ICRT International Community Radio Taipei (ICRT) is Taiwan’s only English language broadcaster.

Bridging cultural gaps and integrating Taiwan’s local and international communities! ICRT: International Community Radio Taipei

FM 100.7 (Taipei and KaoHsiung)
FM 100.1 (Taichung)
FM 100.8 (ChiaYi)

【贈獎時間 |Your Lantern Photo影像徵件】 明天就是  #2025台灣燈會 啦 !只要來到桃園的燈會現場 拍下你最喜歡的燈區  上傳至此篇貼文留言區  就有機會獲得  #桃園特選伴手禮! 留言統計至 2/23 (日) 11...

【贈獎時間 |Your Lantern Photo影像徵件】

明天就是 #2025台灣燈會 啦 !
就有機會獲得 #桃園特選伴手禮!

留言統計至 2/23 (日) 11 pm,3 位得獎者將於截止後抽出
Tomorrow is the grand opening of the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taoyuan! 🎉

Snap a photo of your favorite spot at the festival and upload it in the comments below for a chance to win an exclusive Taoyuan souvenir. 🎁✨

Replies are valid until 2/23 at 11 PM, and the lucky winner will be selected at random.

Don’t miss out—start snapping and sharing! 📸🎇

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🐍蛇出來嚕! 今年的  #臺灣燈會 移師航空之都  #桃園 ✈️🎉 ICRT 怎麼可能錯過這場盛會!🥳 📆 2/12(三) - 2/23(日) 連續 12天帶你從燈會現場蛇來蛇去 ✨ 沒辦法到場也沒關係, 讓 DJ 們陪你一起感受桃園的獨特...

今年的 #臺灣燈會 移師航空之都 #桃園 ✈️🎉
ICRT 怎麼可能錯過這場盛會!🥳

📆 2/12(三) - 2/23(日)

連續 12天帶你從燈會現場蛇來蛇去 ✨
讓 DJ 們陪你一起感受桃園的獨特魅力

🎙️ 直播時段

🕔 每天下午 5 點到晚上 9 點
DJ 會在空中、Twitch 平台同步實況轉播
還有不定時的 FB 現場直播,記得來留言跟我們互動喔!

📸 燈會影像徵件活動


準備好一起為 #桃園燈會 打卡了嗎?

👉燈會資訊都在這: https://lihi1.com/q0b8m

ICRT is joining the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taoyuan!
This year, we’ll be broadcasting live for 12 days, with occasional Facebook livestreams! 🎙️✨
Don’t miss our exciting giveaway event starting this week—just upload a photo for a chance to win amazing prizes! 🎁

Follow our FB fan page for the latest updates and all things Lantern Festival! 🎇

►Event Website: https://lihi1.com/q0b8m

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 #文末抽獎    金獎製片公司NEON推出超自然驚悚片【感應】(Presence),繼【長腿】(Longlegs)後再次挑戰觀眾心理極限。由奧斯卡得主史蒂芬·索德柏(Steven Soderbergh)執導,這是他首次涉足靈異恐怖領域,並...


金獎製片公司NEON推出超自然驚悚片【感應】(Presence),繼【長腿】(Longlegs)後再次挑戰觀眾心理極限。由奧斯卡得主史蒂芬·索德柏(Steven Soderbergh)執導,這是他首次涉足靈異恐怖領域,並在視覺呈現上進行大膽實驗。

由劉玉玲 (Lucy Liu) 以及克里斯 ‧ 蘇利文 (Christ Sullivan) 主演,透過第一人稱視角與鏡頭語言,直擊一個看似平凡的郊區家庭,如何在隱藏的壓力與恐懼下逐漸崩潰。

ICRT 也將抽出【五位】聽眾各獲得 {2張}電影票去看電影特映會喔!

