Historian Stephen Chambers recommends ‘Lost Endeavour,’ the vivid memoir of Gallipoli soldier Charles Watkins. He says:
This book uses a lot of the common soldier’s vernacular of the time, and is full of anecdote. “Fust thing Ah’ll get me when Ah gets to Cairo will be to buy meself a big plate of fried eggs, stacks and stacks of good bread-and-butter, and a pot of tea – in a pot so bloody big you’d be able to swim in it. Wot does ta think o’ that for a start, Sarge?’ The Sergeant regarded the questioner quizzically, then burst out laughing. ‘Knowing thee as Ah do, mate,’ he said, ‘that’ll be the second thing tha’ll be getting’ thiself.” While it can take a few pages to get your eye in, it is most definitely worth the effort.
Little Gully have done a wonderful service by republishing Watkin’s work, thus giving it the wider readership it truly deserves... it remains a must-read.
Stephen’s review can be found in the latest edition of The Gallipolian, journal of the Gallipoli Association.