KLP 521 42 inc.

KLP 521 42 inc. KLP 521 42 inc - Speedcore, Splittercore, Gabber, Digitalhardcore producer from Kyiv, Ukraine.

D3pths 0f D1s1nt3grat10n - Dark Ambient, Drone, Noise, Industrial . Hardware: Roland MC-707, Roland SP-404A, Soma RoAT, Soma Lira 8, ART Pro VLA II, etc.


Нова іграшка) Перший тест. Трохи та . Маю чим зайнятися найближчим часом. 📟🎹📟


D3pths 0f D1s1nt3grat10n - Rise of Earthhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9R_IYWNctA

D3pths 0f D1s1nt3grat10n - Rise of Earth


"Rise of Earth" is a track from the album "Whispers of the Broken City", weaving a soundscape of a fading urban civilization. Deep drones, industrial vibrati...

D3pths 0f D1s1nt3grat10n - "Whispers of the Broken City" is a sonic journey through the ruins of a post-apocalyptic metr...

D3pths 0f D1s1nt3grat10n - "Whispers of the Broken City" is a sonic journey through the ruins of a post-apocalyptic metropolis, where the past and future collide amidst abandoned streets and crumbling skyscrapers. The album immerses the listener in the atmosphere of a ghost city, where the whispers of a lost civilization merge with the echoes of emptiness. Yet through the bleak silence of this world, sharp industrial sound bursts occasionally break through, like the echo of former power, the hum of machines, and mechanical rhythms etched into the memory of decaying buildings. It is a sonic chronicle of a world slowly fading into oblivion, leaving only shadows hidden deep within the concrete jungle.

Produced & Mixed by Oleksandr Vasyliev AKA KLP 521 42 inc.
in July 2024 - August 2024 at Punk Octopus Studio, Kyiv.
Mastered by Olexiy Mikryukov AKA King Imagine

"Whispers of the Broken City" is a sonic journey through the ruins of a post-apocalyptic metropolis, where the past and future collide amidst abandoned streets and crumbling skyscrapers. The album imm

Другий трек з проекту D3pths 0f D1s1nt3grat10n.This video clip was filmed in Karpatian mountains before 3 days of full s...

Другий трек з проекту D3pths 0f D1s1nt3grat10n.

This video clip was filmed in Karpatian mountains before 3 days of full scale war in Ukraine & mixed with live recording process in Kyiv.


Gear Used:
* Roland MC-707
* Sampler Roland SP 404a
* Soma Rumble Of Ancient Times
* Korg NTS-1
* Banjo Eko
* Zoom B3n Bass Multi-Effects

Mastered by Olexiy Mikryukov AKA King Imagine

Gear Used:* Roland MC-707* Sampler Roland SP 404a* Soma Rumble Of Ancient Times* Korg NTS-1* SUP* Banjo Eko* Zoom B3n Bass Multi-EffectsMastered by Oleksii ...

Мій новий проект - D3pths 0f D1s1nt3grat10n. Перший трек, можна сказати, що тизер. Усі звуки в треку виключно тільки бан...

Мій новий проект - D3pths 0f D1s1nt3grat10n.
Перший трек, можна сказати, що тизер. Усі звуки в треку виключно тільки банджо, нічого більше, пропущене через процесор эфектов для басс гітари і зведене на семплере. Під час запису жоден комп'ютер не постраждав.
Дякую Olexiy Mikryukov за відмінний фінальний мастеринг трека.

Gear Used:* Banjo Eko* Zoom B3n Bass Multi-Effects* Sampler Roland SP 404aMastered by Oleksii Mikriukov AKA King Imagine #...

Out Now: https://soundsofsurvival.bandcamp.com/album/sounds-of-survival-from-ukrainian-underground-volume-2Sounds Of Sur...

Out Now: https://soundsofsurvival.bandcamp.com/album/sounds-of-survival-from-ukrainian-underground-volume-2