活動日期:2/12 (三)
地點:美麗華大直影城 1廳

抽獎辦法:按此貼文讚 + 標記一位好友

🔺抽獎統計至 2/10 (一) 中午12點,一個帳號限留言一次
❗️ 請注意特映會日期時間資訊確認當天可以出席❗️


We are giving away five pairs of tickets to a special viewing of the upcoming movie, “Presence”!

🎥Event details:
Date: 2.12 (Wed)
Check-in time: 18:30
Movie Starts: 19:30
Location: DaZhi Miramar Cinemas
‼️Please check the time to ensure you can attend ‼️

How to enter in the giveaway:
🔹Like this post + tag a friend

🔺Giveaway ends 2/10, at 12pm
🔺Winners must claim their tickets before 2/11 at noon
🔺ICRT retains the right to change or terminate the event

原子少年第一季的金星 -- VERA 要降落 ICRT 啦!下周一 2/10 下午 2:00 務必鎖定 ICRT 收聽完整訪談喔!記得還可以到 Twitch 收看轉播並留言互動喔~第二張專輯《Ver. 25》代表著2025年版本的VERA,...

原子少年第一季的金星 -- VERA 要降落 ICRT 啦!下周一 2/10 下午 2:00 務必鎖定 ICRT 收聽完整訪談喔!記得還可以到 Twitch 收看轉播並留言互動喔~

第二張專輯《Ver. 25》代表著2025年版本的VERA,2025年同時也是團體平均年齡25歲,VERA將以「沒有駕馭不了的靈魂」為信念,來迎接2025年的第一道曙光,在感受靈魂希望的同時,更期待曙光的來臨。

They were Venus from season 1 of "Atom Boyz," now they are VERA! Making a comeback with their second studio album, "Ver.25," we can't wait to see what they have planned for 2025. Tune in Monday (2/10) at 14:00 during Sweet Talk to hear the full interview. See you on air and on Twitch~

💻 網路收聽 : https://tinyurl.com/icrt-website
🎥 Twitch 直播 : twitch.tv/icrt
📻 廣播頻率 FM100

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Follow our Instagram: 黃瑜鈞

#原子少年 #金星

曾入圍金曲獎最佳製作人的 Everydaze 將在明天 2/4 下午 2:00 來到 DJ Cait Lin 凱琳  的 Sweet Talk,千萬別錯過我們訪談喔!Everydaze 曾與徐若瑄、洪佩瑜、持修、徐暐翔、恐龍的皮、脆樂團、黃...

曾入圍金曲獎最佳製作人的 Everydaze 將在明天 2/4 下午 2:00 來到 DJ Cait Lin 凱琳 的 Sweet Talk,千萬別錯過我們訪談喔!

Everydaze 曾與徐若瑄、洪佩瑜、持修、徐暐翔、恐龍的皮、脆樂團、黃玠瑋等多組歌手合作,並於2022年入圍金曲獎最佳製作人。他表示,首張專輯 DAZE 這些是向自己或是向宇宙拋出疑問時,自我辯思的過程逐漸譜出歌曲的形狀。

我們空中與 Twitch 相見:https://www.twitch.tv/icrt

GMA-nominated producer Everydaze will be joining us tomorrow (2/4) at 14:00 to chat with us about his first album, "DAZE"! Tune in to ICRT to hear the full interview! See you on air and on Twitch~

Twitch link: twitch.tv/icrt

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 #2025台灣燈會在桃園,ICRT 推薦的  #桃園旅遊四大路線 你最喜歡哪一條呢?現在投票選出你最喜歡的路線,ICRT 的 DJ 會選出其中一個景點取現場做 Phone Drop喔 🤩現在投票你最喜歡的路線,我們將抽出【3位】聽眾各獲得...

