284_Aite is a person who can catch its tail. #鱼keeperDIary #Arapaima #amazon
285_Aite is someone you think can catch one of its tails. #rapaima #gianthu #fishkeeping diary
293_The feeling of pressure from giant things #Arapaima #fishkeeping diary
292_Aite is a person beside you who can catch one of its tails. #Arapaima #大物 #鱼keeping
280_Playing with contrasts. #rapaima #phobiaofmonster #thaipantsspicy
281_As you feed, you will grow bigger. Our main focus is to grow bigger. #Arapaima #fishkeepingdiary #大物phobia
278_Our main specialty is watching the fish “tongue”
276_This sense of oppression #Arapaima #fishkeeping diary
277_As you feed, you’ll grow bigger #arapaima #phobia of giants thai pants spicy
274_The main thing is to grow big and strong ~ #arapaima #keeperDIary
275_Aite is the one who dares to take a bite from him #Arapaima
272_As you feed, you’ll grow bigger. #Bone Tongue #spicy #phobia