Diplomacy Tunnel: It is a digital journey reflecting the milestones of diplomacy from the Treaty of Kadesh to the modern era, and social media presences and the virtual conferencing of top politicians and diplomats to be attentive and adaptive to the day’s demands. Diplomacy Tunnel is divided into three parts: Roots of Diplomacy, Modern Diplomacy, and Recoding Diplomacy, and all these parts are backed with animations explicitly designed according to the content of each section. More than 400 images or videos are elaborately selected and displayed to give visitors the feeling of wandering in different phases of history.
Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Agency: Altus Organizasyon
Direction/Content/Production design: Illusionist
Display: Display Team
Illusionist Istanbul 2D ve 3D animasyonla ilgilenip multimedya ve dijital sanat alanlarında bir kariyer düşünenlere kendilerini geliştirme imkânı sunuyor:
Tamamen ücretsiz olan dersler iki dönem olacak.
Birinci dönemde haftada bir gün online After Effects ve Houdini dersleri verilecek ve herhangi bir kontenjan sınırı olmayacak.
Bu dönemi başarıyla tamamlayan 8 öğrenciyle ikinci döneme geçilecek. Bu eğitim yüz yüze olacak ve animasyon programlarının yanı sıra dijital hikâye anlatıcılığı, bir fikrin görsele dönüşme aşamaları, temel sahne bilgisi gibi dersleri de kapsayacak.
Bu eğitimlerin ardından yapılacak değerlendirmeye göre katılımcılara stüdyomuzda staj ve iş imkânı sunulacak.
İlgilenenler 3 Aralık 2021 tarihine kadar biodaki linkten başvuru yapabilir.
Birinci dönem: 6 Aralık 2021’de başlayacak, her biri 90 dakika olacak bu online dersler 7 hafta sürecek.
İkinci dönem: 7 Şubat 2022’de başlayacak ve haftada iki gün olacak. 12 hafta boyunca toplamda 72 saatlik yüz yüze eğitim uygulanacak.
Önemli not: After Effects dersleri için (temel After Effects bilgisi) ve Houdini dersleri için (temel 3D bilgisi) aranmaktadır.
While we are working on 2021’s exciting new projects, lets take a look at our hologram shows so far
Performing Arts Showreel
It is mesmerizing how a piece of fabric and light turns an entire stage into an illusion. Here some of our projects that brings technology and performing arts together. Enjoy!
ING All-Star Opening Show 2019
Here is a flashback to ING All-Star Opening Show 2019!
Atamızı derin özlem ve saygıyla anıyoruz.
Ölümünün 82. yıldönümünde, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün ilk dijital heykelini sunmaktan gurur duyuyoruz...Eser, bilim, teknoloji ve sanatı medeniyetimizin temeline koyan Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün mirasını onurlandırmak adına kreatif direktörümüz ve heykeltıraşımız Serdar Korkmaz tarafından Mess Teknoloji Merkezi için yapıldı.
On the death anniversary of our great leader, we are proud to present the first digital statue of him!
This digital sculpture was created for Mess Technology Center, by our creative director and sculptor Serdar Korkmaz to honor the legacy of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk; who put science, technology, and art on the basis of our civilization.
We commemorate the 82nd anniversary of his passing with respect and longing.
Robotic Arm Enhanced Immersive Experience:Humachine v.02
We recently created a 'Robotic Arm Enhanced Immersive Experience' based upon the human-machine interaction for the celebration of 60 years of MESS, the path they've taken along those years and their vision of future. This evolution throughout 60 years is told in a 6 minutes long unique 3d animation on 200 square-meters of led canvas, 3 performers and 6 led panels carried and moved by giant robotic arms.
The project aimed to reflect the human machine interaction in the age of transformation. As industry 5.0 approaching it was extremely important to show the process of blue collar workers' adaptation to work alongside the smart machines. In order to reflect this process in the best manner, the robotic arms were accompanied by performers.
Though the robotic arms' movement and speed are designed for industrial use only, we needed them to move against their nature. To achieve this, we ought to be following a more diverse route for the pipeline rather than our conventional ways. The robotic arms' characteristics for maneuver and the movement has made us to come up with 20 different versions of 3D choreography using different engines in order to meet at a common plane both for our concept and the Kukas' capabilities.
To introduce the 3D choreography to the robotic arms with a minimum latency and maximum efficiency needed hundreds of hours of work and multiple programming softwares but one of the best part of the projects was to have 6 giant Kukas in our studio and having the chance to work on them directly.
It was a sheer pleasure and a challenge at the same time to code the giant robotic arms in a way to make six of them work perfectly synchronized. Tens of hours of conceptual design, 2 months of robotic coding and 3d animation, greenbox shootings, countless rehearsals has paid of with this breathtaking exhibit.
Yakın gelecekte insan emeğinin yerini büyük oranda robotların alacağı ileri sürülür ve dünya endüstri 5.0’ı konuşurken, robotlar
We invite you to enjoy the fully digital and interactive visitor centre at Göbeklitepe, designed and built by Doğuş Group.
#interactive #gobeklitepe #digital #museum
Deri Tanıtım Grubu / Turkey Innovation Week 2015
Human-sized holographic pyramid installation: A leather story.
Digital Holographic Fashion Show, Arzu Kaprol ''Fountain of Life''
Holographic Flashback to 2016!
Arzu Kaprol, Winter Collection “Fountain of Life” #tbt #holographic #fashionshow #vfx #performingarts