#2025台灣燈會在桃園,ICRT 推薦的 #桃園旅遊四大路線 你最喜歡哪一條呢?
現在投票選出你最喜歡的路線,ICRT 的 DJ 會選出其中一個景點取現場做 Phone Drop喔 🤩


1️⃣ 按此貼文讚
2️⃣ 留言投票你最喜歡的路線,(請留言完整路線名稱,ex. A 青埔線)
A 青埔線
B 捷運線
C 客家線
D 廟宇線

🔺抽獎統計至 2/11 (二) 中午12點,一個帳號限留言一次
🔺中獎者須在 2/12(三)中午12點前領獎,逾時未領獎即視同放棄中獎資格

Which ICRT Routes do you like the best?
Vote for your favorite route, and our DJs will pick one of the locations to do a phone drop!

Vote now for a chance to participate in our giveaway!

How to enter in the giveaway:
1️⃣ Like this post
2️⃣ Comment to vote for your favorite route, (write out route name in full, ex. A 青埔線)
A 青埔線
B 捷運線
C 客家線
D 廟宇線

🔺Giveaway ends 2/11, at 12pm, 1 entry per account
🔺Winners must claim their prize before 2/12 at noon
🔺ICRT retains the right to change or terminate the event

ICRT 推薦的  #桃園旅遊四大路線 第四線是  #探索古蹟 路線 #2025台灣燈會在桃園 ! 跟著我們一起  !第三線:🙏瘋進香🙏   #廟宇線 – 適合開車前行景福宮 (桃園大廟)   ➡ 三元宮 ➡五福宮 1️⃣  #景福宮  (...

ICRT 推薦的 #桃園旅遊四大路線 第四線是 #探索古蹟 路線
#2025台灣燈會在桃園 ! 跟著我們一起 !

第三線:🙏瘋進香🙏 #廟宇線 – 適合開車前行
景福宮 (桃園大廟) ➡ 三元宮 ➡五福宮

1️⃣ #景福宮 (桃園大廟)


2️⃣ #三元宮


3️⃣ #五福宮


這週開始每天會跟大家介紹一條 ICRT 推薦的 #桃園旅遊四大路線,最後一天邀請各位聽眾投票選出你最喜歡的路線,有機會由電台 DJ 到當地進行 Phone Drop 喔


Day 4 of ICRT’s !

Route #4: 🙏Monuments Route 🙏 – Driving Recommended
Jing Fu Gong Temple ➡ Sanyuan Temple ➡ Wufu Temple

1️⃣Jing Fu Gong Temple

Known as "Da Miao" by locals, Jingfu Temple, built in 1811, is a key religious center in Taoyuan and a Level Three National Ancient Monument. Its unique architecture features rare roof structures and intricate carvings of dragons and tigers. The temple's main hall houses the solemn Sacred Prince of Zhangzhou, making it a must-see site for architectural art.

2️⃣ Sanyuan Temple

Sanyuan Temple, Bade's oldest and most significant temple, honors the Three Great Emperor Officials. Established during the Qing dynasty, it features notable stone sculptures, Koji pottery, and wood carvings by renowned masters, making it a key cultural site.

3️⃣ Wufu Temple

With over 300 years of history, Wufu Temple is Taiwan's oldest temple dedicated to the God of Fortune and a Level Three National Ancient Monument. It honors Marshal Zhao and is renowned for its intricate wood carvings, stone sculptures, and Koji pottery, including the large dragon and tiger pottery and the "Heaven Censer."

This year, the lantern festival will take place in Taoyuan✨

Starting this week, we’ll be introducing one of ICRT’s recommended routes every day!
On the final day, we’ll invite listeners to vote for their favorite route, with a chance for one of our DJs to visit the location for a ☎ Phone Drop!

Which spot would you like to visit? Leave a comment below!

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ICRT 推薦的  #桃園旅遊四大路線 第三線是  #客家文化之旅 路線 #2025台灣燈會在桃園 ! 跟著我們一起  !第三線:✨MY客風✨   #客家線 – 適合開車前行台灣客家茶文化館  ➡ 三坑老街  ➡ 龍潭大池 1️⃣  #台灣...

