【金蛇迎春特輯】過年紅包怎麼包?紅包數字的吉利與禁忌千萬要注意!這國家沒在管你幾歲,只要單身未婚,紅包一直領到爽?#壓歲錢【社True說真話】EP4 @WellMediaGlobal
🎬 街訪單元【社true說真話】🎙️
#金蛇年 #蛇年經濟 #紅包 #壓歲錢
#NewYear #LunarNewYear #GivingRedEnvelopes
How should you give red envelopes for the 2025 New Year?
How much money is the right amount? Do you know if your parents saved your New Year money when you were a child or if you spent it all?
Red envelope customs vary around the world—did you know there’s a country where singles can receive red envelopes forever?
WellMedia YT熱播中|每週三、五,晚間 21:00 新片上架
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蔡明亮導演的御用製片是他!威尼斯影展入圍《黑眼圈》電影監製鄭雄城:我們的電影,從不容許Plan B!只有完美可言!【幕聊Show】EP5 @WellMediaGlobal
🔍拍電影有太多用錢解決不了的事 專訪馬來西亞監製鄭雄城 🎬
#蔡明亮 #電影監製 #鄭雄城 #電影製片
#CaiMingLiang #ExclusiveProducer #FilmProducer #ZhengXiongCheng #FilmProduction
In this episode of 《Behind the Crew Talks》, we are joined by renowned Malaysian film producer Zheng Xiongcheng, who has collaborated with director Cai Mingliang on numerous iconic works, including the film The Black Circle, which was successfully selected for the Venice International Film Festival. Producer Zheng will share insights into his key role and the challenges he faces in the film production process. Additionally, as the President of the Malaysian Chinese Film and Television Association, Zheng will discuss how international film collaborations can inspire creative ideas and drive the diverse development of the film industry.
WellMedia YT熱播中|每週三、五,晚間 21:00 新片上架
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萬件選一!紅遍國際!Uniqlo設計大賽 台灣唯一評審金獎得主是她!Sonya Wang進軍巴黎羅浮宮 作品全球開賣,引時尚風潮【Well Talk】@WellMediaGlobal
🏅 以剪影勾勒羅浮宮名作 台灣設計師榮獲 2024 UNIQLO 設計大獎 🎨
#台灣之光 #Uniqlo全球T恤設計比賽 #探索羅浮宮
回顧2024年台灣厲害之作,其中日本品牌 Uniqlo 每年會舉辦全球T恤設計比賽。2024年的主題是「探索羅浮宮」,參賽者必須以羅浮宮的館藏作品為靈感,2024年比賽,台灣共有兩位設計師獲獎,一位佳作、一位評審金獎,讓世界看見台灣!其中來自台灣的Sonya Wang以線條和剪影,勾勒出《蒙娜麗莎》《垂死的奴隸》等經典藝術品,最終在全球近萬件作品中脫穎而出,Sonya Wang成為本屆唯一評審金獎台灣獲獎者。但她坦言,準備比賽時,還身兼正職工作,常忙到半夜,也曾身心俱疲到想放棄,幸好內心的聲音要她堅持下去,最後作品獲得評審賞識,成為台灣之光,和其他8件國外作品一起在羅浮宮快閃店銷售。
A look back at Taiwan's remarkable achievements in 2024: the Japanese brand Uniqlo holds an annual global T-shirt design competition. The theme for 2024 was "Exploring the Louvre," where participants were required to draw inspiration from the Louvre's collection. In this year's competition, two Taiwanese designers were recognized—one with an honorable mention and one with the prestigious jury's gold award—showcasing Taiwan to the world! Among them, Taiwanese designer Sonya Wang stood out with her use of lines and silhouettes to depict iconic artworks like the "Mona Lisa" and "The Dying Slave." In a field of nearly 10,000 submissions, Sonya Wang became the only recipient of the jury's gold award from Taiwan. She admitted that during the preparation for the competition, she was also working a full-time job, often staying up late, and sometimes feeling exhausted to the point of wanting to give up. However, the inner voice urging her to persevere kept her going. Ultimately, her work was recognized by the judges, becoming a symbol o
開箱!慎入!新加坡史上首部喪屍片《屍殺軍營》特效化妝大師 恐怖屋收藏!她巧手打造超駭人喪屍軍團與外星怪物 看了令人毛骨悚然【幕聊Show】EP4 @WellMediaGlobal
☠️倒模雕刻上妝一手包辦 專訪電影特效化妝師 June Goh👽
#特效化妝 #喪屍片 #恐怖妝
這次《幕聊Show》邀請了新加坡知名電影特效化妝師 June Goh,與我們分享她如何從時尚彩妝的世界轉型,進入特殊化妝領域。在節目中,她將揭示如何打造驚悚片中的殭屍形象、動作片中的特效化妝,並大談她如何與導演密切合作,根據電影情節需求設計出獨特的特效妝容。更令人期待的是,她將開箱展示她的恐怖屋收藏,每一個作品都讓人毛骨悚然。現場還將進行前所未見的超逼真特效妝示範,讓你大開眼界!
