New Bloom

New Bloom New Bloom is an online magazine covering youth culture and politics in Taiwan and the Asia Pacific.

About New Bloom / 關於破土

In the wake of the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan, many online publications that aim to spread social issues in Taiwan to the international audience have sprung up. Yet while the attempt is with these publication made to spread news of Taiwan to the outside world, that is, putting the local in touch with the international, very rarely is the attempt made to do the opposite.


What is not attempted is to put the international in touch with the local. However, as we see it, the local problems of Taiwan, much less any other country in the Asia Pacific region, cannot be resolved except internationally. What often appear to be purely local issues often are actually rooted in international causes. Accordingly, what would be needed is to situate local issues in their broader, international context, and to deliberate transnational means of addressing them. It would be through bringing the international into contact with the local, then, that we can find resolution to the regional issues of the Asia Pacific.


Who we are / 破土成員

We are a group of students and activists based in Taiwan and America who share a range of leftist politics ranging from Marxism, anarchism, and other radical perspectives. We see New Bloom not only as a site to spread international news but also a space to build a new leftist tendency from the Asia Pacific by engaging in political analyses of social issues and social movements that concern with the questions of global capitalism, US and Chinese imperialism, national sovereignty, human rights, and social inequalities. It is our belief that the issues currently facing Taiwan and the Asia Pacific cannot be resolved except at an international level. Therefore, we seek to provide a space that fosters political and intellectual transnational dialogues in the Left.


Our focus / 破土焦點

We see there are three most pressing issues facing Taiwan and the Asia Pacific region broadly:

1) Economy: the development of neoliberal trades and free trade zones
2) Politics: international affairs, war/militarism, and electoral politics
3) Social Inequalities: workers’ rights, LGBTQ rights, gentrification, and environmental issues

1) 經濟上:新自由主義貿易及自由經濟區發展
2) 政治上:國際關係,戰爭與軍國主義,以及選舉政治
3) 社會不平等:勞工權利,LGBTQ權利,縉紳化及環境議題

"National Day Logo Draws Criticisms, Mockery" by Brian HioeThe new logo for National Day was unveiled earlier this week....

"National Day Logo Draws Criticisms, Mockery" by Brian Hioe

The new logo for National Day was unveiled earlier this week. However, the logo proved a far cry from the modernist designs of the preceding years, in that the National Day logo took the form of a red and blue logo with a plum blossom in the middle. The plum blossom is the national flower of Taiwan.

The new logo for National Day was unveiled earlier this week. However, the logo proved a far cry from the modernist designs of the preceding years, in that the National Day logo took the form of a red and blue logo with a plum blossom in the middle. The plum blossom is the national flower of Taiwan

The period of Martial Law represents a significant and dark chapter in the history of both the Philippines and Taiwan. I...

The period of Martial Law represents a significant and dark chapter in the history of both the Philippines and Taiwan. In the Philippines, Martial Law was declared by President Ferdinand Marcos from 1972 to 1987, resulting in widespread human rights abuses, suppression of political dissent, and economic upheaval. In Taiwan, Martial Law was in place from 1949 to 1987, imposed by the Kuomintang (KMT) government, which led to severe restrictions on civil liberties, persecution of political opponents, and suppression of local cultures.

Despite the oppressive environments, countless individuals in both countries resisted and survived the authoritarian regimes, their resilience and courage serving as powerful testaments to the indomitable human spirit. This event aims to bring together two such survivors to share their experiences, reflect on the impact of Martial Law on their lives and societies, and discuss the lessons learned from their struggles for freedom and justice.

The event will be conducted in English, as a hybrid event between Taiwan and the Philippines.


Judy Marigomen Taguiwalo is a Filipina social worker, social activist, and educator. She formerly served as Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development and was a participant in the 1971 Diliman Commune.

Fred Him-San Chin, a Taiwanese of Chinese descent born in Malaysia, was wrongfully imprisoned in Taiwan for twelve years from 1971 to 1983 during the White Terror. This occurred after he was forced to confess to a bombing that had taken place in the United States Information Service library where he had often studied by the KMT authorities. He is the author of Facing the Calamity: A Step Through Hurts & Hardships and Looking Beyond for Generations to Come.

- - ->>> Link in bio

"Chinese Rapper Row Reveals Cross-Strait Dynamics" by Brian HioeChinese rapper Wang Yi-tai was denied permission to perf...

"Chinese Rapper Row Reveals Cross-Strait Dynamics" by Brian Hioe

Chinese rapper Wang Yi-tai was denied permission to perform in Taiwan last month by the Mainland Affairs Council. This was on account of several reasons, including that Mercury Entertainment, which represents Wang, began selling tickets on July 1st.

Chinese rapper Wang Yi-tai was denied permission to perform in Taiwan last month by the Mainland Affairs Council. This was on account of several reasons, including that Mercury Entertainment…

"Ko Wen-je Arrested, While TPP Rallies in his Defense" by Brian HioeTaipei mayor Ko Wen-je has been arrested, following ...

