The Bell

The Bell The Bell South Sudan is a media house working seven days a week, 24 hours a day and reporting on cur

The Bell South Sudan is a media house working seven days a week, 24 hours a day and reporting on local, national and international news and sports as they happened, with in-depth focus on a wide range of issues related to the development of South Sudan. The Bell South Sudan broadcasts in English, Simple Arabic and in other local languages. The Bell South Sudan produces detailed objective news and

information, programs with content related to breaking News, current affairs, civic education, health, agriculture, and other important issues, sports and entertainment. The Bell South Sudan’s vision is to develop into a self-sustaining independent media house, serving the whole of the Republic of South Sudan and surrounding territories. OUR OBJECTIVES
• To fill the information gap and provide to the people of South Sudan and neighboring territories objective and balanced news and information on issues vital to an informed and participating citizenry
• To provide and facilitate access to information, including governmental issues and elections, civic education, health, education, culture and gender.
• To provide fair and accurate news of the situation and developments in South Sudan.
• To provide features, interviews and opinion pieces regarding all South Sudan-related issues.
• To facilitate transparency between the South Sudan Government and the people.
• To encourage discussion and debate on issues related to South Sudan and South Sudanese.
• To provide information and reports on social, health, cultural and environmental issues to our general readership.
• To cover developments in South Sudan related issues in the international forum.
• To provide an accessible forum for young South Sudan journalists to express their opinions.
• To promote a better understanding among South Sudan journalists of the democratic governance, human rights, and social, health, cultural and environmental issues.


The Bell,

19th February 2024, Juba

Government Seizes 17 Trucks Carrying Illegally Imported Goods

In a major crackdown on illegal imports, the South Sudanese government has seized 17 trucks carrying goods that were brought into the country illegally. The operation was led by the Chairperson of the South Sudan National Bureau of Standards, Kuorwel Kuai, as part of the government's ongoing efforts to combat illicit trade and protect the country's economy.

The seized trucks were found to be transporting a wide range of goods, including electronics, clothing, and other consumer products that had entered the country without proper authorization. The illegal importation of such goods not only poses a threat to local businesses and industries but also undermines the government's efforts to regulate trade and ensure that imported products meet the required quality and safety standards.

Chairperson Kuorwel Kuai emphasized the importance of enforcing regulations to safeguard the interests of South Sudan and its citizens. He stated, "Illegal imports not only deprive the government of much-needed customs revenue but also have a detrimental impact on local businesses and consumers. We are committed to taking decisive action to prevent the entry of unauthorized goods into our country."

The crackdown on illegal imports is part of a broader initiative by the South Sudanese government to strengthen trade regulations and promote fair competition within the country. The authorities have called on all businesses and individuals involved in importation to adhere to the established guidelines and obtain the necessary permits to prevent the circumvention of import regulations.

The government's swift action in seizing the 17 trucks sends a clear message that illegal trade will not be tolerated, and those involved will face consequences for their actions. The South Sudan National Bureau of Standards has vowed to continue its efforts to monitor and regulate imports to ensure compliance with the law and protect the integrity of the country's market.

The public is encouraged to support the government's efforts by reporting any suspected cases of illegal imports to the relevant authorities. By working together, the government and the citizens of South Sudan can effectively combat illicit trade and uphold the country's trade laws and standards.

The South Sudanese government's determination to tackle illegal imports demonstrates its commitment to fostering a transparent and fair trade environment that benefits the nation's economy and its people. As the crackdown continues, it is expected to serve as a deterrent to those who seek to engage in illegal importation and reinforce the government's resolve to uphold the rule of law in matters of trade and commerce.

courtesy of Sheila Ponni



Rules of football when we were kids

1. The fat kid was always the goalkeeper
2. The owner of the ball decides who plays
3. If you didn't take part in repairing the ball, you were given a match ban
4. The guy who's never picked was to fetch the ball from the trees or bush when it got stuck, under the car or tunnel to play in the next game
5. When the ball owner got annoyed, game over
6. When you hit your toes against a stone and you notice blood, you quickly cover the area of injury with sand as a form of first aid and play continues
7. You can't dribble the owner too much. This may lead him to stop the game by taking away his ball.
8. Regardless of the goals scored, the winner would be determined by the last team to score
9. No offsides. 10. There's no referee.
11. There is foul unless it's a serious one.
12. The 2 best players can not play in the same team, so everyone chooses their players.
13. If you're chosen last, it's humiliation, and you'll remain in defence.
14. The best player becomes the keeper if there's a penalty.
15. The best player on the field is always in the same team as the ball owner.
16. To distinguish the teams, one must pull off their shirts .
17. 3 or 5 corner kicks in a row = a penalty.
18. There's always a house where when the ball fell there, we knew that the game was over. so be careful !!
19. Game over when it's dark and we can barely see the ball, we all disperse in groups teasing one another until we get home to face another punishment from our parents.😂😂



