About New Bloom / 關於破土
In the wake of the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan, many online publications that aim to spread social issues in Taiwan to the international audience have sprung up. Yet while the attempt is with these publication made to spread news of Taiwan to the outside world, that is, putting the local in touch with the international, very rarely is the attempt made to do the opposite.
What is not attempted is to put the international in touch with the local. However, as we see it, the local problems of Taiwan, much less any other country in the Asia Pacific region, cannot be resolved except internationally. What often appear to be purely local issues often are actually rooted in international causes. Accordingly, what would be needed is to situate local issues in their broader, international context, and to deliberate transnational means of addressing them. It would be through bringing the international into contact with the local, then, that we can find resolution to the regional issues of the Asia Pacific.
Who we are / 破土成員
We are a group of students and activists based in Taiwan and America who share a range of leftist politics ranging from Marxism, anarchism, and other radical perspectives. We see New Bloom not only as a site to spread international news but also a space to build a new leftist tendency from the Asia Pacific by engaging in political analyses of social issues and social movements that concern with the questions of global capitalism, US and Chinese imperialism, national sovereignty, human rights, and social inequalities. It is our belief that the issues currently facing Taiwan and the Asia Pacific cannot be resolved except at an international level. Therefore, we seek to provide a space that fosters political and intellectual transnational dialogues in the Left.
Our focus / 破土焦點
We see there are three most pressing issues facing Taiwan and the Asia Pacific region broadly:
1) Economy: the development of neoliberal trades and free trade zones
2) Politics: international affairs, war/militarism, and electoral politics
3) Social Inequalities: workers’ rights, LGBTQ rights, gentrification, and environmental issues
1) 經濟上:新自由主義貿易及自由經濟區發展
2) 政治上:國際關係,戰爭與軍國主義,以及選舉政治
3) 社會不平等:勞工權利,LGBTQ權利,縉紳化及環境議題