SMM from Volodymyr Petlinskyi

SMM from Volodymyr Petlinskyi Комплексна розробка та інтеграція стратегій у соцмережах для просування бренду.

Я спеціалізуюся на Social Media Marketing та Search Engine Optimization.
Моя мета як "таргетолога"- це створювати індивідуальну стратегію, яка посилить впізнаваність бренду, залучають трафік, підвищить конверсію та покращити позицію у пошуку.
Починати завжди потрібно з почату.
Якщо у вас є запитання по SEO або SMM?
Ви можете зв'язатися зі мною в зручному для вас месенджері і я надам вам кваліфіковану консультацію.

Nothing beats a hot burger on a chilly night! Who else loves cozying up with a mouth-watering meal? 🤤

Nothing beats a hot burger on a chilly night! Who else loves cozying up with a mouth-watering meal? 🤤

🚀 Tired of your ads getting lost in the abyss of ad fatigue and banner blindness? 🙅‍♂️ Here are some ninja strategies to...

🚀 Tired of your ads getting lost in the abyss of ad fatigue and banner blindness? 🙅‍♂️ Here are some ninja strategies to keep your audience engaged and your campaigns rocking! 🔥

1️⃣ Rotate Like a Pro: Don't be a one-hit wonder! 🎵 Spice things up by switching your ads regularly. Change images, colors, headlines, copy, and calls to action every few days or weeks. This keeps your audience on their toes, prevents monotony, and lets you test what resonates best. 💡 Google Ads and Facebook Ads Manager have your back with automatic ad rotation and optimization!

2️⃣ Tailor-Made Treats: No one likes a generic message, right? 🎁 Segment your audience based on demographics, location, behavior, or buyer's journey stage. Serve up ads that speak to their unique needs and preferences. 🎯 Google Analytics and Facebook Audience Network are your wingmen here, helping you create ads that feel like they were made just for them.

3️⃣ Adventurous Formats: Break the mold with creative formats! 🎨 Shake things up with video, carousel, interactive, or native ads that grab attention and spark engagement. Also, experiment with different placements – websites, platforms, devices – the possibilities are endless! 🌟 Google Display Network and Facebook Instant Articles offer a treasure trove of formats and placements to explore.

4️⃣ Metrics, Our North Star: Keep your finger on the pulse! ⏰ Monitor impressions, clicks, conversions, cost per action, and frequency. These metrics will tell you when your ads are fading into the background. Don't fret, though! Adjust your strategy and keep the magic alive. 📊 Google Data Studio and Facebook Insights help you visualize the journey.

Ready to slay ad fatigue and banner blindness? 🚀 Embrace these strategies and watch your campaigns soar high above the rest! Remember, keeping it fresh and relevant is the name of the game. Let's do this! 💪🎉

🚀 Boost Your Social Media Game with Unique SMO Strategies! 📈Looking to level up your social media presence? 🌟 Stand out ...

🚀 Boost Your Social Media Game with Unique SMO Strategies! 📈

Looking to level up your social media presence? 🌟 Stand out from your competitors and captivate your target audience with these expert tips on creating unique Social Media Optimization (SMO) strategies! 💡✨

1️⃣ Define Your Goals 🎯
Set clear, SMART goals for your SMO strategy. Whether it's increasing followers, conversions, or building your brand community, defining your objectives will help you focus your efforts and track progress effectively.

2️⃣ Analyze Your Competitors 🕵️‍♀️
Learn from the best! Conduct a thorough SMO competitor analysis to gain insights into their performance, content, and audience engagement. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses, you can uncover unique opportunities to differentiate yourself in the market.

3️⃣ Choose Your Platforms 🌐
Not all social media platforms are created equal. Tailor your strategy by selecting platforms that align with your goals, target audience, and content. Showcase visually appealing products on Instagram and Pinterest, share industry insights on Twitter and LinkedIn, or create interactive experiences on Facebook and YouTube. Pick wisely!

4️⃣ Optimize Your Profiles 🖌️
First impressions matter! Ensure your social media profiles leave a lasting impact by optimizing them. Use consistent information, relevant keywords, and eye-catching visuals across all platforms. Craft compelling usernames, bios, and descriptions that embody your brand identity. And don't forget those high-quality photos and logos that reflect your brand's personality!

5️⃣ Create & Share Valuable Content 📣
Content is king! To captivate and convert your audience, create and share valuable content that aligns with their needs and interests. Diversify your content by utilizing various formats like text, images, videos, podcasts, infographics, webinars, and ebooks. Remember to optimize your content with catchy headlines, hashtags, keywords, and compelling calls-to-action to maximize reach and engagement.

6️⃣ Monitor & Measure Your Results 📊
Track your progress! Utilize metrics and tools to analyze your SMO performance—impressions, clicks, shares, likes, comments, reviews, and more. Compare these results against your goals and benchmarks, identifying what's working and what's not. By continuously refining your strategy, you'll optimize your SMO efforts and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Ready to take your social media game to the next level? 📲💥 Implement these unique SMO strategies and watch your online presence skyrocket! 🚀✨ Let's elevate your brand and connect with your audience like never before. 💪🌐💙

🎯 Optimize Your Landing Pages for Search Advertising Conversions 🚀If you run search advertising campaigns, driving quali...

🎯 Optimize Your Landing Pages for Search Advertising Conversions 🚀

If you run search advertising campaigns, driving qualified traffic to your landing pages is crucial. But traffic alone isn't enough – you need to convert those visitors into leads, customers, or subscribers. Here are tips to optimize your landing pages for search advertising conversions:

1️⃣ Match your headline and offer: Your headline should align with the offer and keyword that triggered your ad. Create a clear and relevant message that resonates with your visitors' intent and expectations. A matched headline and offer can increase your relevance score, quality score, and conversion rate.

2️⃣ Focus on benefits and value proposition: Clearly communicate the benefits and value proposition of your offer. Highlight the problem you solve, expected results, and what makes you stand out from competitors. Use bullet points, subheadings, and images to captivate visitors. Utilize emotional triggers and social proof to persuade action.

3️⃣ Simplify your form and call to action: Have one clear goal for your landing page: getting visitors to complete the form and click your call to action (CTA). Simplify your form by only asking for necessary information. Use concise labels and instructions. Make your CTA button stand out with a contrasting color and strong action verb, avoiding generic words like "submit."

4️⃣ Test and optimize your landing page: Continuously test and analyze different elements of your landing page to identify what resonates best with your audience and goals. A/B testing tools like Google Analytics, Google Optimize, or Unbounce can help. Measure impact on conversion rate, bounce rate, time on page, and make data-driven decisions to improve performance.

5️⃣ Follow best practices and guidelines: Comply with search engine and platform policies (e.g., Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads). Adhere to web design principles, ensuring a responsive, fast, user-friendly, and secure landing page. Optimize with keywords, meta tags, and schema markup to enhance SEO and increase organic visibility and traffic.

🌟 Remember, landing page optimization is an ongoing process. Continually refine and improve based on data-driven insights to maximize your conversions and campaign success.

📢 /BTesting

Критерії контенту:1️⃣ Актуальність - Наскільки цей результат відповідає терміну, який шукав користувач?2️⃣ Експертиза - ...

Критерії контенту:
1️⃣ Актуальність - Наскільки цей результат відповідає терміну, який шукав користувач?
2️⃣ Експертиза - Чи результат демонструєдосвід і пропонує унікальну глибоку інформацію?
3️⃣ Авторитет - Наскільки сайту можна довіряти?
4️⃣ Корисність - Чи відповідає результат запиту користувача?
5️⃣ Оригінальність - Чи представляє результат оригінальний вміст
і унікальну цінність для користувача?

📢 Boost Your Social Media Presence with Effective Social Media Optimization (SMO) Strategies! 🚀Are you looking to increa...

📢 Boost Your Social Media Presence with Effective Social Media Optimization (SMO) Strategies! 🚀

Are you looking to increase the visibility, reach, and engagement of your content on social media? Want to drive more traffic, leads, and conversions to your website while building brand awareness and reputation? Look no further! In this article, we'll share valuable tips on how to optimize your social media profile and make it irresistible to your target audience. Let's dive in!

1️⃣ Choose the Right Platform
Not all social media platforms are the same. Depending on your goals, niche, and audience, it's crucial to select the platforms that align best with your needs. Research where your potential customers spend their time, the content they enjoy, and the style they prefer. Are you a B2B company? Consider prioritizing LinkedIn. If you're a visual artist, platforms like Pinterest or Behance might be your perfect showcase.

2️⃣ Optimize Your Profile Picture and Cover Photo
First impressions matter! Your profile picture and cover photo are the first things visitors see when they land on your social media profile. Ensure they are clear, professional, and consistent across all platforms. Choose a high-quality headshot that reflects your personality and brand identity for the profile picture. Use a captivating cover photo to showcase your value proposition, products/services, or achievements. Tools like Canva or Adobe Spark can help you create custom graphics that incorporate your logo, tagline, or call to action.

3️⃣ Craft a Compelling Bio
Your bio is a short but powerful summary of who you are, what you do, and why people should follow you or visit your website. Keep it concise, catchy, and relevant to your audience. Use keywords that describe your niche, expertise, and unique selling points. Steer clear of jargon, buzzwords, or generic statements. Instead, use specific examples that demonstrate your value and credibility. Add some flair and personality to your bio with emojis, hashtags, or bullet points.

4️⃣ Add Relevant Links
Driving traffic to your website or landing page is a primary SMO goal. Make it easy for your social media followers to find and click on your links. Add links strategically to your bio, posts, stories, or direct messages. However, be aware of platform rules and limitations regarding links. Some platforms allow only one link in your bio (e.g., Twitter or Instagram), while others permit multiple links in your profile (e.g., Facebook or LinkedIn). Tools like Linktree or Bitly can help you create customized and trackable short links.

5️⃣ Regularly Update Your Profile
SMO is an ongoing process. Regularly monitor and update your social media profile, bio, and links to keep them fresh, relevant, and optimized. Utilize analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Facebook Insights to measure your performance and identify areas for improvement. Test different variations of your profile elements to determine what resonates best with your audience. Stay informed about the latest trends and best practices in your industry and niche to stay ahead and stand out from the crowd.

🌟 Here's What Else to Consider
This is the space to share any additional examples, stories, or insights that don't fit into the previous sections. Do you have any other valuable tips to enhance your SMO efforts? We'd love to hear from you!

Remember, social media optimization is an ongoing process that requires attention and adaptation. By implementing these strategies and staying up-to-date with industry trends, you'll maximize your social media presence and achieve your desired results. Get ready to take your social media game to the next level!

💡💡📈 Social media analytics tools are crucial for tracking, measuring, and analyzing data from social platforms. They pro...

💡💡📈 Social media analytics tools are crucial for tracking, measuring, and analyzing data from social platforms. They provide valuable insights into audience behavior, campaign performance, and the overall effectiveness of a social media strategy. With these tools, companies can make data-driven decisions and optimize their social media presence.
The only question is which tool to use?
Personally, I use and recommend you:
Google Analytics and Meta Business Suite.
Roughly speaking, these are free tools with the ability to synchronize and provide you with 100% validated data.
There are also a number of paid services, such as:
SEMrush Social Analytics, Sprout Social, Hootsuite Insights, Brandwatch, Mention, and Buffer Analyze.
My only opinion about these services is that when using these services, you will get the data from the free services, but in a more interesting design and with more sorting options.
Remember that the choice of a social media analysis tool should be based on your specific goals, budget, and requirements. The decision is up to you.
To summarize, statistics is the key to making the right decisions.

Don't understand the complexity or where to start?
Contact me today and I'll solve all your marketing problems!

Market segmentation is a process that consists of sectioning the target market into smaller groups that share similar ch...

Market segmentation is a process that consists of sectioning the target market into smaller groups that share similar characteristics.
Target audience user profile:
1️⃣ Geography:
Countries, City, Region, Size, Climate, Communities, Rural, suburban and urban areas.
2️⃣ Demographics:
Age, Gender, Race, Religion, Income, Education, Language spoken.
Budget, Beliefs, Values, Pain points, Attitudes, Social and cultural norms, Roles, Activities.
4️⃣ Behaviour:
Hobbies, Habits, Buying styles, Social media use, Mobile phone use, Media consumption.

Don't understand the complexity or where to start?
Contact me today and I'll solve all your marketing problems!

Dobrý deň, päť mýtov o SMM:1️⃣ Sociálne médiá sú zadarmo – nie, nie sú, vyžadujú si veľa času a peňazí. Ak chcete upútať...