ICRT 推薦的 #桃園旅遊四大路線 第三線是 #客家文化之旅 路線
#2025台灣燈會在桃園 ! 跟著我們一起 !

第三線:✨MY客風✨ #客家線 – 適合開車前行
台灣客家茶文化館 ➡ 三坑老街 ➡ 龍潭大池

1️⃣ #台灣客家茶文化館 🍵🍵🍵


2️⃣ #三坑老街 💝💝💝


3️⃣ #龍潭大池 🛶🛶🛶


這週開始每天會跟大家介紹一條 ICRT 推薦的 #桃園旅遊四大路線,最後一天邀請各位聽眾投票選出你最喜歡的路線,有機會由電台 DJ 到當地進行 Phone Drop 喔~


Day 3 of ICRT’s !

Route #3: ✨Culture Route ✨ – Driving Recommended
Taiwan Hakka Tea Culture Museum ➡Sankeng Old Street➡ Longtan Large Tourist Pond

1️⃣ Taiwan Hakka Tea Culture Museum 🍵🍵🍵

The Taiwan Hakka Tea Culture Museum, located in Longtan, Taoyuan, is an award-winning eco-building that integrates with the tea fields. It highlights "Hakka Tea Culture" and "Tea Industry History" and features the Tea Chambers of Six Nations to explore global tea cultures.

2️⃣ Sankeng Old Street 💫💫💫

Sankeng Old Street in Longtan, Taoyuan, centers around Yongfu Temple and extends to "water streams for laundry." With its narrow exterior and wider interior, it preserves Hakka cultural elements and attracts many visitors. The street was also featured in films like "David Loman" and "Love Together", making it a must-visit spot.

3️⃣Longtan Large Tourist Pond 🌅🌅🌅

Longtan Large Tourist Pond is a popular tourist spot in Taoyuan. Like many other ponds, it was originally used for water regulation and irrigation. Today, it serves as a recreational spot for locals and attracts many visitors during the Dragon Boat Festival, where the lively boat races are held annually.

This year, the lantern festival will take place in Taoyuan✨

Starting this week, we’ll be introducing one of ICRT’s recommended routes every day!
On the final day, we’ll invite listeners to vote for their favorite route, with a chance for one of our DJs to visit the location for a ☎ Phone Drop!

Which spot would you like to visit? Leave a comment below!

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ICRT 推薦的  #桃園旅遊四大路線 第二線是  #雪拚購物之旅 路線 #2025台灣燈會在桃園 ! 跟著我們一起  !第二線:🛍瘋雪拚🛍   #捷運線 – 從台北車站出發林口 MITSUI OUTLET PARK ➡ 台茂購物中心 ➡ ...

ICRT 推薦的 #桃園旅遊四大路線 第二線是 #雪拚購物之旅 路線
#2025台灣燈會在桃園 ! 跟著我們一起 !

第二線:🛍瘋雪拚🛍 #捷運線 – 從台北車站出發
林口 MITSUI OUTLET PARK ➡ 台茂購物中心 ➡ 華泰名品城

1️⃣ ✨✨✨ (機捷 A8 長庚醫院站)


2️⃣ #台茂購物中心 🤩🤩🤩 (機捷 A11 坑口站)


3️⃣ #華泰名品城 ❣❣❣ (機捷 A18高鐵桃園站)

這週開始每天會跟大家介紹一條 ICRT 推薦的 #桃園旅遊四大路線,最後一天邀請各位聽眾投票選出你最喜歡的路線,有機會由電台 DJ 到當地進行 Phone Drop 喔


Day 2 of ICRT’s !

