We are expecting the release by the end of the year!
We would like to inform our that new album is being recorded and actually it’s about 50% ready! The cool thing about our 5 installment that so many great musicians took part in it! We have guys that played, recorded or even co-found a band, for example Daria, Serj, Tobi, Valeriy, Andrew, Emmery to name a few! Also there’s a couple of songs with brass section and even flute which was kindly recorded by Kazumi Suzuki from Japan. Some of the songs were recorded back home in Kyiv in BrokenBricks Studios (all our album were recorded there) and the rest was recorded at Max Tovstyi’s home studio in Phoenix, AZ. This album contains everything we love about our band, we have heavy blues, psych, progressive rock, garage rock and even acoustic ballads with violins and extended guitar solo. This album has the most instruments we ever recorded even more than the previous one Searching For The Sun. The album is going to consist of 8 songs (about 40 mins) and will be released on our own label Electric Experience on CDs and vinyl.
You can also take part in production and help us release it on vinyl and CD. For any donation of 100$ and more you will have your name on a record and you will receive a premium package (signed vinyl, CD, T-Shirt) delivered to your address.
So far the recording process is pleasent and fun though bittersweet as it started back home in the studio that doesn’t exist anymore but the music is forever.