Sounds Of Survival From Ukrainian Underground Volume 2 - A Solidarity Compilation by Noland (Berlin, Germany) & SKP Records (Kyiv, Ukraine), released April 18, 2023.
A little more than one year has passed since the release of the first part of the compilation (04/03/2022) and also since the beginning of full scale invasion in Ukraine. It is incredibly difficult to describe with polite words and without profanity the whole range of emotions, feelings and experiences that almost all citizens of Ukraine have experienced, of course underground artists are no exception. So mostly all the music that you can hear on this compilation have a feeling like you're trying to wake up but can't leave the ghostly reality of a dream. Sounds of survival is like a reminder that for these underground artists, music remains almost the only means of remaining human.
Sounds Of Survival From Ukrainian Underground Volume 2 has a wider spectrum of styles & genres and represents five ukrainian cities: Kyiv, Odesa, Chernihiv, Kharkiv & Ternopil. It takes the listeners on a unique trip through the modern Ukrainian musical underground.
As Vladyslav Dikhtiarenko AKA Chord Snatchers says: The main conclusion is that music has remained in life, which means that it means a lot in this life. At a critical moment, when there was a high probability of having to leave the house with one suitcase, 30% of the space in it was occupied by the groove box. There has been more self-discipline, motivation as much as possible and to finish what I started as quickly as possible, not to start extra and get rid of needless things. A sense of responsibility for the spent life resource.
Минуло трохи більше року з моменту виходу першої частини збірки (04/03/2022) та також з початку повномасштабного вторгнення в Україну. Неймовірно важко ввічливими словами і без ненормативної лексики описати весь спектр емоцій, почуттів і переживань, які пережили чи не всі громадяни України, звісно, андеґраундні артисти не є винятком. Тож переважно вся музика, яку ви можете почути на цій збірці, створює відчуття, наче ви прокидаєтеся від кошмару, але все ще перебуваєте в тому самому поганому сні після пробудження. Звуки виживання як нагадування про те, що для цих андеграундних артистів музика залишається чи не єдиним засібом залишатися людиною.
Більш широкий спектр стилів і жанрів на Sounds Of Survival From Ukrainian Underground Volume 2, а також 5 українських міст представлених тут: Київ, Одеса, Чернігів, Харків і Тернопіль, можуть допомогти слухачам здійснити унікальну подорож сучасним українським музичним андеграундом.
Як каже Владислав Діхтяренко AKA Chord Snatchers: Головний висновок – музика залишилася в житті, а значить, вона багато значить у цьому житті. У критичний момент, коли була велика ймовірність вийти з дому з одним чемоданом, 30% місця в ньому займав грув-бокс. З’явилося більше самодисципліни, мотивації якнайшвидше закінчити розпочате, а не починати зайвого і позбуватися непотрібного. Почуття відповідальності за витрачений життєвий ресурс.
Shadows Pole - Produced & mixed by Oleksiy Mikryukov. Uliana Bila - Vocals. Lyrics by Yuriy Izdryk Track 01, Lyrics by Paul Éluard Track 23. Made In Kyiv.
Fedir Tkachov - Produced & mixed by Fedir Tkachov. Made In Chernihiv.
King Imagine & Chord Snatchers - Produced & mixed by Oleksiy Mikryukov & Vladyslav Dikhtiarenko, except Track 10 Produced by Vladyslav Dikhtiarenko, Track 12 Produced by Oleksiy Mikryukov, Voice & Lyrics by Inga Blazhchuk, Additional Production & Remix Track 08 by Dubmasta AKA Serge Dubrovskiy, Made In Kyiv.
Mlin Patz - Produced & mixed by Polina Matskevich. Made In Odesa.
Dubmasta - Produced & mixed by Serge Dubrovskiy, except Additional Production & Remix Track 09 by Foa Hoka AKA Dmytro Kurovskiy, Additional Production & Remix Track 11 by Black Sea Dub Creators AKA Oleksiy Volusunov AKA Kirk Blunder. Made In Kyiv, Chernihiv & Odesa.
Bryozone - Produced & mixed by Ganna Bryzhata. Made In Odesa.
Kirk Blunder - Produced & mixed by Oleksiy Volusunov. Made In Odesa.
Evgen Hodosh & His Kazma Orchestra - Produced by Evgen Hodosh. Made In Kharkiv.
Foa Hoka & Fedir Tkachov - Produced & mixed by Dmytro Kurovskiy & Fedir Tkachov. Made In Chernihiv.
Inspector Reespeckto - Produced & mixed by Oleksiy Mikryukov & Serge Dubrovskiy. Made In Kyiv.
Mavka - Produced & mixed by Oleksiy Mikryukov. Iryna Lazer - Voice. Made In Kyiv.
Motoblok - Produced & mixed by Jaroslav Kačmarśkyj. Made In Ternopil.
KLP 521 42 inc. - Produced & mixed by Oleksandr Vasyliev. Made In Kyiv.
Pankifared - Produced & mixed by Oleksandr Kohanovskiy. Made In Kyiv.
Compiled by Dubmasta. Mastering by Oleksiy Mikryukov. Photo by Illia Buchelnikov AKA Boochyaman. Design by Brenda Alamilla.
Cat. # NO12

23 track album


Speedcore Worldwide Audio Netlabel Pres.
(SWAN-227) V.A. - Shockwavez Vol.1

- - > [Tracklist]:

