profitable than giving a task to individual beatmakers. That's what makes our product unique! We are interested in your opinion👇
You should know them! 🤯
Often, customers are interested in how we achieve this sound of our product 🔥
If everyone makes a bit, we won't achieve the result. - said one of the arrangers. - We have to work together on the bit, and only then will it turn out to be really cool 🌮
4 professionals gather and do amazing things, as everyone puts everything into work 😉
And by the way, we have a gift!
Put 🔥 in the comments, and take this bit for your new track!
How often do your tracks get into the tops? 🤯
Yes, we have a couple of ideas on how to increase the percentage of your tracks hitting the tops!💥
First of all, you should use the time of the idea. Ask yourself: Will it be interesting for people?""🤔
After you have decided on the idea, the second stage of creating a hit comes. It's music production. Start the Song with a good beat. It should sound juicy and bright. Cool banks of sounds such as Vengeance, Cymatics and many other manufacturers help in this.✊
Our team already has great sounds that make an incredible gun.🔥
Then think about harmony. Alternate tension and relaxation in your harmonic line.😌
If you think it's all difficult, and it's up to you to sing on the right path to success. Deligirate the spelling of the berneraprod bit. We know our business!😉
Great! When all this is done, it remains to record vocals, do mixing and mastereng and move on to the third stage. 🤩
Put + in the comments, and we will write about the 3rd stage 😏
Where to get the strength to overcome obstacles to success? 😱
Working on another track in his cozy studio with dim light, he heard a phone call that tore him away from catching musical ghosts between the speakers. Picking up the phone, he heard the following words: ""Brother, it will be a bomb"" 💣
Yes! It was a wonderful idea, and the team was going to be very pleasant, but the """"breaking idea"""" was interpreted by the universe a little differently. 😔
We didn't have time to create a label. A war broke out in our country, and we have gone to different places Don't worry!
Our hero is fine. He is alive and found the strength to work further, albeit the conditions are completely different. Together with the team, he has already made some great bits for you. 😉
And if we have found the strength to move on, then you will definitely succeed! 😄
And you can start by choosing a beautiful bit with a terrible story by clicking on the link: