Bukelebe Ngelela


Lesson 3 - Summary from Bruce Cameron

Lesson 3 The Everlasting Gospel
(Revelation 14)

Introduction: What comes to mind when you think about the book of Revelation?

Many assume they cannot understand it.
The frightful looking beasts, the plagues and terrors cast
on the earth, and the warnings of what will come to pass
seem scary. Why did God inspire John with this message? Is
it to give God's followers hope and insight into what will
happen in the future? In the days when I watched football I
developed the practice of recording the game when it was
played. If my team won, I would watch the game. This
practice made me a calmer person. Even if bad things
happened during the game, I knew that it would turn out fine
in the end. This what I think God has in mind in sharing
Revelation with us - He wants to give us a level of
confidence and trust as frightening things happen on earth.
Let's dive into our study of Revelation so we can prepare to
calmly understand end-time events!

I. Purpose

A. Read Revelation 1:1. Albert Barnes's Commentary
says that "Revelation" means "nakedness." Have you
any idea why that is a good name for this book?
(The idea is that the future is uncovered. The
shadow over the future is removed.)

1. Who is the source of this new information?
(God gave it to Jesus who sent an angel to
give it to John. John was one of the twelve
disciples who had been with Jesus.)

B. Read Revelation 1:3. Would it be best to remain
ignorant of this new information? (No. We are
blessed to pay attention to this and remember
it because it is relevant to a time that is near.)

C. Read Revelation 14:6. To whom is this message
given? (All those who live on earth!)

1. Is it irrelevant to anyone? (It is for "every
nation and tribe and language and people."
Anyone who says that this message is not for
them is mistaken.)

2. It is a new gospel? Is it "breaking news?" New
news? (No. It is the "eternal" gospel. This
message has always been the gospel.)

3. Why do you think this angel is pictured as
"flying directly overhead?" (This is a picture
of rapid motion and a message focused on us.)

II. First Angel

A. Read Revelation 14:7. This message is contained in
one sentence! Let's examine it in detail. Why
should we fear and glorify God? (The "hour of His
judgment has come.")

B. Read Daniel 7:9-10. What is this judgment? (It
appears to be the final judgment referred to in
Revelation 14:7.)

C. Read Daniel 7:13-14. Who wins in this judgment?
(Those who serve Jesus. They are part of an
everlasting kingdom.)

D. Let's focus on the last half of Revelation 14:7.
On what basis does God claim our allegiance? (He
is our Creator God.)

1. This creation is recounted in Genesis chapters
1 and 2. Must we accept the Genesis account to
be included in this group of worshipers? (If
you disbelieve the specific basis for your
worship, I do not see how you could be called
a worshiper. That kind of worship is a fraud.)

2. There are some highly contested issues today
that are directly connected to the Genesis
creation account. One is the question of
origins - were humans created by the hand of
God or were they a product of slow evolution?
Another is the question of marriage, is it
designed to be between a man and a woman who
"become one?" A third is the question of
gender. Are there only two, or is the matter
completely malleable, and subject to change?

a. Is it necessary to accept the Biblical
account on all of these issues to be a
true worshiper?

3. If you answered that a true worshiper's views
must conform to the Biblical record, is this
something that should be preached and taught
by Christians? And would that be part of the
First Angel's message?

4. If your answer to the previous question is
"no," then what do you think is the content of
the message of this First Angel?

E. Look again at the last half of Revelation 14:7
from a slightly different point of view. Is there
any logical connection that you can find between
the call to worship God and this description of
God's activities? (These activities are what
entitle God to worship. They reflect His power,
His authority over the creation.)

1. A famous movie is the original 1939 "The
Wizard of Oz." It turned out that the great
and wonderful wizard was a fraud. He was only
a man operating a machine that gave a false
appearance of power. Is this the position of
those who disbelieve God's claims of power?
Can you still claim to be a Christian if you
believe the claim is like the man behind the
curtain in the Wizard of Oz? (This belief
seems very common, and I cannot understand the
logic of it.)

III. The Eternal Gospel

A. Look again at Revelation 14:6-7. The Bible calls
this one sentence "the eternal gospel." Is that
how you understand the gospel: Our Creator God has
begun His judgment?

1. Isn't this just the opposite of the way in
which we share the gospel: Our loving God
lived and died on your behalf so that you
would escape the result of a final judgment?
Why not accept Him as your Savior right now?

B. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-2. What is Paul saying
that he preached? ("The gospel.")

1. What is the result of receiving Paul's gospel?
(They are being saved.)

C. Read 1 Corinthians 15:3-5. The way that Paul
describes the gospel that he is preaching is the
same way that I share the gospel. This seems just
the opposite of the eternal gospel shared by the
First Angel. Can you reconcile the two?

D. Read Romans 3:21-24. Is this the gospel? (Yes! It
is the gospel as I understand and teach it.)

1. Is this also contrary to the eternal gospel
proclaimed by the First Angel? (It certainly
seems to be much different.)

E. I believe the Bible. It seems absolutely critical
to reconcile the First Angel's gospel to the
gospel preached by Paul in 1 Corinthians and
Romans. Let's start by asking what is left out of
the gospel message proclaimed by the First Angel?
What critical facts are missing in that one
sentence? (The fall of humans. The entrance of
sin. Jesus' rescue of us. The First Angel
proclaims Jesus as Creator and then leaps over the
rest of history to the final judgment.)

1. Are these unimportant details, meaning the
details left out by the First Angel? (No. They
are critical.)

2. Wait a minute. Does the importance of the
details turn on the nature of your decision?

F. Assume you are talking about a powerful race car
that you own. You describe its beauty and power
when it was first made. You tell how the most
important race is coming up and you declare this
car will win that race. However, you fail to
mention that this car was in a wreck, the engine
failed, and the body and engine have been
completely rebuilt. Would the short-hand account
of power and victory be what is of critical
importance? (I think the answer is "yes." The
relevant issues are the current condition of the
car and the fact that it will win. If you were
purchasing the car as opposed to anticipating the
win, the interim history would be important. That
is how I reconcile the First Angel and Paul's
statements about the gospel. The First Angel is
stating what is important now, and not giving a
teaching on the method of salvation.)

G. Read Matthew 28:19-20. How would you relate these
verses to the message of the First Angel? (Jesus
refers to the "end of the age." The First Angel
gives urgency to the gospel. Our Creator God is
bringing things to a close.)

H. Friend, the end is coming. If you do not believe
what the Bible says about the beginning of the
world, you are unlikely to believe the account of
the end. If you are doubting, why not ask the Holy
Spirit, right now, to guide your mind to all

IV. Next week: "Fear God and Give Glory to Him."

Copr. 2023, Bruce N. Cameron, J.D. Scripture quotations are
from the ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version ), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing
ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All
rights reserved. Suggested answers are found within
parentheses. If you normally receive this lesson by e-mail,
but it is lost one week, Pray for the guidance of the
Holy Spirit as you study.




Jumanne, 11/04/2023.

Usomaji wa Biblia: Ayubu 17.


Ujumbe wa malaika watatu ni kisa cha neema. Ni kisa cha upendo wa Mwokozi usio na kipimo—kisa cha Yesu anayetupenda sana kiasi kwamba ni heri apitie uzoefu wa jehanamu yenyewe kuliko mmoja wetu kupotea. Ni kisa cha upendo usio na ukomo, usioelezeka, usioeleweka, usioweza kufa, usio na mwisho.

Mungu kamwe hash*tukizwi bila kutarajia. Yeye hategemei pepo zinazobadilika za chaguzi za wanadamu. K**a tulivyoona tayari, mpango wake wa kutuokoa kutoka katika utawala wa dhambi haukufikiriwa baadaye baada ya dhambi kujitokeza. Mungu hakushtukizwa pasipo kujiandaa na tukio la kutisha la dhambi.

Soma Ufunuo 13:8 na 1 Petro 1:18-20. Mafungu haya yanatufundisha nini kuhusu mpango wa wokovu?