Route #2: 🛍Shopping Route 🛍 – Start from Taipei Main Station, travel via Taoyuan Airport MRT
Linkou Mitsui Outlet Park ➡ TaiMall ➡ Gloria Outlets

1️⃣ Linkou Mitsui Outlet Park ✨✨✨ (Airport MRT, Stop A8: Chang Gung Memorial Hospital)

The Ⅰ and Ⅱ buildings feature nearly 300 stores, combining outlet brands, specialty dining, and large lifestyle shops. It offers one-stop shopping, family-friendly facilities, and a unique experience with international and local brands. Enjoy a cinema, amusement area, and regular light displays and performances to enhance your shopping trip.

2️⃣ TaiMall 🤩🤩🤩 (Airport MRT, Stop A11: Kengkou)

Since its 1999 opening, this 28,000 ping (92,600 sqm) shopping center has become a popular destination, featuring international brands, department stores, cinemas, and global dining options. The outdoor plaza was a filming location for the drama "Office Girls" making it a popular spot.

3️⃣ Gloria Outlets ❣❣❣ (Airport MRT, Stop A18: Taoyuan HSR Station)

Taiwan's first American-style outdoor outlet, "Gloria Outlets," is located near the Taoyuan High-Speed Rail Station. Opened in 2015 and expanded in 2019, it offers over 285 international brands, popular restaurants, and daily discounts of 80% off or more, creating a comfortable and enjoyable shopping experience.

This year, the lantern festival will take place in Taoyuan✨

Starting this week, we’ll be introducing one of ICRT’s recommended routes every day!
On the final day, we’ll invite listeners to vote for their favorite route, with a chance for one of our DJs to visit the location for a ☎ Phone Drop!

Which spot would you like to visit? Leave a comment below!

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 #2025台灣燈會在桃園 ! 今年的元宵節燈會來到了桃園啦✨ICRT 今年燈會也不缺席!跟著我們一起  !不僅晚上一起在桃園看燈會,白天也有很多景點可以參觀!這週開始每天會跟大家介紹一條 ICRT 推薦的  #桃園旅遊四大路線最後一天邀請...

#2025台灣燈會在桃園 ! 今年的元宵節燈會來到了桃園啦✨
ICRT 今年燈會也不缺席!跟著我們一起 !

這週開始每天會跟大家介紹一條 ICRT 推薦的 #桃園旅遊四大路線
最後一天邀請各位聽眾投票選出你最喜歡的路線,有機會由電台 DJ 到當地進行 ☎ Phone Drop 喔~

第一線﹔ #吹日風 💡賞燈路線💡 #青塘園線 - 搭乘桃園機場捷運至 A19
環球桃園A19 iSKI 滑雪俱樂部/攀岩場 ➡ 藏王日式食堂 ➡ 青塘園

1️⃣ #滑雪俱樂部 ❄❄❄


2️⃣ #藏王日式食堂 🍱🍱🍱


3️⃣ #青塘園 🎇🎇🎇



This year, the lantern festival will take place in Taoyuan✨
Follow us as our ICRT !
Starting this week, we’ll be introducing one of ICRT’s recommended routes every day!
On the final day, we’ll invite listeners to vote for their favorite route, with a chance for one of our DJs to visit the location for a ☎ Phone Drop!

Route #1﹔💡Lantern Route 💡 - Take the Taoyuan Airport MRT to A19
Global Mall Taoyuan A19 iSKI SkiClub ➡ Zao Izakaya Japanese Restaurant ➡ Chintan Park

1️⃣ iSki SkiClub ❄❄❄

The new Taoyuan location features a 150-ping space with two 10-meter European ski simulators. The interior combines wooden cabins and snow cable car scenery. The "dry slope" area offers beginner to advanced courses, including challenges like 360-degree spins.

2️⃣ Zao Izakaya Japanese Restaurant 🍱🍱🍱

Located on the 5th floor of Global Mall Taoyuan A19. Easily accessible by MRT or high-speed rail, the restaurant’s wooden design creates a strong Japanese atmosphere.

3️⃣ Chintan Park (Green Pond Garden) 🎇🎇🎇
The Main Snorlax Lantern is here!

