Телеканал Київ – частина мультимедійної платформи Громади нашого міста, лідер локальних новин столиці. Київ завжди на Твоєму боці.
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Ми завжди там, де новини міста. Kyiv TV channel & Radio Kyiv 98FM are Ukrainian free-to-air public-services run by the Kyiv city community media company (TRK Kyiv), owned by the capit
al city of Kyiv and funded by the city budget. TRK Kyiv was founded on August 21, 1995 by the Kyiv City Council. According to its public mission TRK Kyiv is obliged to offer a broad range of high quality and various programming in the field of information, journalism, culture, entertainment, education and sport, characterized by pluralism, balance and independence as well as innovation, experiment and creativity and integrity of the message, which in particular appeals to the interests of a diverse society. Kyiv TV channel & Radio Kyiv 98FM provide around-the-clock news coverage on a variety of topics, including local, nationwide and global news and reports, delivering breaking news. TRK Kyiv chooses its topics by judging on how viral they become in local groups on social media. We continuously track and test our programming with OTT & digital audience. Kyiv TV’s schedule consists mostly of rolling news programming during morning and daytime hours, followed by in-depth news and information programs during the evening hours. Most of Kyiv TV's programming consists of Kyiv Newsroom, a rolling news program hosted by our best news anchors.
Дивіться нас в етері, на кабельному:
- на супутнику Astra 4A (4.8°E) компанії SES Astra, транспондер В30. Частота прийому 12 284 МГц, поляризація вертикальна (V), символьна швидкість 27500 Мсимв/с, FEC ¾.
- На YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/kievchannel/, трансляція ефіру на сайті kyiv.media та підписуйтесь на нас в Telegram, щоби не пропустити важливе: . Kyiv TV channel as a public service broadcaster is afforded free carriage and universally available on the terrestrial platform (T2), on digital platforms such as MEGOGO, OLLTV, etc., on most analogue and digital cable networks across the country. Kyiv TV ’s website (tv.kyiv.media) allows Internet users in Ukraine and abroad to watch our program live on the Internet. Kyiv TV channel’s live stream is available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/kievchannel
Satellite parameters for reception are as follows: satellite Astra 4A at 4.8°E, transponder B30, frequency 12 284, polarization vertical, 27500, FEC ¾, DVB–S. Kyiv FM is available on 98 & 92.4 FM in Kyiv, on-line on radio.kyiv.media, radioplayer.ua and Tunein as well as on satellite ASTRA 4A 12284 V, MPEG-2.