好快!明天就要開始上課啦!期待已久的Taiwan Tribal Massive終於來到啦!
以下幾點提醒各位同學,因為我沒有所有人的email, 所以請有看到的同學一起轉告給朋友喔!
1. 第一天8/27建議同學們提早半小時(8:30)到,以便辦理報到手續。
2. 上課地點:TBC舞蹈休閒館,https://www.facebook.com/tbcdancestudio 南京西路66號B2.
3. 請自備個人所需之舞蹈配件,如軟鞋、毛巾,若不麻煩建議攜帶瑜珈墊以防萬一。
4. 我們將預定在8/29晚上舉辦聚餐,所有老師將會一同出席,歡迎同學們踴躍報名(請這兩天來找我報名,以便盡早訂位,歡迎攜帶親朋好友,告知人數即可),地點將會是在波斯天堂餐廳,時間訂為七點。細節會在上課期間公佈。
5. 若有同學想要臨時報名,可在每天上午8:30am到現場直接繳費報名。
6. 有購買8/31部落派對門票者,歡迎這幾天來找我領取。尚未購票者,歡迎來找我購買!
Dear All,
Here are some reminders for you before classes:
1. Aug27 will need to do sign up, please come 30 mins earlier before the class. (8:30am)
2. Studio location: https://www.facebook.com/tbcdancestudio
B2, No66, Nen Jing West Road, Taipei
3.Suggest bring Yoga mat. also your personal indeed stuffs, ie. soft shoes, tower, etc.
4. We will have group dinner with All teachers on August 29 evening. Let me know how many girls you wanna join in these days and I can make reservations for all of you. Details will announce in class.
5. If you wanna join class but didn't sign up yet, you can come to studio at 8:30am, pay and sign up directly.
6. For tickets on August 31st, welcome to take tickets from me anytime if you already paid. If didn't, you still can buy tickets from me anytime. Haha.
Please free to let me know if you need any help or have any questions.
See you on Monday!!