Youth and Society is currently looking for interns for the positions of…..
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The United States sanctions former Sudan foreign minister Ali Karti, accusing him of obstructing efforts to bring about a ceasefire in the country's civil war. Karti was a foreign minister from 2010 to 2015 in the government of former leader Omar al-Bashir.


I've always dreamt of writing simple children's books to promote the Dinka language to the younger generation. While many might not see its value now, I believe they'll recognise it in years to come. A few years ago, I published a book but didn't promote it extensively. Now, I have a sample for a second children's book, 36 pages long. Only those keen on enhancing their reading skills in Dinka will truly appreciate it.



The Bell, Aweil,

29th September 2023,

The government of Northern Bahr ghazel State in South Sudan has launched a house-to-house search for guns and prohibited items. The search, which began on September 25, is aimed at reducing the number of fi****ms in circulation and preventing their use in criminal activities.

According to a statement from Guot Akol, a police spokesperson, the search has so far resulted in the collection of 60 AK47s, 8 pistols, 2 PKM machine guns, 2 hand grenades, and 45 empty magazines. Akol said that there is no reason for civilians to keep guns in their homes.

"The primary concern is to protect citizens' lives because civilians' possession of fi****ms can lead to acts of vengeance, displays of force, and other maybe dangerous activities," Akol said.

The search is being conducted by a joint team of police and military personnel. Akol said that the team is facing some challenges, such as the lack of cooperation from some residents. However, he said that the team is determined to continue the search until all guns and prohibited items have been collected.

The search for guns and prohibited items is part of a wider effort by the government of South Sudan to reduce crime and violence. In recent months, the government has launched a number of initiatives, including a crackdown on illegal mining and a ban on the sale of alcohol.


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WFP EMERGENCY APPEALJuba, 19th August 2023,●A sobering truth: 1.4 million children in   are malnourished today - the hig...


Juba, 19th August 2023,

●A sobering truth: 1.4 million children in are malnourished today - the highest number in a decade.

●Conflict, climate shocks and the are absolutely devastating families here.

●This extraordinary emergency calls for an extraordinary response. Said Cindy McCain of World Food Program

The World Food Program (WFP) is calling for an urgent increase in funding to help the millions of people in South Sudan who are facing severe food insecurity.

The agency said that 1.4 million children in the country are malnourished, the highest number in a decade.

The situation is being driven by a number of factors, including conflict, climate shocks and the ongoing economic crisis in Sudan.

WFP said that it needs $426 million to provide food assistance to 4.5 million people in South Sudan over the next six months.

"The situation in South Sudan is extremely concerning," said Cindy McCain, the WFP's global ambassador. "We are seeing a record number of children who are malnourished, and we are worried that the situation will only get worse if we don't act now."

McCain called on donors to step up and provide the funding that is needed to help the people of South Sudan.

"This is an extraordinary emergency, and it calls for an extraordinary response," she said. "We need to act now to save lives."

Title: Kenya Airways Faces Potential Loss of Business on Juba Route due to High PricesDate: August 14, 2023Nairobi, Keny...

Title: Kenya Airways Faces Potential Loss of Business on Juba Route due to High Prices

Date: August 14, 2023

Nairobi, Kenya - Kenya Airways (KQ), the national carrier, has come under scrutiny for its pricing strategy on the Juba route. Concerns have been raised about the airline's high fares, which are significantly higher compared to other commercial airlines operating on the same route. If this pricing disparity continues, Kenya Airways risks losing business and market share.

