通梟工作室 OwlNighter

通梟工作室 OwlNighter 通梟工作室|𝐎𝐰𝐥𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 學生自製遊戲研發團隊

【 靈鏈之途】銳意開發中


A Student Game Development Teams.

FB will update information every Wednesday, with additional posts at irregular times.

目前放視大賞正在募集人氣獎 " Sparkle採集計畫 "急需大家的支持,支持的方式很簡單先加”放視大賞官方Line"為好友 並進入 https://liff.line.me/1661032887-RoeAmlpv最後搜尋我們“ 靈鏈之途 ...

目前放視大賞正在募集人氣獎 " Sparkle採集計畫 "


並進入 https://liff.line.me/1661032887-RoeAmlpv

最後搜尋我們“ 靈鏈之途 “ 按下表情,就好了喔!


【最新公告】今天 05.30 (四) ~ 06.01 (六) 我們同樣也有參加 2024 放視大賞。這次的展覽集結相關優秀的作品同時競爭獎項,歡迎有興趣的各位可以前來體驗我們這次所展出的內容喔! 🙌日期:2024  05.30 (四) ~ ...


今天 05.30 (四) ~ 06.01 (六) 我們同樣也有參加 2024 放視大賞。
這次的展覽集結相關優秀的作品同時競爭獎項,歡迎有興趣的各位可以前來體驗我們這次所展出的內容喔! 🙌

日期:2024 05.30 (四) ~ 06.01 (六)
時間:週四至週六 9:00 - 17:00
地點:高雄展覽館南館 南台多媒 👀


We are also participating in the 2024 Vision Get Wild from May 30th (Thursday) to June 1st (Saturday). This exhibition gathers outstanding works and includes award competitions. We welcome everyone interested to come and experience our showcased content! 🙌

Date: May 30th (Thursday) - June 1st (Saturday), 2024
Time: Thursday to Saturday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, South Hall

※We apologize for any confusion caused by the change in our regular update schedule, which was moved from this Wednesday to today due to scheduling adjustments. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

【最新公告】今天 05.24 (五) ~ 05.27 (一) 是我們 2024 新一代設計展 展出的日子。這次的展覽集結相關優秀的作品同時競爭獎項,歡迎有興趣的各位可以前來體驗我們這次所展出的內容喔! 🙌日期:2024  05.24 (五)...


今天 05.24 (五) ~ 05.27 (一) 是我們 2024 新一代設計展 展出的日子。
這次的展覽集結相關優秀的作品同時競爭獎項,歡迎有興趣的各位可以前來體驗我們這次所展出的內容喔! 🙌

日期:2024 05.24 (五) ~ 05.27 (一)
時間:週五和週一 10:00 - 17:00 / 週六至週日 10:00 - 18:00
地點:南港展覽館二館 4樓 數位多媒體設計區 E13 南台多媒 👀


Today, May 24 (Fri) to May 27 (Mon), is the exhibition period for the 2024 New Generation Design Exhibition. This exhibition showcases outstanding works and hosts a competition for awards. We warmly welcome everyone interested to come and experience the content we have on display!

Dates: May 24 (Fri) to May 27 (Mon), 2024

Friday and Monday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2, 4th Floor, Digital Multimedia Design Area, Booth E13

※We apologize for any confusion caused by the change in our regular update schedule, which was moved from this Wednesday to today due to scheduling adjustments. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

【最新公告】今天 05.16 (四) ~ 05.19 (四) 是我們2024青春設計節展出的日子。這次的展覽盛大,歡迎對有興趣的各位可以前來體驗我們這次所展出的內容喔! 日期:2024  05.16 (四) ~ 05.19 (日)時間:週四...


今天 05.16 (四) ~ 05.19 (四) 是我們2024青春設計節展出的日子。

日期:2024 05.16 (四) ~ 05.19 (日)
時間:週四 10:00 - 18:00 / 週五至週日 10:00 - 20:00
地點:駁二蓬萊區B4倉庫 南台科大 多媒體與娛樂設計系展區

From May 16 (Thu) to May 19 (Sun), 2024, we will be showcasing our work at the Youth Innovative Design Festival. This grand exhibition welcomes everyone who is interested to come and experience our latest creations!