"Ko Wen-je Arrested, While TPP Rallies in his Defense" by Brian Hioe

Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je has been arrested, following weeks of anticipation about whether an arrest was imminent. Ko and the TPP have faced a number of scandals in the preceding weeks, but it was primarily allegations of corruption regarding Ko’s involvement in the Core Pacific City Mall project that led to the arrest. At the same time, prosecutors have stated that they believe it is possible that financial irregularities faced by the TPP in its campaign finances are linked to the Core Pacific City Mall project.

Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je has been arrested, following weeks of anticipation about whether an arrest was imminent…

Check it out! The latest edition of our Substack newsletter!

Check it out! The latest edition of our Substack newsletter!

SCANDALS, LGBTQ+ strategic litigation rulings, Southeast-Northeast Asian solidarity, US-Taiwan transpacific solidarities

"Will the Next Fight in the Taiwanese Legislature Be About Military Spending?" by Brian HioeThe KMT and TPP seem set to ...

"Will the Next Fight in the Taiwanese Legislature Be About Military Spending?" by Brian Hioe

The KMT and TPP seem set to take aim at Taiwan’s domestic submarine program in the upcoming legislative session, with questions about whether the pan-Blue camp will engage in the same scorched earth tactics that characterized the first legislative session.

The KMT and TPP seem set to take aim at Taiwan’s domestic submarine program in the upcoming legislative session, with questions about whether the pan-Blue camp will engage in the same scorched earth…

"Taiwan’s Anti-Gender Movement Engages in Research Misconduct, Mistranslation, and Misinformation" by Yo-Ling ChenIn rec...

"Taiwan’s Anti-Gender Movement Engages in Research Misconduct, Mistranslation, and Misinformation" by Yo-Ling Chen

In recent months, Taiwan’s anti-gender movement has engaged in a research misconduct and misinformation campaign to push specious claims about “general population attitudes” towards transgender rights through the facade of academic objectivity. In the wake of the Taipei High Administrative Court’s second ruling against compulsory surgery for changing one’s legal gender on May 30th, anti-gender movement actors such as No-Self ID Taiwan, Twitter account , and US expat co-founder of Taiwan Women’s Association Jaclynn Joyce all published or shared articles referencing “an online questionnaire survey” conducted by “scholars working at various universities across Taiwan” that “sought to understand the general public’s views on self-identification, meaning surgery-free change of legal s*x,” which was “published in the academic journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.” Citations to this research article were made to argue that “more than 90% of Taiwanese people strongly oppose changing someone’s legal s*x without so-called s*x reassignment surgery.” Further investigation into this research article revealed a plethora of research misconduct, mistranslation, and misinformation issues, which begs into question how such an article was published in a peer-reviewed academic journal in the first place.

In recent months, Taiwan’s anti-gender movement has engaged in a research misconduct and misinformation campaign to push specious claims about “general population attitudes” towards transgender rights…

"Pan-Blue and Pan-Green Camps See Wave of Scandals, Investigations" by Brian HioeIssues of political corruption continue...

"Pan-Blue and Pan-Green Camps See Wave of Scandals, Investigations" by Brian Hioe

Issues of political corruption continue to be prevalent in Taiwanese politics, as a number of recent incidents go to show. This has drawn in politicians both pan-Blue and pan-Green.

Issues of political corruption continue to be prevalent in Taiwanese politics, as a number of recent incidents go to show. This has drawn in politicians both pan-Blue and pan-Green…

"Lisbeth Wu Wins Court Case Against Compulsory Surgery for Changing Legal Gender" by Yo-Ling ChenYesterday, the Taipei A...

"Lisbeth Wu Wins Court Case Against Compulsory Surgery for Changing Legal Gender" by Yo-Ling Chen

Yesterday, the Taipei Administrative Court ruled in favor of transgender plaintiff Lisbeth Wu’s case to change her legal gender without providing proof of s*xual organ removal surgery. Despite being the first strategic litigation case that the Taiwan Alliance for Civil Partnership Rights took on that was aimed at challenging the current Ministry of Interior executive order (內政部97年11月3日內授中戶字第0970066240號令) requiring proof of surgery for changing one’s legal gender, Wu had to wait almost four long years before receiving the THAC’s ruling yesterday.

Yesterday, the Taipei Administrative Court ruled in favor of transgender plaintiff Lisbeth Wu’s case to change her legal gender without providing proof of s*xual organ removal surgery.

September 26, 2024 commemorates the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement, a key event that called for democ...

September 26, 2024 commemorates the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement, a key event that called for democratic reform and more transparent elections. This movement saw demonstrators occupying major areas and halting traffic for 79 days, with crowds swelling to as many as 100,000 people at a time, according to CNN.

The movement gained its name because protesters used umbrellas to shield themselves from tear gas used by police. Eventually, yellow umbrellas and other visual symbols evolved to become important emblems of the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.

This panel will explore the protest artwork that emerged in Hong Kong during 2014, and how this imagery was deployed to express social criticism. We will examine the art and look at some historical objects that appeared during the 2014 street protests and trace the evolution of Hong Kong protest after the enactment of the National Security Law in 2020, particularly within the Hong Kong artist diaspora.

In addition, this panel will investigate the cross-influences between the visual imagery of Hong Kong’s social movements and Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement, exploring how these influences continue to resonate in civil society today.


