In this video you'll see how me & my friends got 200,000 team score easy & even with a random. Using the tips I've listed below.
Here are some tips I believe, you & your friends can use to get that easy 200,000:
1). in every round, team multiplier crystals will spawn prioritize collecting them, these multiply all the points your team gets even the ones from ammo boxes & chests. when you collect them they drop loot & any fiends surrounding you will die & add up to your streaks.
2). if you die in any round besides the final round, you will RESPAWN after that round, so don't leave.
3). always try & keep streaks, once you get a 30+ KO streak you'll get your own personal x4 multiplier as long as you can keep it going.
4). there will be tons of fiends so carry explosives (stink bombs, clingers, dynamite or grenades) they can take out hordes of fiends when things get a bit overwhelming.
5). when you kill fiends they drop tons of stuff ,like ammo, so don't forget to share with your friends.
6). when it comes to guns I personally like these (drumgun, combat shotgun & combat SMG)
7). while killing fiends they may drop Turrets, I recommend holding on to these for the final round they melt the boss, once you set them up in a good position you'll definitely get that victory. I recommend 1 or 2 people setting up Turrets, so the others can have the boss & other fiends follow them so you can shoot them easily from the turrets.
8). go for headshots.