A colourful fruit, veggies and provision stall in Tobago, West Indies
We welcome all new followers to Coco Velvet International Earth Angels Foundation. Here we will galvanize support for CVI initiatives that help to reduce negative environmental impacts on our planet's ecosystem services. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES is a trans-disciplinary method and valuation tools used to measure and value natural capital resources.
Earth's ecosystems are classified as Provisional, Regulating, Supporting and Cultural. Provisional services describe the natural capital resources such as food in wild habitats and managed agro-ecosystems, fresh water from rivers, aquifers and lakes, herbal plants etc.
Regulating services include carbon sequestration and storage, air, soil and water purification, natural wastewater treatment, coastal protection and moderation of extreme natural hazards such as storm surges and hurricanes.
Supporting and Habitat Services provide living ecosystems for animal species, plants and trees, the foundation for genetic and biological diversity.
Many of Earth's systems have critical thresholds which can be impacted by climate change, severe biodiversity loss and global temperature extremes. Our planet has enjoyed a period of Holocene for 11 700 years (a safe and just place for humanity to live and thrive) however unprecedented GHG emissions and other impacts caused by unsustainable industrial activities have resulted in the breach of three of Earth's nine planetary boundaries in recent years.
For more conservation work follow Christopher Nathan on Facebook and LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/Christopher-nathan-594082179
Photo by Rachel Lee Young