Kirai “injili ya milele” katika Ufunuo 14:6 kinazungumzia wakati uliopita, uliopo, na wakati ujao. Mungu alipowaumba wanadamu na uwezo wa kufanya maamuzi ya kiadili, alitazamia kwamba wangefanya maamuzi yenye makosa. Wakati viumbe wake walipokuwa na uwezo wa kuchagua, walikuwa na uwezo wa kuasi dhidi ya asili yake ya upendo. Njia pekee ya kuepuka ukweli huu ingekuwa kuumba viumbe roboti vinavyodhibitiwa na kuendeshwa na mpango wa kiungu wa ulimwengu wote. Utii wa kulazimishwa ni kinyume na asili ya Mungu. Upendo unahitaji uchaguzi, na mara viumbe wanapopewa uwezo wa kuchagua, upo uwezekano wa kufanya chaguzi zisizo sahihi. Kwa hivyo, mpango wa wokovu ulibuniwa akilini mwa Mungu kabla ya uasi wa wazazi wetu wa kwanza pale Edeni.

“Mpango wa ukombozi wetu haukuwa wazo lililokuja baadaye, haukuundwa baada ya Adamu kuanguka dhambini. Ulikuwa ‘mafunuo ya siri iliyofichika tangu zama za milele.’ Warumi 16:25. Ilikuwa ni ufunuo wa mambo yaliyofichika kale na kale katika kiti cha enzi cha Mungu.’’—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, uk. 22.

“Injili ya milele” haizungumzii tu wakati uliopita na sasa—ni msingi wa wakati ujao wenye tumaini. Inazungumzia kuishi milele pamoja na Yule ambaye moyo wake unatamani sana kuwa pamoja nasi milele.

Soma Waefeso 1:4. Fikiria inachomaanisha kwamba, hata Kabla ya kuwekwa “misingi ya ulimwengu,” “ulichaguliwa” katika Kristo kupata wokovu ndani yake. Kwa nini ukweli huu unapaswa kuwa wa kutia moyo sana kwako?


MORNING DEVOTION 2023 TUESDAY, APRIL 11 UNCONDEMNED Now as they led Him away, they laid hold of a certain man, Simon a C...




Now as they led Him away, they laid hold of a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, who was coming from the country, and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus.
— Luke 23:26

🌅 The crowd that followed the Saviour saw His weak and staggering steps, but they manifested no compassion. They taunted and reviled Him because He could not carry the heavy cross. Again the burden was laid upon Him, and again He fell fainting to the ground. His persecutors saw that it was impossible for Him to carry His burden farther. They were puzzled to find anyone who would bear the humiliating load. The Jews themselves could not do this, because the defilement would prevent them from keeping the Passover. None even of the mob that followed Him would stoop to bear the cross.

🌅 At this time a stranger, Simon a Cyrenian, coming in from the country, meets the throng. He hears the taunts and ribaldry of the crowd; he hears the words contemptuously repeated, Make way for the King of the Jews! He stops in astonishment at the scene; and as he expresses his compassion, they seize him and place the cross upon his shoulders.

🌅 Simon had heard of Jesus. His sons were believers in the Saviour, but he himself was not a disciple. The bearing of the cross to Calvary was a blessing to Simon, and he was ever after grateful for this providence. It led him to take upon himself the cross of Christ from choice, and ever cheerfully stand beneath its burden.

🌅 Not a few women are in the crowd that follow the Uncondemned to His cruel death. Their attention is fixed upon Jesus. Some of them have seen Him before. Some have carried to Him their sick and suffering ones. Some have themselves been healed. The story of the scenes that have taken place is related. They wonder at the hatred of the crowd toward Him for whom their own hearts are melting and ready to break. And notwithstanding the action of the maddened throng, and the angry words of the priests and rulers, these women give expression to their sympathy. As Jesus falls fainting beneath the cross, they break forth into mournful wailing.

🔘 This was the only thing that attracted Christ’s attention.—The Desire of Ages, 742, 743.