• Loretta Lau (劉慧婷)
Performance Artist and Director of NGO DEI 我地

• Kacey Wong (黃國才)
Visual Artist and Educator

• Brian Hioe (丘琦欣)
New Bloom Magazine

—>>> Link in bio

"Dreams and Secrets: The Shadows of Archive" by Minsu Yoo In the second half of the 2020s, I traveled repeatedly from Ne...

"Dreams and Secrets: The Shadows of Archive" by Minsu Yoo

In the second half of the 2020s, I traveled repeatedly from New York to Taiwan, partly for study purposes, partly for other reasons which were never entirely clear to me, staying sometimes for just one or two weeks, sometimes for several months. On one of these Taiwanese excursions which, as it seemed to me, always took me further and further abroad, I came on a bustling early summer’s day to the city of Taipei.

In the second half of the 2020s, I traveled repeatedly from New York to Taiwan, partly for study purposes, partly for other reasons which were never entirely clear to me, staying sometimes for just one or two weeks, sometimes for several months. On one of these Taiwanese excursions which, as it seem...

"Third Case of Cross-Strait Gay Marriage Recognized Earlier This Month" by Brian HioeTaiwan has continued to see obstacl...

"Third Case of Cross-Strait Gay Marriage Recognized Earlier This Month" by Brian Hioe

Taiwan has continued to see obstacles to cross-strait gay marriages, in spite of that barriers to transnational gay marriages were lifted in January 2023. Nevertheless, a partial victory was won earlier this month, with recognition of the marriage of a Taiwanese and Chinese couple as the third case of recognition of a cross-strait marriage. The first two cases were from Hong Kong and Macau.

Taiwan has continued to see obstacles to cross-strait gay marriages, in spite of that barriers to transnational gay marriages were lifted in January 2023. Nevertheless, a partial victory was won…

"Has Lai Shifted Positions on Nuclear Energy?" by Brian HioePresident Lai Ching-te indicated an openness to nuclear ener...

"Has Lai Shifted Positions on Nuclear Energy?" by Brian Hioe

President Lai Ching-te indicated an openness to nuclear energy in an unusual set of remarks earlier this month. Lai stated that his administration did not rule out the use of advanced nuclear technology, but that this would only proceed on the basis of social consensus.

President Lai Ching-te indicated an openness to nuclear energy in an unusual set of remarks earlier this month. Lai stated that his administration did not rule out the use of advanced nuclear…

"Taiwan Railways Union Criticizes Pay Raise for Executives After Corporatization" by Brian HioeThe Taiwan Railways Union...

"Taiwan Railways Union Criticizes Pay Raise for Executives After Corporatization" by Brian Hioe

The Taiwan Railways Union has criticized a 40% increase in salary for the chair and general manager of the Taiwan Railways Corporation. This means that the chair of the TRC will make 191,380 NT per month and the general manager will make 187,130 NT per month.

The Taiwan Railways Union has criticized a 40% increase in salary for the chair and general manager of the Taiwan Railways Corporation. This means that the chair of the TRC will make 191,380…

"Democratic and Republican Platforms on Taiwan Take Shape" by Brian HioeEarlier this month, with the approval of the US ...

"Democratic and Republican Platforms on Taiwan Take Shape" by Brian Hioe

Earlier this month, with the approval of the US Democratic Party’s 2024 platform, the policy document included the “Six Assurances” to Taiwan for the first time.

Earlier this month, with the approval of the US Democratic Party’s 2024 platform, the policy document included the “Six Assurances” to Taiwan for the first time…

"Will Honduras Reestablish Ties with Taiwan?" by Brian HioeThe possibility of Taiwan restoring diplomatic relations with...

"Will Honduras Reestablish Ties with Taiwan?" by Brian Hioe

The possibility of Taiwan restoring diplomatic relations with Honduras has been floated after the idea was floated by former vice president, Salvador Nasralla, who is running as a candidate in the 2025 Honduran presidential elections.

The possibility of Taiwan restoring diplomatic relations with Honduras has been floated after the idea was floated by former vice president, Salvador Nasralla, who is running as a candidate in the…

"Kamala Harris' Popular 'I'm Speaking' Slogan Silences Anti-Genocide Voices" by Eraldo Souza dos SantosWhen pro-Palestin...

"Kamala Harris' Popular 'I'm Speaking' Slogan Silences Anti-Genocide Voices" by Eraldo Souza dos Santos

When pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted United States presidential contender Kamala Harris's speech at a campaign rally in Michigan this month, many undecided voters may have expected her to offer a few words about the country's diplomatic and financial support for the war on Gaza.

When pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted United States presidential contender Kamala Harris’s speech at a campaign rally in Michigan this month, many undecided voters may have expected her to offer…

Check it out! The video from our panel earlier this month, "Class Struggle in Taiwan: A Conversation with Taiwanese Labo...

Check it out! The video from our panel earlier this month, "Class Struggle in Taiwan: A Conversation with Taiwanese Labor Activists"

Organized labor in Taiwan has a unique history from KMT front unions that dominated state industries during the martial law era, to social movement unionism ...




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