Chintan Park was once an irrigation pond; now it’s a public space with water features, wooden walkways, and an outdoor theater. It’s a peaceful spot, popular for strolls and photography, and has won multiple architecture awards.

Which spot would you like to visit? Leave a comment below!
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J.Sheon (街巷) 睽違五年發布新專輯,明天將來到 ICRT 與大家空中相見!1/20 晚上 8:10 鎖定 DJ Joseph Lin的   收聽我們的訪談!全新專輯《OUTCOMES 結果論》匯集 J. Sheon 與製作團隊對東...

J.Sheon (街巷) 睽違五年發布新專輯,明天將來到 ICRT 與大家空中相見!1/20 晚上 8:10 鎖定 DJ Joseph Lin的 收聽我們的訪談!

全新專輯《OUTCOMES 結果論》匯集 J. Sheon 與製作團隊對東、西方音樂的感受,結合流行與R&B的曲風,敘述J. Sheon 對於「結果論」的中心思想。

期待J. Sheon 的分享!我們空中與Twitch 相見: twitch.tv/icrt

Singer J. Sheon has come back with his third album, “OUTCOMES.” He’ll be joining us on air tomorrow at 8:10pm, during DJ Joseph’s The Jam. Make sure to tune in! We’ll see you on air and on Twitch!

Twitch link: twitch.tv/icrt

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曾入圍金曲獎最佳樂團 TRASH 明天 1/17 要來到 ICRT 啦!鎖定明天晚上 8:00  Joseph Lin 的   收聽完整的訪談喔!TRASH 於 2024 年發行了第五張概念專輯《幸福的末班車》,前日剛發行了新 MV 〈相信...

曾入圍金曲獎最佳樂團 TRASH 明天 1/17 要來到 ICRT 啦!鎖定明天晚上 8:00 Joseph Lin 的 收聽完整的訪談喔!

TRASH 於 2024 年發行了第五張概念專輯《幸福的末班車》,前日剛發行了新 MV 〈相信 2Ø24 feat. 于修〉,也將在今年五月也即將在高雄舉辦演唱會!更多2025年的規劃,記得鎖定我們的節目聽更多喔!

GMA-nominated band TRASH will be coming on ICRT tomorrow (1/17) talk about their fifth concept album, "The Last Train of Happiness," their latest music video for "Believe 2024 feat. Yssue," and their upcoming Kaohsiung concert in May! Tune in to ICRT tomorrow at 20:00 to hear the full interview. See you on air and on Twitch~

Twitch link: www.twitch.tv/icrt

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 #填問卷送好禮 ICRT 與新北市環保局共同推出的 《環保萬事通 Greener Days》要來送大家過年好禮啦🎁  🌳《環保萬事通 Greener Days》🌳綠色生活已是全球流行趨勢,ICRT 與新北市政府環保局一起致力於深化市民的環...

#填問卷送好禮 ICRT 與新北市環保局共同推出的 《環保萬事通 Greener Days》要來送大家過年好禮啦🎁

🌳《環保萬事通 Greener Days》🌳
綠色生活已是全球流行趨勢,ICRT 與新北市政府環保局一起致力於深化市民的環保意識,將實用的環保資訊帶進民眾的生活裡,邀請廣大市民一同打造居住環境的美好生活 💚

ICRT 特別針對環保議題,與聽眾分享實踐綠色環保的知識與秘訣,並於單元中介紹實用的 ♻ 環保英語字彙 ♻ ,除了帶動更多的環保意識,同時也將實用英文用語輕鬆融入生活中,與新北市環保局一起邁向綠色生活的國際指標城市。



填寫問卷後,可以參與抽獎,會抽出【2位】聽眾各獲得 🎁美珍香【600元】禮券 一張 !