Date: May 16 (Thu) - May 19 (Sun), 2024

Thursday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday to Sunday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Warehouse B4, Penglai Sector, Pier-2 Art Center
Department of Multimedia and Entertainment Science Exhibit Area
Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology

#南台科大 #獨立遊戲團隊 #獨立遊戲開發 #獨立遊戲 #青春設計節

【最新公告】本周 5 / 3 號 我們受到了NinthGames【林梅LinMei】的邀請,即將在直播中介紹包含《靈鏈之途》在內南台多樂系夥伴的遊戲作品 🎉🎉本次的遊戲內容又做了許多的優化和調整 💪歡迎有興趣的各位可以前來觀看本次直播我們這...


本周 5 / 3 號 我們受到了NinthGames【林梅LinMei】的邀請,即將在直播中介紹包含《靈鏈之途》在內南台多樂系夥伴的遊戲作品 🎉🎉

本次的遊戲內容又做了許多的優化和調整 💪

日期:2024 / 5 / 3 號
時間: 晚上 19:30


On May 3rd, 2024, we have been invited by NinthGames' LinMei to showcase games from several partners, including our game "Spectral Fate" during a livestream. We have made many optimizations and adjustments to the game content for this event. We welcome anyone interested to watch the livestream and see what we have in game!

Date: May 3rd, 2024
Time: 7:30 PM (GMT +8)

(The above content is for game development demonstration purposes only, and the final product may be subject to adjustments.)
#獨立遊戲 #南台科大 #獨立遊戲團隊 #獨立遊戲開發 #靈鏈之途

南臺科技大學 多媒體與電腦娛樂科學系113級畢業展 https://www.facebook.com/stustmes?locale=zh_TW❥ 遊戲清單1. 《莓結果》:https:...

【開發日記】我們這幾天正在針對遊戲畫面進行調整,在UI方面,我們的敵人終於有屬於他們的血條了!!!,而我們也同時對物件的紋理做出了加強. . . . . . 。 (目前內容僅為遊戲開發中展示,最終完成品可能會有所調整。)""We are c...


我們這幾天正在針對遊戲畫面進行調整,在UI方面,我們的敵人終於有屬於他們的血條了!!!,而我們也同時對物件的紋理做出了加強. . . . . . 。


We are currently making adjustments to the game screen. In terms of UI, our enemies finally have their own health bars!!! We have also enhanced the textures of objects...

(The above content is for game development demonstration purposes only, and the final product may be subject to adjustments.)

#獨立遊戲團隊 #獨立遊戲開發 #獨立遊戲 #南台科大






The graduation exhibition on April 10th has successfully concluded!

We would like to thank all our classmates for their support, as well as our guests and the media for attending. Regardless of who you are, your presence has added splendor to our exhibition and enabled us to successfully complete this event.

In addition to the valuable feedback on the games themselves, we have been reflecting on how to present a more exciting experience for everyone in the next off-campus exhibition, from the exhibition layout to the last moment.

Thank you once again for your attendance, and we look forward to meeting again at the next " Youth Innovative Design Festival " !!

#獨立遊戲 #獨立遊戲團隊 #獨立遊戲開發 #南台科大

【最新公告】今天 4/10 號就是我們第五次校內審查,同時也是本系的畢業展。為了這次的展覽,我們特別在攤位布置上下了不少工夫,看到前幾天我們用心準備的身影,有沒有激起你的好奇心呢 ? ,歡迎對有興趣的各位可以前來體驗我們這次所展出的內容喔!...


今天 4/10 號就是我們第五次校內審查,同時也是本系的畢業展。

為了這次的展覽,我們特別在攤位布置上下了不少工夫,看到前幾天我們用心準備的身影,有沒有激起你的好奇心呢 ? ,歡迎對有興趣的各位可以前來體驗我們這次所展出的內容喔!

日期:2024 / 4 / 10 號
時間: 早上11:30 至 晚上 17:00
地點:南臺科大Y棟三連堂內 第21攤

#獨立遊戲團隊 #獨立遊戲開發 #南台科大 #獨立遊戲


明天4/10號,我們通梟工作室的"靈鏈之途"也會參加喔 !