Passengers traveling between Nairobi and Juba have expressed their frustration over the cost of flights offered by Kenya Airways. Many have pointed out that the price of a one-way ticket on Kenya Airways is equivalent to the cost of a return ticket with other airlines operating on the Juba route. This alarming price difference has prompted customers to consider alternative carriers, potentially leading to a decline in Kenya Airways' passenger numbers.

While Kenya Airways holds a strong reputation and is beloved by many, its current pricing structure is raising concerns among loyal customers. The airline's management is being urged to take immediate action to address this issue, as it could negatively impact the company's financial performance and reputation.

In response to the mounting criticism, Transport Cabinet Secretary Onesimus Kipchumba Murkomen has been brought into the conversation. As the overseer of the transportation sector, he holds the responsibility of ensuring fair competition and reasonable prices for consumers. It is expected that he will engage with Kenya Airways and other stakeholders to find a resolution that benefits both the airline and the passengers.

The Juba route is a vital connection for both business and leisure travelers, with significant economic implications for Kenya Airways. The airline must consider the long-term consequences of its pricing strategy and find a balance that is competitive while still maintaining profitability.

Industry experts suggest that Kenya Airways could explore various options to remain competitive on the Juba route. This may include revisiting its pricing structure, offering promotional fares, or introducing value-added services to enhance the overall customer experience. By doing so, the airline can retain its loyal customer base and attract new passengers.

Kenya Airways has not yet officially responded to the concerns raised, but it is hoped that the management will carefully evaluate the situation and take appropriate measures to rectify the pricing disparity. The airline's ability to adapt to changing market dynamics will be crucial in retaining its market share and remaining a preferred choice among travelers.

As the conversation surrounding Kenya Airways' pricing on the Juba route continues, passengers eagerly await a response from the airline. Only time will tell if the concerns expressed by customers and the intervention of the Transport Cabinet Secretary will lead to a more favorable pricing structure that benefits all stakeholders involved.

President Salva Kiir Signs 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget, Includes Significant Salary Increase for Civil Servants and Arm...

President Salva Kiir Signs 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget, Includes Significant Salary Increase for Civil Servants and Armed Forces

Juba, 14th August2023- In a monumental move for the nation, President Salva Kiir has signed the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget into law. This crucial step ensures the allocation of funds for the country's development and the welfare of its citizens. The Financial Bill 2023, which formed the basis of the budget, was presented to the President by Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba.

The budget, totaling a staggering 2.1 trillion South SudanesePounds, includes several key provisions aimed at bolstering the economy and improving the lives of South Sudanese citizens. Notably, a significant increment of 400% in salaries and wages has been allocated for civil servants, the Army, and other organized forces.

This substantial salary increase is a testament to the government's commitment to recognizing the vital role played by these sectors in the nation's stability and progress. The raise in income will not only improve the livelihoods of civil servants but also serve as a means of attracting and retaining talented individuals within the public sector, thereby enhancing overall service delivery.

President Salva Kiir expressed his satisfaction with the budget's passage, emphasizing its focus on key areas such as education, healthcare, infrastructure development, and poverty alleviation programs. He believes that investing in these sectors is crucial for South Sudan's sustainable growth and prosperity.

The President also acknowledged the importance of the armed forces in safeguarding the nation's security and stability. By providing a substantial salary increase for the Army and other organized forces, the government aims to boost morale and ensure their continued dedication in protecting the country.

Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba, who played a pivotal role in the budget's formulation and presentation, expressed her gratitude for the successful passage of the Financial Bill 2023. She highlighted the collaborative efforts of the legislative and executive branches in ensuring that the budget aligns with the country's development goals and addresses the needs of its citizens.

The 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget marks a significant milestone for South Sudan, demonstrating the government's commitment to inclusive growth and socio-economic development. The increased funding for civil servants, the Army, and other organized forces is a testament to the value placed on the contributions of these sectors to the nation's progress.

As the budget takes effect, the South Sudanese people eagerly anticipate the positive impact it will have on their lives. The implementation of various developmental projects and the improved financial well-being of civil servants and armed forces personnel are expected to create a ripple effect of progress across the nation.

With the signing of the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget, South Sudan takes a bold step towards a brighter future, one that prioritizes the welfare of its citizens and lays the foundation for sustained growth and prosperity.

Uganda and South Sudan Sign Power Sales Agreement to Boost Electricity TradeDate: June 30, 2023In a significant move tow...