Further Reflection: Why does Jesus, an innocent Person who did many good works, inspire such hatred in some?

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KESHA LA ASUBUHI LA WATOTO NA VIJANA.SIKU YA 101(Aprili 11)*Daudi Awahesabu Israeli - 2 Samweli 24 na 1 Mambo ya Nyakati...


(Aprili 11)

*Daudi Awahesabu Israeli - 2 Samweli 24 na 1 Mambo ya Nyakati 21*

🌻Daudi alimkasirisha Bwana kwa kuhesabu watu. Shetani alimwingia na akamwita Yoabu na kumwambia aende akahesabu Israeli na Yuda. Hata naye Yoabu aliyekuwa na shida za kiroho nyingi, na ukatili pia, aliona hili ni makosa. Akamwambia azunguke katika makabila yote “apate kujua jumla ya watu hao.” Hii haikuwa sensa ya kawaida, maana tunaona watu wamehesabiwa kuanzia watoke Misri, na hata kuna kitabu cha Hesabu cha kuhesabu watu. Yoabu kwa hekima akasema, “BWANA, Mungu wako na awaongeze watu hesabu yao ikiwa yoyote mara mia, tena macho ya bwana wangu mfalme na yawaone; ila kwa nini neno hili limempendeza bwana wangu mfalme?” Yoabu akaongeza “kwa nini awe na sababu ya hatia katika Israeli?” Lakini neno la mfalme likawa na nguvu juu ya Yoabu na juu ya majemedari wa jeshi, naye akatoka na majemedari wa jeshi machoni pa mfalme na kwenda kuwahesabu watu wa Israeli. Wakavuka Yordani wakafanya sensa wakienda makabila yote hata mipakani, ikawachukua miezi tisa na siku ishirini. Siku zile ambazo teknolojia ilikuwa ndogo, ilichukua muda kuhesabu watu, kwa mwendo wa mguu na nyumba kwa nyumba. Mfalme alitaka watu wahesabiwe wa umri wa kuwa jeshini, ili ajivunie kwamba jeshi lake ndilo kubwa na pengine anashinda kwa sababu ya maarifa, teknolojia au jeshi lake kubwa. Yoabu akamwambia watu ambao ni zaidi ya miaka 20 ambao wanaweza kusajili jeshi ni 800,000 katika Israeli na 500,000 katika Yuda. Ila hawakuhesabu Walawi na Benjamini kwani hakuafikiana na wazo la mfalme. Hapa Yoabu alikuwa sawa. Je ni mara ngapi nasi tungependa watu wa kanisa letu au kikundi chetu wawe namba kubwa ili tujigambe kwa namna fulani baada ya kuijua hiyo namba?

🌻Basi moyo wake Daudi ukamchoma baada ya kuwahesabu Israeli, naye Daudi akaungama kwa BWANA kwamba amekosa sana kwa aliyofanya. Akasema, “nakusihi uuondolee mbali uovu wa mtumishi wako; kwani nimefanya upumbavu kabisa.” Inaonekana alikiuka masharti yaliyo wazi kabisa kutoka kwa Mungu. Daudi alipoamka asubuhi, Gadi, nabii, alimjia akiwa ametumwa na Mungu kwamba achague adhabu moja kati ya tatu. Ya kwanza, miaka saba ya njaa ije nchini, ya pili, miezi mitatu akimbie mbele ya adui zake huku wakimfuatia, au achague siku tatu iwe tauni katika nchi. Akamwambia mfalme afanye shauri, afikiri papo hapo, ili amrudishie jibu “Yeye aliyemtuma.” Daudi akaingia mashaka sana, na kusema “sasa na tuanguke katika mkono wa BWANA kwa kuwa rehema Zake ni nyingi; wala nisianguke katika mkono wa wanadamu.” Basi BWANA alileta tauni toka asubuhi mpaka jioni, na wakafa watu 70,000, ila malaika aliponyosha mkono Wake kuelekea Yerusalemu ili auharibu, BWANA akaghairi katika mabaya, na kumwambia yule Malaika “yatosha sasa ulegeze mkono Wako.” Naye Yule malaika wa BWANA Alikuwako karibu na kiwanja cha kupuria cha Arauna Myebusi. Daudi alipomwona malaika aliyepiga watu, akaanguka kifudifudi na kusema, kwamba ni yeye mfalme aliyekosa na kupotoka, “Lakini kondoo hawa, wamefanya nini? Mkono wako na uwe juu yangu, na juu ya nyumba ya baba yangu.” Basi Gadi nabii akaenda kwa Daudi akamwambia akwee na kumwinulia BWANA madhabahu penye kiwanja cha Arauna, Myebusi. Daudi akakwea huko k**a BWANA alivyoamuru, na Arauna alipomwona mfalme, alitoka na kusujudu kwa mfalme kifudifudi hata nchi na kusema, “bwana wangu mfalme amenijia mtumwa wake kwa kusudi gani.” Naye Daudi akasema makusudi yake, ni kununua kiwanja chake ili amjengee BWANA madhabahu, ili kwamba adhabu ya tauni pate kuzuiliwa katika watu.