″ 在斗篷之下的是. . . . . .~ ″

正在加緊開發中的是我們的 ″ 異變的遊魂 ″,作為遊魂之中的菁英,將會是玩家在挑戰最後的Boss前,需面臨的挑戰. . . . . .


"Under the cloak is...~"

In active development is our "Spirits of Mutations," which will be the elite among souls that players must face before challenging the final boss...

(The above content is for game development demonstration purposes only, and the final product may be subject to adjustments.)

#獨立遊戲團隊 #獨立遊戲 #獨立遊戲開發 #南台科大

【最 新 公 告】本周應小組進度調整,更新情報暫停一次。"This week, the group progress update is paused for adjustment. No information updates for n...

【最 新 公 告】


"This week, the group progress update is paused for adjustment. No information updates for now."

【開發日記】″  這麼帥的Boss,你有看過嗎?~ ″ 這是 ″ 冥界守護獸 ″,將會是玩家會遇到的挑戰之一,其在戰鬥中變換自如的戰鬥方式也相當考驗著玩家的操作反應和應對. . . . . .(目前內容僅為遊戲開發中展示,最終完成品可能會有...


″ 這麼帥的Boss,你有看過嗎?~ ″

這是 ″ 冥界守護獸 ″,將會是玩家會遇到的挑戰之一,其在戰鬥中變換自如的戰鬥方式也相當考驗著玩家的操作反應和應對. . . . . .


"Have you seen such a badass boss before?~"

This is the "Guardian of the Underworld," one of the challenges players will encounter. Its ability to change combat styles seamlessly during battle also tests players' reflexes and adaptability.

(Please note that the current content is a preview during game development, and the final product may undergo some adjustments.)

#獨立遊戲開發 #獨立遊戲 #南台科大 #獨立遊戲團隊

本次 3 / 6 號校內審查順利完成,非常感謝前來體驗和支持我們的各位。我們確實是沒有想到,這次有如此之多的人來支持我們,並同樣提供許多對遊戲的改善建議,通梟工作室的各位都十分的感謝。我們也期許接下來能透過這些建議繼續改善遊戲,期待再下次校...

本次 3 / 6 號校內審查順利完成,非常感謝前來體驗和支持我們的各位。



The internal review on March 6th was successfully completed. We would like to thank everyone who came to experience and support our game.

We truly did not expect such a large number of people to come and support us, and provide so many suggestions for improving the game. Everyone at the Touk Studio is very grateful.

We also hope to continue improving the game through these suggestions and look forward to bringing players a more complete experience at the next internal exhibition!

#獨立遊戲團隊 #獨立遊戲開發 #獨立遊戲 #南台科大

【最 新 公 告】" 正在為了明天做準備呢 . . . . . . "明天 3 / 6 號就是我們第四次校內審查的日子,歡迎有興趣的各位可以前來體驗喔! 日期:2024 / 3 / 6 號時間:  早上10:00 至 晚上 18:00地點:...

【最 新 公 告】

" 正在為了明天做準備呢 . . . . . . "

明天 3 / 6 號就是我們第四次校內審查的日子,歡迎有興趣的各位可以前來體驗喔!

日期:2024 / 3 / 6 號
時間: 早上10:00 至 晚上 18:00
地點:南臺科大w棟7樓走廊處 第21攤

#獨立遊戲團隊 #獨立遊戲 #獨立遊戲開發 #南台科大

【開發日記】我們正在加緊製作遊戲新宣傳片,用來為3/6號的 "那場活動" 做準備. . . . . . 後續完整版,我們也會發布在各社群平台,敬請期待~~ ~【Development Diary】We are currently worki...


我們正在加緊製作遊戲新宣傳片,用來為3/6號的 "那場活動" 做準備. . . . . .

後續完整版,我們也會發布在各社群平台,敬請期待~~ ~

【Development Diary】

We are currently working hard on creating a new promotional video for the game, in preparation for the event on March 6th.

The full version will also be released on various social media platforms, so please stay tuned ! ! !

#獨立遊戲團隊 #南台科大 #獨立遊戲 #獨立遊戲開發



Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 01:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 01:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 01:00
Thursday 08:00 - 01:00
Friday 08:00 - 01:00
Saturday 08:00 - 01:00
Sunday 08:00 - 01:00




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