Enhancing the Quality of APSR by Clearly Identifying the Contribution and Novelty of Each Submitted Article
The Asian Political Science Review (APSR) has been assessed and certified by the Thai Journal Citation Index Center for inclusion in the TCI database, categorizing it in Tier 1 (the highest tier) for the evaluation of journal quality within the TCI database, Round 5, effective from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2029, the journal aims to elevate its quality further in preparation for assessment by international databases such as Scopus and WoS. The editorial board, therefore, requires that every article submitted for consideration for publication in APSR must clearly identify the "contribution" and "novelty" of each article in at least two sections: 1) at the end of the "Abstract" and 2) at the "Conclusion and Discussion" section. This should be presented as a narrative rather than as separate subheadings. Articles that do not comply with this requirement may be asked to make revisions before the editor assigns them for review by external reviewers. Furthermore, if, at the final stage, the editor-in-chief finds that the authors have not sufficiently addressed these elements, those articles may ultimately be rejected for publication in APSR. The judgment of the EIC shall be final, and authors will not be able to request a refund of the article processing charge.