In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Greetings and appreciation to all members and thinkers for creating this group in the name of liberating Dar Masalit _____________________
🖍️ It gives me pleasure, in these moments, to extend expressions of thanks and congratulations to all members and thinkers, especially those who were born in the womb of this town (Darandoka), and many of you live outside the land of the wounded homeland (Sudan), and you hold back the tears of sadness in the foreign and express your mercy for so-and-so one day and for so and so on the next day until... Heaps of graves grew, and so we are all leaving one day one time, and the group will remain an ongoing charity for whoever does good in it to benefit people.
My dear beloved ones, despite the praise that your family enjoys, the dreams we see are expected to be achieved with greatness and will, and in fact they have begun like the sparkle that every peasant hopes for. Thus, your families hope for your brilliance and take joy in your ideas because they are confident in your upbringing and education, and it seems that this is one of your duties and you will be rewarded for it, by God willing.
My dear brothers andsisters, no one criticizes solidarity in unity and cooperation in such circumstances except the arrogant ones, knowing the need of the country and knowing that Dar Masalit has produced thousands of zealous, thoughtful patriots like you, but let me criticize the hard-heartedness that saw. He always quarrels with others, and he is characterized by personalism and theories, especially of those who may suffer from nervous diseases and seek to scatter the ideas of others, and therefore you find them addressing the language of the chest. Therefore, we recommend such people to be patient in their opinion and be flexible in being polite and accepting of the other, whatever the proposal. Rather, each of us puts himself forward. He is responsible and the primary sponsor of this body in order to ensure the continuity of reaching the national goal, although there are a number of groups established in the name of Dar Masalit for various purposes, and after a year or less, you find the group disappearing under mysterious circumstances for a number of reasons.
Thanks for adding, and I hope that I will be a real addition
May God reconcile us and you to strive for unity and acceptance of each other in order to restore the good known to our beloved country.
Elsadig Ibrahim Nadeef Wednesday 5/8/2024