1️⃣ 填寫上方問卷,寫下您對節目的回饋
2️⃣ 按讚 + 標記一位好友

🔺抽獎統計至 1/21 (二) 中午12點,一個帳號限留言及填寫一次

ICRT's program, "Greener Day" invites you to fill out our program survey! Let us know what you like about the show and what suggestions you have -- for a chance to win vouchers from Bee Cheng Hiang!

ICRT and the New Taipei City Environmental Protection Department are committed to increasing public awareness of environmental protection through practical information.

Greener Days’ dual focus is on environmental English vocabulary and practical hints and tips on greener living!

Link to survey: https://forms.gle/iCck3uDiTzwaW1857

Giving away: $600 NTD Bee Cheng Hiang vouchers (2 Winners, 1 per person)

How to enter in the giveaway:
1️⃣ Fill out the survey
2️⃣ Like this post + tag a friend

🔺Giveaway ends 1/21, at 12pm, 1 entry per account
🔺 Winners must provide a screenshot indicating they've completed the survey
🔺Winners must claim their prize before 1/22 at noon
🔺ICRT retains the right to change or terminate the event

睽違17年, 徐懷鈺Yuki 帶著第7張錄音室大碟 [ 光致・蛻變 ] 強勢回歸啦!YUKI 首次嘗試創作,大量融入自身心情。由千禧世代知名製作人張簡君偉、α世代新銳製作人彭柏邑boiii P共同製作,專輯揉合復古現代,既有重返Y2K的原始...

睽違17年, 徐懷鈺Yuki 帶著第7張錄音室大碟 [ 光致・蛻變 ] 強勢回歸啦!YUKI 首次嘗試創作,大量融入自身心情。由千禧世代知名製作人張簡君偉、α世代新銳製作人彭柏邑boiii P共同製作,專輯揉合復古現代,既有重返Y2K的原始初心,亦有跨時代未來的野心。

YUKI 徐懷鈺將在明天 1/10 晚上 20:00 來到 DJ Joseph Lin 的節目 ,千萬不要錯過!我們 Twitch 與空中相見~

Yuki Hsu has made her comeback with her 7th studio album, "Phototransformation"! She'll be joining us on-air tomorrow (1/8) at 20:00 during DJ Joseph's The Jam, don't miss out! We'll see you on air and on Twitch~

Twitch link: www.twitch.tv/icrt

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「發呆系歌手」 沈安 Shen An  發行第四張專輯《一幅深藍的畫》,以特有臥室電子音樂風格,從前三張明亮奔放的曲風轉換成冷調灰暗的氣氛。沈安將在明日 1/8 下午 2:00 到 DJ Cait Lin 凱琳 的   與大家空中相見,千萬...

「發呆系歌手」 沈安 Shen An 發行第四張專輯《一幅深藍的畫》,以特有臥室電子音樂風格,從前三張明亮奔放的曲風轉換成冷調灰暗的氣氛。沈安將在明日 1/8 下午 2:00 到 DJ Cait Lin 凱琳 的 與大家空中相見,千萬別錯過!

Singer Shen An has just released his fourth album! He will be joining us on air tomorrow (1/8) at 14:00 during DJ Caitlin's Sweet Talk. Don't miss out! See you on air and on Twitch.

Twitch link: www.twitch.tv/icrt

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 #文末抽獎    榮獲金球獎最佳男主角與最佳男配角提名的《狂人法則》即將在台灣上映啦!這部片描述年輕時期的唐納·川普爭議性的崛起之路,以及擅長政治與媒體操控的律師羅依·科恩的故事。由漫威電影《美國隊長》中飾演「巴奇」的 賽巴斯汀·史坦(S...



由漫威電影《美國隊長》中飾演「巴奇」的 賽巴斯汀·史坦(Sebastian Stan)領銜主演川普一角,以及在HBO影集《繼承之戰》中飾演肯道·洛伊的傑瑞米·史壯飾演羅依·柯恩,兩人在這部片的演技皆獲得了金球獎提名!