#specialeffectsmakeup #zombiemovies #horrormakeup
This time on 《Behind the Crew Talks》, we’re joined by June Goh, a renowned special effects makeup artist from Singapore, who will share her journey from the world of fashion makeup to the realm of special effects. During the episode, she’ll reveal how she creates terrifying zombies for horror films, as well as special effects for action movies, and discuss her close collaborations with directors to design makeup that aligns with the film’s storyline. What’s even more exciting is that she’ll open up her horror collection, showcasing eerie creations that will send chills down your spine. The show will also feature a never-before-seen live demonstration of ultra-realistic special effects makeup, giving you a whole new perspective!
WellMedia YT熱播中|每週三、五,晚間 21:00 新片上架
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眼睛在求救!小心乾眼症找上你!1分鐘自我檢測,快速為眼睛做健檢!乾眼症如何預防、保養與改善?戴隱形眼鏡反而不乾?小心問題恐更嚴重!【WellClub】 @WellMediaGlobal
👀 眼科門診最常見的疾病之一 「乾眼症」該如何預防及保養 👀
#乾眼症 #眼睛保養 #葉黃素 #魚油 #自我檢測乾眼症
我們邀請到眼科權威專家 用芯看世界 張芯瑜眼科醫師
#DryEye #EyeCare #Lutein #FishOil #SelfTestForDryEyes
Do you struggle with dry eyes?
Aside from myopia, cataracts, and glaucoma, dry eye disease has become the fourth most common eye condition, with a growing trend among younger people. According to statistics from Taiwan's National Health Insurance, dry eye disease is now the leading chronic eye condition, with the number of patients reaching nearly half that of diabetes.
So, can dry eyes be treated? Is full recovery possible? Do supplements actually help?
This episode is a must-watch! We’ve invited eye care expert Dr. Chang Hsin-Yu to clarify the truth about dry eyes and answer all your questions!
WellMedia YT熱播中|每週三、五,晚間 21:00 新片上架
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這位導演不一樣!嘻哈大男孩 許智彥的導演之路!知名音樂MV《台北直直撞》、金獎入圍強片《誰先愛上他的》從嘻哈到電影,打破框架做自己【幕聊Show】EP3 @WellMediaGlobal
🎬 接受你自己的選擇 嘻哈幫的 MV 導演許智彥 📺
#幕聊Show #誰先愛上他的 #許智彥
#Behindthecrewtalks #DearEX #kidding
This time on 《Behind the Crew Talks》, we invite director Xu ZhiYan, whose works are deeply loved by young people. His style has gained high attention, with music videos like 《Taipei Straight Collision》 and the film 《Dear EX》. sparking significant discussions.
In this relaxed conversation, we get to understand the role the director plays in the film set.
WellMedia YT熱播中|每週三、五,晚間 21:00 新片上架
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廢棄物大逆襲!電子垃圾竟能秒變黃金?神奇水煉金術 讓廢舊顯卡、古董級手機華麗變身【Well Talk】@WellMediaGlobal
⚡ 顯卡煉金術:電子廢棄物回收新革命 ♻️
#環保 #煉金術 #循環經濟 #金屬 #手機
#environment #alchemy #circulareconomy #metals #mobilephones
According to a recent report by the United Nations, global electronic waste amounts to a staggering 62 million tons per year—enough to circle the equator once!
But did you know that this waste can actually be turned back into gold?
Traditional methods of recycling often rely on burning and smelting, which not only waste resources but also cause serious environmental pollution. Now, some companies have developed a non-toxic "water alchemy" technique, using special neutral, non-toxic agents to efficiently and safely extract valuable metals from electronic waste in a short amount of time.
