The ultimate aim of Gazette, which also broadcasts globally in the web site, is to show it’s difference and create the awareness of the public opinions through questioning the progress and taboos, as well as molding them. Its basic principles: to be aware of the social responsibilities and maintain a peaceful press policy, and to be a reliable and fair-minded source. Its mission: to
work hard to puplish every new issue better, more comprehensive and more qualified than the previous one. Its vision: to increase the number of readers under the slogan of “a Gazette for each house” and to develop the awareness of responsibility as well as contributing positively in the changes and developments of the world. Gazette, carries out accurate, reliable and honest broadcasting principles in all news broadcasted or published. adresinden de küresel düzeyde yayın yapan Gazette’nin amacı; gidişatı ve tabuları sorgulayarak, kamuoyu oluşturarak farkındalık yaratmak. Vizyonu; okuyucularında sorumluluk bilinci geliştirerek dünyanın olumlu yönde değişimine katkıda bulunmak. Temel değerleri; dürüst, sağduyulu, barışçıl ve sosyal sorumluluklarının bilincinde olmaktır. Gazette, doğru ve dürüst yayıncılık ilkesini yayınladığı tüm haberlerde uygular. Gazette'nin misyonu; "Her eve bir GAZETTE"