🌻Arauna akamwambia akichukue tu, “akatolee yaliyo mema machoni pake”. Kisha akampa mfalme ng’ombe wa sadaka ya kuteketezwa, vyombo vya kupuria, kuni, na vitu vyote akisema, “Ee mfalme, mimi Arauna nakupa wewe mfalme, … Bwana Mungu wako na akukubali. Lakini mfalme akamwambia Arauna, la sivyo, sitachukua kwako bure bali nitavinunua vitu hivi kwako kwa thamani yake; sitamtoelea BWANA, Mungu wangu, sadaka za kuteketezwa
zisizonigharimu.” Daudi akakinunua kiwanja cha kupuria na wale ng’ombe kwa shekeli hamsini za fedha na shekeli 600 za dhahabu kwa uzani; naye akamjengea BWANA madhabahu huko, akatoa sadaka za kuteketezwa na sadaka za amani, na BWANA akaikubali sadaka yake, akaibariki nchi na tauni ikazuiliwa katika Israeli.
Daudi alikubali dhana ya kidunia ya mafanikio; ufanisi ulipimwa kwa ukubwa wa jeshi. Kiburi na tamaa mbaya ndiyo iliyomchochea mfalme kuchukua hatua hiyo. Ukuu wa Israeli k**a watu wa Mungu haukuja kutokana na ukubwa wa jeshi Lake, au utisho Wake kwa mataifa. Ukuu wao ulipatikana katika utii wao kwa Mungu wao, na Mungu aliwafanya kuwa kichwa na si mkia, kwani Mungu alikuwa ameahidi, akisema: Itakuwa utakaposikia sauti ya Bwana, Mungu wako, kwa bidii, kutunza kuyafanya Maagizo Yake yote nikuagizayo leo, ndipo Bwana, Mungu wako, atakapokutukuza juu ya mataifa yote ya duniani; na baraka hizi zote zitakujilia na kukupata usikiapo sauti ya Bwana, Mungu wako. Utabarikiwa mjini, utabarikiwa na mashambani. Utabarikiwa uzao wa tumbo lako, na uzao wa nchi yako, na uzao wa wanyama wako wa mifugo, maongeo ya ng'ombe wako, na wadogo wa kondoo zako. Litabarikiwa kapu lako, na chombo chako cha kukandia unga (Kumb 28).Ilikuwa ni katika kutimiza ahadi hii kwamba Mungu alikuwa amepigana na kushinda kwa niaba ya Israeli katika vita vyote walivyopigana. Sio ukubwa wa jeshi lao ndiyo ulishinda vita. Kupima mafanikio kwa njia ya ulimwengu kulimfanya Daudi atende dhambi nzito.

🌻Ikiwa maombi zaidi yangetolewa katika vyumba vyetu vya Sanitarium vya wagonjwa wa muda mrefu kwa ajili ya uponyaji wa wagonjwa, nguvu kuu ya Mponyaji ingeonekana. Wengine wengi wangeimarishwa na kubarikiwa, na magonjwa mengi ya dharura (papo hapo) yangeponywa.