Dobrý deň, päť mýtov o SMM:
1️⃣ Sociálne médiá sú zadarmo – nie, nie sú, vyžadujú si veľa času a peňazí. Ak chcete upútať pozornosť, budete musieť investovať prostriedky do tvorby kvalitného obsahu a reklamy.
2️⃣ Je dôležité byť prítomný na všetkých platformách – nie je. Je dôležité, aby platforma a typ obsahu zodpovedali vašim zákazníkom.
Napríklad: realitnej spoločnosti sa rozpočet na reklamu alebo organickú návštevnosť nevráti, ak na propagáciu použije platformu TikTok. Prečo: 43 % publika je vo veku 13 - 17 rokov.
3️⃣. Sociálne siete sú kanály na vysielanie – Sociálne siete sú kanály na interakciu. Inter aktivita, komunikácia, zákaznícka podpora – to je to, čo sa od vás na sociálnych sieťach očakáva.
4️⃣ Musíte zverejňovať niekoľko príspevkov denne – Je dôležité pravidelne zverejňovať obsah. Nehoňte sa za kvantitou, ale snažte sa dodržiavať harmonogram.
5️⃣ Sociálne médiá pomáhajú nájsť nových zákazníkov – Sociálne médiá pomáhajú komunikovať s existujúcimi zákazníkmi. Organické zdroje vyhľadávania na sociálnych médiách sú obmedzené, preto je lepšie pracovať s existujúcimi zákazníkmi.
Nie ste si istí, či je to ťažké alebo kde začať?
Kontaktujte ma ešte dnes a ja vyriešim všetky vaše marketingové problémy!

Marketing sensoryczny jest 3 razy bardziej skuteczny niż zwykły📈.Marketing sensoryczny polega na wykorzystaniu różnych z...

Marketing sensoryczny jest 3 razy bardziej skuteczny niż zwykły📈.

Marketing sensoryczny polega na wykorzystaniu różnych zmysłów w interakcji z klientem: wzrok, słuch, zapach, smak, dotyk.
Zwykła reklama oparta na obrazie ma interakcję wizualną.
Jest to tylko jeden ze zmysłów.
Jak wykorzystać metodologię marketingu sensorycznego w reklamie celowej?
Po pierwsze, wykorzystaj ją w swojej kreacji reklamowej:
1⃣ Atrakcyjne obrazy - przyciągają uwagę poprzez wzrok (tak jak w przypadku konwencjonalnej reklamy);
2⃣ Komunikaty wywołujące emocje - sprawiamy, że klient jest zainteresowany, bo rozumiemy jego problemy/pragnienia;
3⃣ Kilka obrazów w karuzeli - skłaniamy klienta do kliknięcia w reklamę, a więc do interakcji dotykowej;
4⃣ Atrybuty wizualne - przekazujemy zapach, a nawet smak.

Metodologia ta pokazuje świetne rezultaty w usługach, konkretnych produktach, a także jeśli chodzi o walkę z konkurencją, ale nie jest panaceum, a jedynie jednym z narzędzi w rękach mistrza.
Trzeba pamiętać, że odpowiednie połączenie stylów i narzędzi native influence, na przykład, przyniesie znacznie większe rezultaty:
Połączenie marketingu sensorycznego i stymulacyjnego z testami A/B w mediach społecznościowych zwiększa ruch bezpośredni i konwersję, a efektem ubocznym jest wzrost świadomości marki lub produktu. Jeśli do tego połączenia dodamy reklamę kontekstową Google, to oprócz powyższego, za te same pieniądze otrzymamy remarketing z gwarantowaną wielokrotną konwersją i pasywnym wzrostem subskrybentów, co zapewni stabilny ruch na stronie i co jest istotniejszą zaletą tego połączenia oraz ten pasywny wzrost rankingu SEO strony poprzez zwiększenie relewancji.

Czy to trudne, skomplikowane, niezrozumiałe?
Skontaktuj się ze mną już dziś, a pomogę Ci rozwiązać wszystkie Twoje problemy!

Jak wykorzystać słowa kluczowe konkurencji do zwiększenia własnego ruchu?Zacząć:1. Analizuj płatne słowa kluczowe;2. Oce...

Jak wykorzystać słowa kluczowe konkurencji do zwiększenia własnego ruchu?
1. Analizuj płatne słowa kluczowe;
2. Oceniać semantykę organiczną;
3. Używaj słów kluczowych o niskiej częstotliwości (i unikaj słów kluczowych o niskim rankingu).
Skorzystaj z Planera słów kluczowych z Google Ads. Jest to bezpłatna i niezawodna usługa.

“Not the best content wins. The best promoted content wins.” ----- Andy Crestodina.

“Not the best content wins. The best promoted content wins.”
Andy Crestodina.

👋Hello friends!Here are some tips for managing social media.🎯Know your audience: Understanding your target audience is c...

👋Hello friends!
Here are some tips for managing social media.

🎯Know your audience: Understanding your target audience is critical to creating content that resonates with them. Use data and analytics to determine who your audience is, what they like, and what they engage with the most.