Even more exciting, these companies have partnered with major graphics card manufacturers, aiming to implement a "sell one, recycle one" model for every graphics card sold. This would complete the final piece of the circular economy puzzle, turning waste into treasure and pushing forward a sustainable future!
WellMedia YT熱播中|每週三、五,晚間 21:00 新片上架
▶︎ https://www
電影的奇幻魔法師 連時間靜止都難不倒他!電影《返校》《消失的情人節》特效師郭憲聰的藝術世界 幕後大解密!【幕聊Show】EP2
🎬 五年囊括三座金馬獎 視覺特效總監郭憲聰 🏆
#金馬獎 #最佳視覺效果 #返校 #消失的情人節 #鬼才之道
#GoldenHorseAwards #detention #mymissingvalentine #DeadTalentsSociety
In this episode of Behind the Screen, we’re thrilled to invite renowned visual effects supervisor Kuo Hsien-Tsong, who takes us on a journey into the artistic world of movie special effects.
Visual effects not only enhance the visual experience but also bring a director’s wildest ideas to life, like the surreal time-freezing scenes in More Than Blue. Kuo emphasizes that effective communication is key to creating outstanding works.
He also shares the challenges of working behind the scenes, where irregular hours require careful coordination to balance his team’s rest and work schedules, ensuring a harmonious work-life balance and retaining talented professionals.
In addition to his work in visual effects, Kuo is actively involved in teaching, passing on his expertise to the next generation, and helping to cultivate a new wave of passionate talent for the film and television industry.
WellMedia YT熱播中|每週三、五,晚間 21:00 新片上架
▶︎ https://www.youtube.com/@WellMediaGlobal
爛禮無極限!聖誕交換禮物想破頭?!最怕收到的地雷禮物 vs. 收過最傻眼的奇葩禮物是?!都2024了,你還敢拿馬克杯跟絨毛娃娃出來?!【社true說真話】EP3
🎬 街訪單元【社true說真話】🎙️
#聖誕節 #交換禮物 #爛禮物 #超值禮物
#Christmas #GiftExchange #BadGifts #GreatGifts
Ding ding dong, ding ding dong! How did you spend Christmas Eve?
Are you ready for the gift exchange?
Isn’t it the worst to end up with a terrible gift? What should you do if you get one?
Or maybe you've ever received a totally unexpected, unforgettable great gift?
We'll take you to the streets to check out the latest gift exchange rankings in Taiwan!
WellMedia YT熱播中|每週三、五,晚間 21:00 新片上架
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#南庄銀粉村 銀髮魅力妝點台灣小鎮 共繪南庄新風采!大啖客家美食、品味山中甜點,揭在地暖心故事【城鄉走跳計畫】EP4 WellMedia
#城鄉走跳計畫 #南庄 #十三街老街
Miss Sakura collaborates with local artists to guide retired elders in painting their own stories, creating a vibrant Silver Powder Village. The hospitable Sakura also takes us to explore the "Thirteen Street Old Street" where the elders live, along with its unique house numbers. She then treats Yiting to delicious Hakka cuisine and shares the stories of Nanzhuang Old Street. Finally, she recommends a dessert shop in the mountains that blends Atayal culture and local ingredients, which is only open two days a week! With such a unique dessert shop, how can it be missed?
WellMedia YT熱播中|每週三、五,晚間 21:00 新片上架
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【Wellmedia #青春特派員⭐】
#投票倒數 最後3天!
1人3票 GOGOGO 記得去投票窩😎
🗳️ 步驟1:找到想投的候選人
🗳️ 步驟2:官網註冊+YT Shorts留言
🎅 聖誕節快到了 你最怕抽到什麼地雷聖誕禮物 🌲
#聖誕節 #聖誕樹 #交換禮物 #真樹 #環保聖誕
#Christmas #christmastree #giftexchange #realtree #ecofriendlychristmas
Christmas is coming soon! What’s the worst "landmine" gift you could receive?
Do you know which second-hand gifts are trending in 2024? Do you know how much waste is generated worldwide every Christmas season?
The real Christmas tree trend abroad is growing—how do people transport each tree back home? It turns out that a plastic Christmas tree needs to be reused 12 times to match the environmental impact of using a real Christmas tree just once. An eco-friendly Christmas makes life even more enjoyable!
WellMedia YT熱播中|每週三、五,晚間 21:00 新片上架
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