01. SubXyco - Antigravity
02. DJ Kaioh - Dirty M.F. (Dedicated To Liza N'Eliaz)
03. Pardonax - Millenium Tension (The Megamix)
04. DJ RAF - Mentalcore
05. Hammered Trauma - Interstellar
06. DJ Cut-X - Nosedrugs (DJ Heavy Eardrug Remix)
07. BennieHelder - Cleaning The Hippies
08. Not A DJ - Foirfoille (T.O.T.A. Remix)
09. MG139 aka Chemodeath - Tribal Celebration
10. Darkinox - Reaching Into My Brain
11. The Inquisitor vs. The Shadow - The Reaper
12. Kampfgeschwader 303 - Wahnsinnsorganisation Justiz
13. HMSCRE - To The Hardcore
14. GNL - Tormented V2
15. Desolation - Seeing Is Believing
16. Meat Marionette - Syg Over De Her Sange
17. Noizef**ker - Low Class Music
18. Insidious Speed - Ma
19. Jealousy - Magic Of Summer Nights
20. Schwanzgefecht - Gehirnkatastrophe
21. DJ Alphira - Motion
22. Epic Aggressive - Rise
23. Méconium - Tortoise Stew And Shredded Hare
24. HFK - Videodrome
25. KLP 521 42 inc. - Tuman Yarom


- - > [Infos]:

- Cat.No.: (SWAN-227)
- Typ: Digital Audio Compilation
- Titel: Shockwavez Vol.1
- Artist: Various Artists
- Genre:
- Style:
- Label: Speedcore Worldwide Audio Netlabel
- Release Date: 12.05.2022
- Files: 25 x Audio (Various Formats Available)
- Bonus Items: 3 x Visual / 2 x Text
- Download: Free / Unlimited


- - > [Credits]:

Compiled By Thorsten Kuznik
Mastered By Køpfschuss Studios
Artwork By Thorsten Kuznik
Released By Speedcore Worldwide Audio Netlabel


- - > [Listen & Download]:

- Bandcamp:

- Archive:

- Youtube:

- Mediafire:

- Discogs:

- It's time to act, instead of just talking -Today Side-Line presents you "Electronic Resistance", a 55-track compilatio...

- It's time to act, instead of just talking -

Today Side-Line presents you "Electronic Resistance", a 55-track compilation featuring darkwave / post​-​punk acts from the Ukrainian underground scene only. Compiled in the past few weeks in - extremely - difficult conditions it offers you an insight into the Ukrainian dark underground and also reflects what all of them are going through. It suffices to see some of the titles to understand what we mean.

The compilation features artists from allover Ukraine, from Odesa, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Mariupol, etc.. Many of them are right now in the frontline, or help in all kind of services from the fire departement to field hospitals. Others are distributing food, others have been forced out of their destroyed homes.

All donations will go to the bands involved and/or a humanitarian project of their choice. Now it is up to us to support them. Although this is a free compilation, we do encourage everyone to be very generous.

The release goes hand in hand with a photo book which will act as a testimonial of every band participating in this compilation. The release of this book is planned for early May as everyone pre-ordering the photo book by mid-April will be added in the credits as sponsor. You can also support the artists by getting your 'Electronic Resistance' T-shirt, or a packet holding both the photo book and the T-shirt.

Bernard Van Isacker: "It has been a very confronting job to compile this release. Here I was sitting at home replying to messages from musicians who were at the frontline ... I knew things were bad, but being confronted in direct with this horror is a punch in the face. We all complain about high prices at the gas station, me included, but that's really nothing compared to what the Ukrainian people are going through right now.

The book that we will publish will even be a bigger confrontation for many. There you will see the musicians whose music you listen to. You will see how they are just like you and me. With this difference, they live in a country invaded by an agressor and they live in constant fear.

Some of the material has been recorded in pretty hefty conditions, including at least one during bombardments on Kiev. Other musicians lost all of their gear and files and only had rough material left which Erlend Eilertsen (Lights A.M, Essence Of Mind) worked on to restore to the best sound possible."
released March 26, 2022

"Dedicated to the Ukrainian people."


- Compiled by Bernard Van Isacker in February-March 2022 for www.side-line.com
- Sound adjustment by Erlend Eilertsen (Lights A.M, Essence Of Mind) (Norway)
- Artwork 'Electronic Resistance' by Bernard Van Isacker
- Artwork 'Electronic Resistance - Testimonials' by Bernard Van Isacker / Benoit Blanchart
- Graphic preface 'Electronic Resistance - Testimonials' by Dirk Stallaert
- Extended thanks to Shane Aungst, the NFT 413 IQ club, Karel Van Isacker (PhoenixKM), Alan Wilder, Stephen Quintens (Slow Wings), Figen Sekin, Karlijne Dominique, Stéphane Froidcoer, and all the donators from the past and the present.

You can directly support a band of your choice here. Your donation will go entirely to the band you choose. You can increase your donation at will.

IMPORTANT: Put the name in the comment field so we know which band you want to support.


55 track album






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