🎯Consistency is key: Consistently publishing high-quality content is one of the most important aspects of social media management. Create a content calendar to plan and schedule your posts in advance.

🎯Interact with your followers: Promptly respond to comments and messages, participate in discussions to build community and strengthen relationships with your audience.

🎯Use visuals: Visuals, such as images and videos, can help increase engagement and capture the attention of your audience.

🎯Track and analyze performance: Regularly track your social media performance with analytics tools to determine what's working and what's not. Use this data to optimize your strategy and improve your results.

“Not to shed anyone’s blood, to ensure peace for the whole world and peace for your age – this is the highest valor.”---...

“Not to shed anyone’s blood, to ensure peace for the whole world and peace for your age – this is the highest valor.”

👋Hello friends!Today I would like to share with you my thoughts on SMM.SMM (Social Media Marketing) is one of the most e...

👋Hello friends!
Today I would like to share with you my thoughts on SMM.
SMM (Social Media Marketing) is one of the most effective ways to promote a brand or a product online. It involves the use of different social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and many others.

🎯One of the main benefits of SMM is the ability to reach your target audience directly. This allows you to introduce your brand or product to millions of people around the world, and at the same time get feedback from them.
However, you need to understand that an effective SMM strategy requires a lot of time and effort. You need to create interesting content, optimize it for each social platform, connect with your target audience, respond to comments and posts, analyze results and much more.

🛠️In addition, there are many tools and technologies that can be used to automate and improve the SMM experience, but still the human factor remains key to success.

Overall, SMM is an important and effective part of any marketing strategy, and requires constant development and improvement.

What do you think about SMM? Share your thoughts in the comments!


The principles of marketing are as follows:

- Freedom of choice of goals and strategies of functioning and development;
- Appeal to the consumer;
- Focus on the final result;
- An integrated approach to solving marketing problems;
- Scientific approach to solving marketing problems;
- Optimal combination of centralisation and decentralisation;
- Active policy.


Today, SMM is not only about likes, memes and kittens, but also about ...
Increasing brand and service awareness;
Opportunity to stay ahead of competitors in your field;
Increase in SEO rankings due to links to the site;
Informing the part of the audience that does not respond to classical advertising;
Creating your own loyal community.

Use social media as efficiently as possible.
Write to me and I will help you!

Cool Wangog Art created with the help of a neural network

Cool Wangog Art created with the help of a neural network

What do you think of the design?

What do you think of the design?

Too many people spend money they don't earn on things they don't need, all to impress people they can't stand.

Too many people spend money they don't earn on things they don't need, all to impress people they can't stand.


A comprehensive approach to creating and launching an advertising campaign on Instagram, Facebook, and Google Ads.
I offer:
- Defining a unique brand proposition (UVP);
- Target audience research;
- Competitor analysis;
- Development of content and advertising strategies;
- Maintaining a profile page.

I guarantee to solve all your marketing problems.

Conversion marketing is the art and science of persuading your visitors to take a specific action.By focusing on convers...

Conversion marketing is the art and science of persuading your visitors to take a specific action.
By focusing on conversion marketing, you can improve your website's conversion rate, which means more of your website visitors will take the desired action that leads to a sale or a lead.

How to make it happen?
Very simple - contact me!

Your customer didn't pay to get to your page, and it costs them nothing to click back and go to a competitor if your lan...

Your customer didn't pay to get to your page, and it costs them nothing to click back and go to a competitor if your landing page fails to engage them.

"Of course, a man who thinks he has decided so himself is naive. For him to 'think' this way and want to do it, at least...

"Of course, a man who thinks he has decided so himself is naive. For him to 'think' this way and want to do it, at least a year and a half of marketing pressured him to do it. Everyone is happy to know that they have their own individual taste. It is there, but it is formed, as a rule, within the framework of the stylistics suggested by marketing."

I use a comprehensive approach to creating and maintaining an advertising campaign on Instagram, Facebook, and Google Ad...

I use a comprehensive approach to creating and maintaining an advertising campaign on Instagram, Facebook, and Google Ads.
To determine the unique brand proposition (UVP),
I use:
SWOT analysis and competitor analysis.
I conduct target audience research using:
- Demographic data;
- Psychographic data;
- Behavior in social media.
I develop content and advertising strategies.
I conduct monitoring and analysis to optimize results.



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 23:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 23:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 23:00
Thursday 09:00 - 23:00
Friday 09:00 - 23:00
Saturday 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00





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