Bei City Productions

Bei City Productions Based in Taipei Taiwan, Bei City is a visual production company that understands the power of a well placed story.

Project overview of the Garmin Instinct series photoshoot🌟

Project overview of the Garmin Instinct series photoshoot🌟

This is a photoshoot campaign we did for Garmin. Garmin want to target the people who like to keep active and live a wild, fun life. So we divided the project into two main scenarios, “Be Active” and “Be Bold“ to show the both side of lifestyle.

Garmin Instinct Series Asia Campaign這次拍攝分為兩大主軸,健身及冒險運動我們找了五位舞者來擔任這次的模特,希望呈現健康又有個性的生活態度我們很喜歡這次的情境設定概括了各種運動項目,也謝謝各位把情境呈現的這...

Garmin Instinct Series Asia Campaign



這次為了求拍攝當天ㄧ片藍天,我們從台北拉車到台中,最後轉點彰化雖然花很多時間在車程,但卻是精神很滿的一天!  #相信本能






For this project, we thought it would be fun to create a number of real life situations, that are mildly annoying but everyone can relate too, and that although those decisions are not easy, choosing Subway always is.

We have been working at achieving a clean, commercial tone in our videos. This video is the closest we have gotten so far.

Production Company:
Director: Garret M. Clarke
Assistant Director: Jasmine Chang
DOP: Rayson Teng
1st AC: 大師哥
2nd AC:
Lens Assistant:
Gaffer: .tom.yjc
Best Boy:
Food Artist:
Food Assistant: .ke
Actors: .yennn
Hair and Make-Up:
Color: Jasmine Chang
Animation: Francisco Sebastián Garrido
Studio: 好運空間、Subway天母中山店
Equipment Rental: .lens.rental
Special Thanks:

This is a TV commercial we wrote and created with our long time partners, Subway Taiwan. This video is titled "Easy Choice" and features four quick stories about everyday frustrating situations in life.

我們很榮幸能為 MTV 大嘻哈時代The Rappers 拍攝所有選手及評審人像照.

我們很榮幸能為 MTV 大嘻哈時代The Rappers 拍攝所有選手及評審人像照.

🕙️ 今晚十點一起在 YT 聊天看首播!
⚡ 傳送門

EP1 DRAFT 60 初生之犢 (上)

首集由 –「DRAFT 60 初生之犢」拉開序幕,在60秒的時間裡,所有選手帶著「初生之犢不畏虎」的銳氣,拿出最具個人代表作的作品,展現自身的獨特魅力及演出,博得三位評審的青睞。

#大嘻哈時代2 #大嘻哈時代
#蔡詩芸 #陳星翰 #迪拉胖
#嗩吶 #賀瓏 #美麗本人 #阿達


在lululemon Run 系列短片中,我們將五支影片分為五種不同的情境來闡述不同的跑步心境。


The idea behind the lululemon Run series was to create five social media clips that would illustrate five unique running moods.

For this series, we were very intentional with our choice in music and sound effects. Alongside the script and storyboard, music and sound design create the tone of the clip.




What's your motivation?

In pursuit of better health? Personal challenge? Alleviate stress? Or is it the simple act of movement? Running solo or with a group, every runner has a unique motivation.
Client: lululemon / Annie Su
Production Company: Bei City
Director: Jasmine Chang
DP: Rayson Teng
1 st A/C: wu_b01, Noah
Photographer: Jasmine Chang


Angus Zou 是一位調酒師也是 Draft Land 主理人,同時也是一位相當懂生活的人
跑車與酒是個像相互抵觸的組合(喝酒不開車,開車不喝酒),所以我們選擇將故事焦點放在他的日常興趣上,讓 McLaren GT成為他白天上山、晚上在城市穿梭的夥伴,同時呈現 Angus 白天及夜晚在角色上的轉換。

謝謝 Tatler Taiwan 給我們這個機會跟 McLaren 合作

Angus is the owner of the popular bar Draft Land and one of Taipei’s most well known bartenders. He’s famous for his good taste, entrepreneurial spirit and living a good life .

For this project we wanted to focus on the dichotomy of his life. He spends his days hiking and enjoying the fresh air of the mountains, his nights in tailored suits with drinks at the bar. The McLaren GT is the perfect vehicle to exist in both these worlds.

The opportunity to film a sports car has always been a dream. The sound of the engine, the speed through the turns, and trying to keep pace with the drone, were all very exciting elements of this shoot.

We are really thankful to Tatler Taiwan for providing this opportunity to work with McLaren .

Check this out.

Client: Tatler Taiwan
Production Company: Bei City Productions
Director: Garret Clarke
Photographer: Cht Jasmine
DP: Teng Rayson
1 st A/C:
Gaffer: .tom.yjc

Having way too much fun with Robot Swing & the whole That's MY SHHH family!!!

Having way too much fun with Robot Swing & the whole That's MY SHHH family!!!

———————————///AUDIO CRED...




We were hired by mindshare to shoot our first TV Commercial for Subway. This was a really exciting experience for us to dive deeper into pre production and learn what it takes to capture creative and commercial food shots. Knowing that it was going straight to TV, we understood that it had to be the highest quality that we could deliver.

We are really proud to have put together this video and delivered a whole package of assets for Subway.

Client: Mindshare/ Subway Taiwan
Producer: Jay Gaddi
Production Company: Bei City Productions
Director: Garret M. Clarke
Assistant Director: Jasmine Chang
DP: Rayson Teng
1 st A/C:
Gaffer: .tom.yjc
Food Stylist: ,
Animation: Sebastián Garrido
Location: Quarter Studio 果得影像工作室




Working in a creative field, there is always a sense of fear. We often question ourselves and constantly pursue projects that push us far beyond our comfort zones. This shoot was a giant leap for us into a new direction.