Uganda and South Sudan Sign Power Sales Agreement to Boost Electricity Trade

Date: June 30, 2023

In a significant move towards regional cooperation, Uganda and South Sudan have recently signed a power sales agreement (PSA) to facilitate the trade of electricity between the two nations. This agreement is expected to strengthen the energy sectors of both countries and bring about positive socio-economic impacts for the towns of Oraba and Elegu in Uganda, as well as Kaya and Nimule in South Sudan.

The PSA comes at a crucial time for Uganda, as it prepares to inaugurate the 600MW Karuma power dam, a massive infrastructure project that has been under construction since 2013. With the completion of the dam on the horizon, the power sales agreement between Uganda and South Sudan sets the stage for cross-border electricity trade that will benefit both nations.

One of the key outcomes of this agreement is the construction of a 400kV Olwiyo-Juba power transmission line, spanning a distance of 308 kilometers. Under the terms of the agreement, Uganda will be responsible for developing 138 kilometers of the transmission line on its side, while South Sudan will construct the remaining 170 kilometers within its borders.

The Olwiyo-Juba power transmission line is a critical infrastructure project that will facilitate the efficient transfer of electricity between the two countries. It will play a pivotal role in meeting the growing electricity demand in South Sudan, as the nation strives to enhance its power generation and distribution capabilities. Moreover, the transmission line will enable Uganda to export its surplus electricity to its neighbor, fostering economic cooperation and strengthening the energy security of both nations.

The implementation of this power sales agreement signifies a significant step forward in regional integration and collaboration. By leveraging each country's strengths and resources, Uganda and South Sudan are establishing a mutually beneficial partnership that will contribute to the development and well-being of their respective populations.

In addition to the economic benefits, the agreement holds great promise for improving the livelihoods of the communities residing in the towns of Oraba and Elegu in Uganda, as well as Kaya and Nimule in South Sudan. Access to reliable electricity will create opportunities for new businesses, the expansion of existing industries, and the generation of employment. Furthermore, the increased availability of electricity will enhance the living standards of the local populations, enabling access to modern amenities and improving overall quality of life.

The power sales agreement between Uganda and South Sudan signifies a significant milestone in the pursuit of regional energy cooperation and economic development. It underscores the commitment of both nations to leverage their energy resources for the benefit of their people. As the construction of the Olwiyo-Juba power transmission line commences, a new era of cross-border electricity trade is set to unfold, fostering collaboration and progress between Uganda and South Sudan.

With the signing of this agreement, Uganda and South Sudan demonstrate their determination to harness the transformative power of electricity to drive socio-economic growth and propel their nations towards a prosperous future.

**About The Bell Media:**
The Bell Media is a prominent news agency based in South Sudan, dedicated to delivering accurate, impartial, and timely news coverage on a wide range of topics. With a team of experienced journalists and correspondents, The Bell Media strives to provide insightful reporting to its readers, fostering informed dialogue and promoting progress. This report was prepared in collaboration with MANSA Media,

UNFPA South Sudan Donates Office Equipment to Support National NGOs in Localization AgendaJuba, South Sudan - In a move ...

UNFPA South Sudan Donates Office Equipment to Support National NGOs in Localization Agenda

Juba, South Sudan -

In a move to support the capacity strengthening of national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in advancing the localization agenda, UNFPA South Sudan has donated office equipment to Hope Restoration South Sudan and Smile Again Africa Development Organization - SAADO.

The donation ceremony, which took place on June 15, 2023, was attended by officials from the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the Government of the Republic of South Sudan.

The equipment donated includes computers, printers, scanners, and other necessary office supplies that will enable the two organizations to enhance their operations and better serve their communities.

Speaking at the ceremony, the UNFPA South Sudan Representative, Mr. Ademola Olajide, emphasized the importance of supporting national NGOs in the localization agenda. He noted that local organizations understand the needs of their communities better and are better positioned to address the challenges faced by their people.

"We recognize the critical role that national NGOs play in the development of South Sudan," said Mr. Ademola Olajide. "By supporting their capacity strengthening, we are not only empowering them to work more effectively but also contributing to the achievement of the localization agenda."

Hope Restoration South Sudan and Smile Again Africa Development Organization - SAADO expressed their gratitude to UNFPA for the donation. They noted that the equipment will go a long way in enhancing their operations and improving their service delivery to the communities they serve.

