Battambang Tour វីដេអូបង្រៀនសម្រាប់ mmo ដៃថ្មី! In the morning we will start the tour by visiting the Bamboo train and a local village. We will enjoy a local lunch at 2pm.

2 Days/1 Night
Departure time: 9 AM
Place to Pick up: From your Hotel or another arranged venue
Duration : 9 to 10 hours
Tour highlights: This full day tour is designed for anyone who wishes to see the interesting things around Battambang, including the most popular tourism attractions ,real village life ,traditional handicrafts and local food. To make the tour becomes interesting and uniq

ue we will mix Bicycle and Tuk Tuk tour together in a day .Only to visit the village you will enjoy the bike riding and the rest of other activities we will use Tuk Tuk .(So in the village if you do not like or fit with the bike so no worry we still can use Tuk Tuk). In the afternoon we will see how the local people make different handicrafts. In the evening we will travel to Phnom Sompov mountain where we will go to the top to see killing cave,monkey and nice views and lastly come back at the bottom to watch millions of bats flying from the cave. What is included in the tour:
-Tuk Tuk
-Tour Guide
-Drinks &Water
-Phnom Sompov Entrance Fee
-All other Entrance Fees
What is not included in the tour:
– Bamboo Train Fee: $5 per person
What to see and do :
Morning(9am to 12pm)
-BambooTrain(Just Temporary closed)
– Village Life
Afternoon(12pm to 3:30pm)
-Making Rice Paper
-Making Rice Wine
-Making a Khmer Scarf
-Making Dried Bananas
-Fish Paste wholesaler
-Making Bamboo Sticky Rice
-Lunch and Relax(2pm to 3:30pm)
-Phnom Sompov Mountain( 4pm to 6pm)
-Bat Cave/flight
Stop 1: Bamboo Train( $5 per person)
Note: It is just being closed so it is sad to anyone wants to do it. The bamboo train was used by the local people to transport goods, animals, rice and people after the war and has now become famous as a fun ride for tourists. The ride takes about one hour to go and come back from Odambang village to Osrolau village. Stop 2: Village Life ( By Bicycle or Tuk Tuk)
Cycling is the best way to give you a sense of local Cambodian village life. You can explore the forest and countryside in this quiet area, along roads that are very easy to ride and safe. We will meet local people directly and see how they live, work and eat. Cambodian people are very friendly and enjoy meeting tourists, so you will be warmly welcomed with their smiles and “Hello” when they meet you. We will see how local vegetables and fruit trees are grown and get to sample their produce. You will also see the local village school and a pagoda where the monks live and worship. Afternoon
Stop 3: Making Rice Paper
Have you ever wondered how the rice paper for fresh spring rolls is made? We will visit a family rice paper business and witness how the skills that have passed down through the generations is used to make this delicate product, over a real fire. Stop 4: Making rice wine
Rice wine is the traditional alcohol for local peo



What happened to you my friend? 😞

What happened to you my friend? 😞

ដាច់បាយហើយ បានតែការ៉េម!

ដាច់បាយហើយ បានតែការ៉េម!

Hi  guy! GoodnightThe reason of life!

Hi guy! Goodnight

The reason of life!


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រីករាយថ្ងៃ ចុងសប្តាហ៍


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