*🌻Nabii Gadi alimwambiaje Daudi? Kwanini si vizuri kujigamba kamba mna washiriki wengi? Mungu anapenda hesabu hata ana kitabu cha Hesabu, kwanini alichukizwa na wazo la Daudi? Daudi alichagua adhabu gani? Daudi alimwambia nini Arauna? Kwa nini sadaka wanazotupatia watu kutoa tukiwa na zetu, ni wao wametoa na wala si sisi?*


KESHA LA ASUBUHI 2023 .JUMANNE, APRILI 11*ASIYE NA HATIA.*Na walipokuwa wakimwondoa walimk**ata mtu mmoja, Simoni Mkiren...




Na walipokuwa wakimwondoa walimk**ata mtu mmoja, Simoni Mkirene, aliyekuwa ametoka shamba, wakamtwika msalaba, auchukue nyuma yake Yesu.
— Luka 23:26

🌅 Umati ambao ulimfuata Mwokozi uliona hatua Zake dhaifu na za kuyumbayumba, lakini hawakuonesha huruma. Walimdhihaki na kumtukana kwa sababu hakuweza kubeba msalaba mzito. Tena mzigo ukawekwa juu yake, na tena akaanguka chini na kuzimia. Watesi wake waliona kwamba haiwezekani Kwake kubeba mzigo Wake mbali zaidi. Walikanganyikiwa k**a wangepata mtu yeyote ambaye angebeba mzigo huo wa kufedhehesha. Wayahudi wenyewe wasingeweza kufanya hili, kwa sababu unajisi ungewazuia kushiriki Pasaka. Hakuna hata mmoja wa umati uliomfuata ambaye angeinama ili kuubeba msalaba.

🌅 Kwa wakati huu mgeni, Simoni Mkirene, akiingia kutoka mashambani, anakutana na umati huu. Anasikia dhihaka na kejeli za umati; anasikia maneno yakirudiwa kwa dharau, Mfanyieni njia Mfalme wa Wayahudi! Anasimama kwa mshangao kwenye eneo la tukio; na anapoonesha huruma yake, wanamshika na kuweka msalaba juu ya mabega yake.

🌅 Simoni alikuwa amesikia habari za Yesu. Watoto wake walimwamini Mwokozi, lakini yeye mwenyewe hakuwa mfuasi Wake. Kuubeba msalaba hadi Kalwari ilikuwa ni baraka kwa Simoni, na alishukuru siku zote kwa ajili ya majaliwa haya. Ilimpatia fursa ya kujitwisha msalaba wa Kristo bila kuchagua, na alidumu kuwa mwenye furaha alipokuwa anaubeba mzigo wake huo.

🌅 Sio wanawake wachache ndani ya umati ambao ulimfuata Asiye na Hatia hadi kwenye kifo Chake cha kikatili. Usikivu wao ulielekezwa kwa Yesu. Baadhi yao walikuwa wamemwona hapo kabla. Baadhi walimpelekea wagonjwa wao na wanaoteseka. Baadhi walikuwa wameponywa wao wenyewe. Hadithi ya matukio ambayo yamefanyika inaelezwa. Wanastaajabia chuki ya umati dhidi Yake Yeye ambaye kwa ajili Yake mioyo yao wenyewe inayeyuka na iko tayari kupondeka. Wanawake hawa wanaonesha huruma yao, licha ya kitendo cha umati wenye wazimu, na maneno ya hasira ya makuhani na watawala. Yesu anapoanguka na kuzimia chini ya msalaba, wanalia kwa vilio vya huzuni.

🔘 Hili ndilo jambo pekee ambalo lilivuta usikivu wa Kristo. - The Desire of Ages, pp. 742, 743.

Tafakari Zaidi: Kwa nini Yesu, Mtu asiye na hatia ambaye alifanya kazi nyingi nzuri, achochee chuki ya namna hiyo kwa wengine?








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