The UNMISS Head of Office, also lauded UNFPA for its commitment to supporting national NGOs in South Sudan. He emphasized the importance of partnerships and collaborations in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the localization agenda.

The donation ceremony was held under the initiative, which seeks to promote partnerships between the UN and national NGOs in advancing the localization agenda in South Sudan.

The initiative aims to strengthen the capacities of national NGOs and enhance their participation in decision-making processes in line with the localization agenda. It also seeks to promote the localization of humanitarian and development programs in South Sudan.

The donation of office equipment to Hope Restoration South Sudan and Smile Again Africa Development Organization - SAADO is a step towards achieving these objectives and a demonstration of UNFPA's commitment to supporting the development of South Sudan.

President Salva Kiir Mayardit Appoints Athian Diing Athian as New Commissioner General, Replacing Patrick Kennedy Mugoya...

President Salva Kiir Mayardit Appoints Athian Diing Athian as New Commissioner General, Replacing Patrick Kennedy Mugoya

Juba, June 23, 2023

In a surprising move, President Salva Kiir Mayardit has relieved Patrick Kennedy Mugoya of his duties as Commissioner General. The President has appointed Athian Diing Athian as Mugoya's successor. The announcement has garnered significant attention, as Athian has previously served as the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning.

President Kiir Mayardit has not provided specific reasons for the decision to replace Mugoya, which has led to speculation about potential policy changes or shifts in the administration's priorities. However, the appointment of Athian, a seasoned and experienced public servant, has been seen as a positive move by many.

Athian Diing Athian is no stranger to high-level government positions. Prior to his new appointment, he held the crucial role of Minister of Finance and Economic Planning. His tenure in this position was marked by numerous accomplishments, including efforts to stabilize the nation's economy and streamline financial processes.

As Commissioner General, Athian will be responsible for overseeing the administration and management of various government agencies. His experience in financial planning and economic development is expected to be a significant asset in his new role. Many are hopeful that Athian's leadership will bring about positive changes, particularly in terms of transparency and efficiency within the government.

Patrick Kennedy Mugoya, the outgoing Commissioner General, has yet to make a public statement regarding his dismissal. His future plans and potential new role within remain uncertain.

The appointment of Athian Diing Athian comes at a crucial time for the nation, as it continues to navigate complex economic and political challenges. President Kiir Mayardit's decision to make a change in leadership has the potential to significantly impact the country's trajectory moving forward. As Athian takes on this new responsibility, many will be closely watching to see how his leadership style and experience influence the functioning of the government.

FIRST LADY MARY AYEN MAYARDIT EVACUATED SOUTH SUDANESE FROM SUDANJuba, South Sudan In a remarkable act of compassion, th...


Juba, South Sudan

In a remarkable act of compassion, the First Lady of South Sudan, Mary Ayen Mayardit, has helped more than 150 people escape the horrors of war in Sudan. According to a source close to the First Lady, the group was airlifted from Sudan to South Sudan on Tuesday, providing a much-needed lifeline for those caught in the middle of the conflict.

The First Lady's efforts to help those in need have been widely praised, with many commending her for her selflessness and dedication to the welfare of her fellow citizens. The source also confirmed that the rescue mission will continue, with plans to help more South Sudanese who are stuck in the middle of the ongoing conflict.

The situation in Sudan has been dire for many years, with countless people forced to flee their homes and seek refuge elsewhere. The First Lady's actions have provided a glimmer of hope for those who have been affected by the conflict, offering a way out of the violence and uncertainty that has plagued the region for far too long.

The news of the rescue has been met with widespread support and admiration, with many taking to social media to express their gratitude and appreciation for the First Lady's efforts. It is hoped that her actions will inspire others to follow in her footsteps and work towards a more peaceful and prosperous future for all South Sudanese.

As the rescue mission continues, the First Lady's dedication to helping those in need serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of compassion, empathy, and kindness in times of crisis. Her actions have undoubtedly made a significant difference in the lives of those who have been rescued, and her efforts will not be forgotten anytime soon.