In order to ensure that we could succeed we spent a lot of time preparing and testing out our ideas. This video explains what we thought about, and our process and preparation for this shoot.


Red Bull Level Up 是用跳脫運動員平時訓練方式做出的ㄧ系列挑戰。黃子鵬擁有獨特的投球特性,是一位非常優秀的投手。

挑戰1. 精準度
子鵬必須用他著名的低肩側投將球丟過吊在空中的環,這已經夠難了,在Level Up 中,我們將環從1個變成3個。

Red Bull Level Up is a series that challenges athletes in unconventional forms. Tiger is an amazing sidearm curveball phenom.

Challenge 1: Accuracy; we arranged a single floating ring for him to throw through, which is already quite a difficult feat. For the Level Up we challenged him to throw through a curved path of floating rings.

lululemon Product Testimonial Series攝影很重感覺傳達,一張好的照片能讓人感同身受。以品牌形象來說,影像除了能傳達訊息外更重要的是與人之間的連結。Lululemon,加拿大瑜珈服飾品牌會定期在社群媒體上製作...

lululemon Product Testimonial Series




Evoking emotion is the most important element of photography. An impactful image can make you feel different. You want people to feel a connection with the brand.

lululemon will regularly create “product testimonials” for social media. In addition to informing consumers about new products, it helps consumers gain insights on the actual experience of wearing the clothes. These images were created to promote and explain their wonderful products.

As a brand, lululemon is committed to using real people for their product testimonials. This can be brand ambassadors, sales specialists and other non professional models. These ambassadors are always leaders in their respective professions, so it is important to photograph them in a setting that reflects their career and lifestyle. This helps show that lululemon apparel is great for all people in all walks of life.

在有Bei City這個名字後我們也開始想,我們心中的Bei City是什麼樣子?我們的logo要長什麼樣子?我們希望能有台北的元素但又保有我們的風格,也想跳脫以文字作為主logo的形式去操作,所以找到了在加州的藝術家 Austin Mcc...

在有Bei City這個名字後我們也開始想,我們心中的Bei City是什麼樣子?我們的logo要長什麼樣子?我們希望能有台北的元素但又保有我們的風格,也想跳脫以文字作為主logo的形式去操作,所以找到了在加州的藝術家 Austin Mccormick 幫我們做設計。

在主logo出來後我們實在太興奮了,所以又做了幾個不同的小圖案,在不同用途下做使用,包括一些Bei City製作物,如果你想在家裡添加一些Bei City的愛,歡迎跟我們說!


This has been one of the most enjoyable aspects of building Bei City. We spent months working with a great artist to help bring to life our vision of a logo that both represents our style as well as encapsulates the feeling of a typical Taipei alley. We got so excited that we just kept making more and more little logos for different uses. Let us know which one you like, and what you like about it. And yes, we do have t-shirts and other fun things we have made. If you are interested in having a little Bei City love in your house let us know.


在有Bei City前我們以平面攝影為重,後來才慢慢轉向動態。雖然現在單純平面拍攝的案子比例越來越少,但我們永遠為我們拍的照片感到驕傲。

There are many ways to evoke emotion. The power of an individual image can often be more impactful than anything else. This is why we constantly challenge ourselves to capture the essence, the attitude, the moment, and the details in images for our clients.

This is a montage of images that we have taken to showcase our photography.

這是Bei City !這組照片出自於我們很有天份的朋友 Johnny Lu Studio  ,我們好幾年前在工作上認識Johnny,那時候他是我們的模特兒,到現在他成為了一位很棒的攝影師,拍過的明星也比我們多了(所以我們請他來拍我們)。那...

這是Bei City !

這組照片出自於我們很有天份的朋友 Johnny Lu Studio ,我們好幾年前在工作上認識Johnny,那時候他是我們的模特兒,到現在他成為了一位很棒的攝影師,拍過的明星也比我們多了(所以我們請他來拍我們)。

那天我們大家去海邊走走,Johnny用他的中片幅底片拍下Bei City的第一組合照,又或是專輯封面照(?)

The way these portraits came about is a great encapsulation of who we are. Years ago we hired Johnny as a model for numerous projects. We instantly got along well and have maintained that friendship over the years. In time, Johnny has become an amazing photographer in his own right, and we knew that we had to have him shoot our company profile shots.

We went out to the beach with his collection of film cameras and had a good laugh. Looking at these pics we all chuckled and thought that we look like a band, and these would be our record cover shots.

This is Bei City.


🌐Welcome to Bei City🌐

**English Below**

在2021年,3位互相合作好幾年的自由業者決定不再孤軍奮戰於是一起成立Bei City Productions,那北影像製作,一間位於台北的影像製作公司。
成立Bei City後的我們在工作上有更多的交集,對於影像這種創意產業來說也相對的能激發出更多想法跟執行力,在拍攝上將自己發揮到最好,繼續成長中。

未來我們也會繼續在這裡分享Bei City的大小事,關於拍攝、關於不同領域的人、關於我們的日常。如果你喜歡歡迎分享出去,也期待日後任何回饋及交流。

We are a production company based in Taipei, Taiwan. After operating for years as a group of freelance creatives, we realized the next step in our evolution would be to solidify our partnership and form Bei City Productions.

Our core belief is that by committing to collaborative work we can build long-lasting friendships, and the tangible outcome from these relationships will be impactful visuals.

We created Bei City just over a year ago and in that time have been working relentlessly to make the best videos and photos we know how.

With love,

Bei City💞




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