The official news website of People's Television is
The People's Television page intends to encourage online discussion about the latest news and interaction with our users and viewers. If these rules are broken the comment or post will be removed with a warning. If any of the rules are broken on more than one occasion the person posting the content will be remove
d and banned from the page. To help us achieve these goals, we've set a few ground rules for those who want to post or comment on this page:
1) Insightful commentary and questions.
2) Using respectful language. WE DO NOT WELCOME:
1) Using derogatory or offensive language. Graphic, obscene, explicit or racial comments or submissions will not be tolerated. We also do not allow comments that are abusive, hateful or intended to defame anyone or any organization. Any posting consisting of these subjects will warrant removal and ban from the page.
2) Posting of obscene photos or videos.
3) Posting of links to competitors' websites and any links that appear on our page that do not constitute official endorsement on behalf of People's Television.
4) Advertising of goods or services. Solicitations and advertisements (spam) will be removed. This includes promotion or endorsement of any financial, commercial or non-governmental agency.
5) We do not allow comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity. Any comments and information posted to our wall is of your own responsibility. If a member of the page is not abiding by our posting guidelines please report it. We reserve the right to delete posts or comments that violate our ground rules. Thank you!
-PTV Social Media Team