ICRT 也將抽出【五位】聽眾各獲得 {2張}電影票去看電影喔!

抽獎辦法:按此貼文讚 + 標記一位好友

🔺抽獎統計至 1/8 (三) 下午4點,一個帳號限留言一次


We are giving away five pairs of tickets to the new movie, “The Apprentice”! See below on how to enter the giveaway:

🔹Like this post + tag a friend

🔺Giveaway ends 1/8, at 4pm
🔺Winners must claim their tickets before 1/9 at noon
🔺ICRT retains the right to change or terminate the event

Yufu是一位靈魂樂和 Funk 音樂家,首張專輯《 Heal Me Good》將復古氛圍與新鮮感人的故事講述融為一體。Yufu 將在明天 1/7 下午 2:00 到 DJ Cait Lin 凱琳 的 Sweet Talk 與大家空中相見,...

Yufu是一位靈魂樂和 Funk 音樂家,首張專輯《 Heal Me Good》將復古氛圍與新鮮感人的故事講述融為一體。Yufu 將在明天 1/7 下午 2:00 到 DJ Cait Lin 凱琳 的 Sweet Talk 與大家空中相見,千萬別錯過!

Yufu is a rising soul and funk musician who’s bringing the timeless grooves of the 70s into the modern age. His debut album, "Heal Me Good" blends vintage vibes with fresh, emotional storytelling. Yufu will be joining us on-air tomorrow (1/7) at 14:00 during DJ Caitlin's Sweet Talk, don't miss out! See you on air and on Twitch~

Twitch link: www.twitch.tv/icrt

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獲得了「第59屆金鐘獎」最佳戲劇原創歌曲獎提名歌手 JUD 陳泳希 在今年發布了首張正規專輯《當我不敢說》。專輯曲風嘗試將emo情緒化的曲調以及略帶灰暗的歌詞,用充滿脈動的舞曲節奏,以及明亮的電子音色來呈現,讓這樣衝突又略帶反差的New W...

獲得了「第59屆金鐘獎」最佳戲劇原創歌曲獎提名歌手 JUD 陳泳希 在今年發布了首張正規專輯《當我不敢說》。專輯曲風嘗試將emo情緒化的曲調以及略帶灰暗的歌詞,用充滿脈動的舞曲節奏,以及明亮的電子音色來呈現,讓這樣衝突又略帶反差的New Wave電子音樂基調,成為這張專輯的主力。

陳泳希將在明天 1/2 晚上 8:00 到 DJ Joseph Lin 的 The Jam 與大家空中相見,千萬不要錯過喔!

Golden Bell-nominated singer JUD has released her debut album "𝑾𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝑴𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔 𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑺𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔" ! She'll be joining us on-air tomorrow (1/2) at 20:00 during DJ Joseph's The Jam. Don't miss out! See you on air and on Twitch~

Twitch link: www.twitch.tv/icrt

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19-5F, No. 5, Sec. 3, New Taipei Boulevard


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Our Story

ICRT: International Community Radio Taipei International Community Radio Taipei (ICRT) is Taiwan ’s only English language broadcaster, with the mission of bridging cultural gaps and integrating the resources of Taiwan’s local and international communities for the ROC’s continued growth and prosperity.

ICRT FM100 is an essential part of many people’s lives for news and entertainment. Its wide variety of programs are designed to meet the diverse and ever-growing needs of Taiwan. It is also a valuable tool for Taiwan residents to better understand English and join the global community.

ICRT was born on April 16th, 1979, after the break in diplomatic relations between Taipei and Washington. From 1957 to 1979, the station’s predecessor, Armed Forces Network in Taiwan, served the needs of the US military then stationed on the island. AFNT was sold to the Taiwan government for US$1 as the American troops pulled out. Taipei International Community Cultural Foundation was established as a non-profit foundation to supervise the operations of this new radio station.

We are completely self-supporting, receive no government funding, and are an independent, non-profit organization.