Jonglei State, Bor

Jonglei State Minister of Animal Resources, Fisheries and Tourism, Mrs. Atong Kuol Manyang, recently visited fish loading sites to assess the state of the industry and identify areas for improvement. The visit included a stop at the cold room, which is used for fresh fish preservation, and a barge that has not been operational since 2016. Both facilities require repairs, and the assessment conducted in the past will need verification due to currency fluctuations.

The team then visited the Riverside and Leudier fish stations, where fish purchases and revenue collection occur. The chairman of the Jonglei State Fisheries Union, transporters, fishermen, the administration, and the Ministry visiting team were among the stakeholders present at Leudier. The purpose of the visit was to gain an understanding of the various fish processes, challenges, and how the industry can be improved to make it more viable.

It was evident that many people are involved in the industry, including fishermen, buyers who sell fish to consumers within Jonglei, Juba, and beyond to DRC and Uganda, and transporters. The main challenges identified by the transporters and traders were the numerous checkpoints between Jonglei and Juba, which can delay transportation, and the lack of proper storage facilities that can affect fish quality during rainy seasons.

The Minister's visit was welcomed by the stakeholders, who expressed their gratitude for the attention given to the industry. They highlighted the need for the government to invest in the industry by providing better infrastructure, such as roads and storage facilities, to enable them to transport and store fish more efficiently.

The stakeholders also called for the government to reduce the number of checkpoints along the transportation route and streamline the revenue collection process to reduce delays and costs. They emphasized that these measures would not only benefit the industry but also contribute to the economic growth of the state.

The visit was a positive step towards improving the fish industry in Jonglei state. It highlighted the challenges faced by the stakeholders and provided an opportunity for them to engage with the government to find solutions. With the government's commitment to supporting the industry, stakeholders are optimistic about the future of the fish industry in the state.

The Minister assured the stakeholders that the government would work towards addressing their concerns and improving the industry. He emphasized the importance of the fish industry to the state's economy and pledged to provide the necessary support to ensure its growth and sustainability.


President Salva Kiir Mayardit on Wednesday afternoon ordered law enforcement agencies to probe, arrest and bring to justice the attackers who killed 27 civilians in Kajo-Keji County of Central Equatoria State.

President Salva Kiir Mayardit on Wednesday afternoon ordered law enforcement agencies to probe, arrest and bring to justice the attackers who killed 27 civilians in Kajo-Keji County of Central Equatoria State.

On 1st February 2023, suspected rebels belonging to the National Salvation Front (NAS) led by General Thomas Cirilo Swaka attacked state cattle herders in Kajo-keji killing at least six of them; all women and children,
It was suspected that the herders responded, by attacking villagers killing 21 civilians. However, news getting to the Bell is that the same NAS forces who attacked the herders went on to attack the villagers killing all 21 people; all men. The killing took place on the same day the cattle camp was attacked, barely a day before Pope Francis arrived in the country for a three-day peace mission in which he called on South Sudanese to forgive each other.

President Kiir in a press statement issued on Wednesday regretfully said there is no justifiable explanation for the murders of civilian in Kajo-Keji County.“There is no justifiable explanation for this uncalled violence at the time when the leaders of the two communities have initiated processes of returning to their areas of origin,” president Kiir said in a statement.

Last year, 25 people were killed in a similar raid on a cattle camp around Nyolo village. 12 among the dead were children, 7 were women and 6 were men. In the village, number of villagers were killed. The usual suspicion in the killing at the village was that, “the herders carried out a retaliatory killing “. No investigation was done despite the grave nature of that massacre.

President Kiir had directed both the authorities of Jonglei and Central Equatoria on several account to swiftly ensure smooth facilitation of herders’ relocation to their places of origin to end senseless bloodshed.

In his renewed directives, he stressed on this process to be expedited. “It is on this basis that I strongly condemn the action of perpetrators of these crimes, and urgently direct law enforcement agencies to thoroughly investigate what took place in Kajo-Keji.”
Kiir ordered law enforcement agencies to expedite the investigation and prosecution of those behind killing of 27 civilians.

“These investigations must not amount to anything; they must aim at holding the instigators and perpetrators of these heinous crimes accountable for their actions.”
He appealed to the affected communities to be patient and wait for the outcome of the investigation.

“I am fully aware of how hard it is to cope with tragedies of this nature but I urge you to remain calm and give the authorities’ time to resolve both the root causes of this issue as well as using the full force of the law to hold the culprits accountable.”




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