Li Minbicê Berxwedaniya Şervanan #YPJ
مشاهد من دخول قوات مجلس دير الزور العسكري التابع لقواتنا إلى غرب الفرات في منطقة دير الزور واستقبال الأهالي للقوات.
Footage shows the deployment of our Deir Ezzor Military Council's forces to the Deir Ezzor areas west of the Euphrates River and the people's reception of the forces.
On the occasion of #25November we spoke with three women's institutions in Rojava about their fight against violence & approach to women's self-defense.
Watch the whole clip on our Youtube channel:
Çalakiya Taybet Ya Odeya Emeliyatê #YPJ Di operasyona ‘ewlehiya domdar’ de hêzên odeya emeliyatê bi çalakiyeke taybet re gelek amûrên leşkerî bidest xistin. Di heman demê de bi dehan çeteyên DAÎŞ’î hatine girtin.
Biji berxwedana Kobanê
Tomorrow is #WorldKobaneDay - 10 years ago #YPJ #YPG heroically fought IS in Kobani. Member of the YPJ General Command, Rohilat Afrin, with a message for November 1st. ✊✌️
#Kobanê #Kobani
"The collapse of IS began in Kobane and ended in Baghouz."
➡️ Watch the full statement on our Youtube channel:
Operation against ISIS
Operations against ISIS b y our forces YPJ
YPJ: A raid was carried out on an ISIS cell on the Şeddadî-Hesekê road, 2 gangs were arrested, 1 mine was neutralized.
An ISIS gang was caught and a large amount of ammunition was seized in an operation in the Deir ez-Zor region.
Operasyonên li dijî DAIŞ’ê b y hêzên me YPJ
YPJ: Li ser rêya Şeddadî-Hesekê li dijî şaneyek çeteyên DAIŞ’ê çalakiyek hate lidarxistin, 2 çete hatin girtin, 1 mayin hate bêbandorkirin.
Li herêma Dêrezorê di operasyonekê de çeteyekî DAIŞ’ê hate girtin û gelek cebilxane hate desteserkirin.
Bi Arteşbûnê Jinê Em ê Şoreşê Mîsoger Bikin
تتحدث المقاتلة في وحدات حماية المرأة، بروين حلب، التي تأخذ مكانها في أكاديمية المقاتلين الجدد للشهيدة روجدا منبج، عن تأثير التدريب على شخصيتها
The fighter from the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), Perwin Halab, who is part of the Martyr Rojda Manbij Academy for new fighters, speaks about the impact of the training on her personality.
Şervana YPJ’ê Perwîn Heleb ya di akademiya şervanên nû Ya Şehîd Rojda Minbic de perwerde dibîne, guhertinên ku di xwe de avakiriye nirxand
Meeting between the Women's Protection Units and the Coalition
Meeting between the Women's Protection Units and the Coalition
The Women's Protection Units met with a number of women in the International Coalition. During the meeting, the experiences and achievements of the Women's Protection Units were emphasized, as well as the importance of self-defense and the role of women in protecting communities.
Finally, views were exchanged on the war against ISIS and public security in the region. It was decided that this struggle would continue continuously and cautiously.
اللقاء بين وحدات حماية المرأة والتحالف
اجتمعت وحدات حماية المرأة مع عدد من النساء في التحالف الدولي. وتم خلال اللقاء التأكيد على تجارب وإنجازات وحدات حماية المرأة كما تم التأكيد على أهمية الدفاع عن النفس ودور المرأة في حماية المجتمعات.
وفي الختام، تم تبادل وجهات النظر حول الحرب ضد داعش والأمن العام في المنطقة. وقد تقرر أن يستمر هذا النضال بشكل مستمر وحذر.
(بالفيديو)العملية المشتركة التي قامت بها وحدات حماية المرأة و قوات الكوماندوس ووحدات مكافحة الإرهاب ضد خلايا تنظيم داعش الإرهابي في مدينة الرقة👇
Ruksen Mihemed: ‘Yên Ku Denîz Gezmîş Qetil Kirin Rêber Apo Jî Hedef Girtin’
Vîdyo bigiştî li ser vê lînkê bi şopînin:👇