Amaal Press

Amaal Press This is a small book publishing press based in Juba, South Sudan. We work with all genre.


To enter Hamas tunnels, Israel will have to resort to military practices decades old and long forgotten.

You gotta laugh...

You gotta laugh...

To enter Hamas tunnels, Israel will have to resort to military practices decades old and long forgotten.


Israeli schools are urging parents to have their children delete TikTok and Instagram because Hamas is starting to post videos of hostages begging for their lives and worse. One parent responded "I spoke to my children but it was too late. They had already seen the "s***f clips."
The newly emerged images from Kibbutz Be’eri, Kfar Aza, and Kibbutz Re’em are incredibly disturbing.
The degree of brutality is horrifying, and confirms that Hamas deliberately and systematically targeted civilians, aiming to kill as many as possible.


HOUSE RULES: Sen. Marsha Blackburn calls for 'immediate' halt of US aid to Palestinians, says it will end up in 'the hands of Hamas.'


'NO PLACE': Sen. Tom Cotton calls on DHS to deport foreign nationals, including those in US on student visas, who have expressed support for Hamas.


Remember the Fallen
Another young life cut short by evil. She was among the first to fight Hamas during the surprise attack. Eden Nimri of Modi'in, Israel jumped out of bed that day grabbed her weapon and fiercely battled the terrorists. Her unit was greatly outnumbered, and Nimri gave her life for the people of Israel.

The Times of Israel: Lt. Eden Nimri, 22, a swimmer who competed internationally for Israel and a commander in the Artillery Corps’ drone unit, was killed on Saturday, October 7 while fighting Hamas terrorists in Kibbutz Nahal Oz on the Gaza border.
Nimri served as a commander of an all-female team in the elite “Sky Riders” unit. The four members of her team were saved by Nimri who drew enemy fire on herself so they could escape to a more defensible position.
Her boyfriend, who can’t be named due to his army service, told Kan public radio that Eden was “the most beautiful, smartest and the bravest. She coolly led a battle on Saturday morning together with her fighters and ultimately sacrificed herself so they would live.”
Nimri represented Israel at the 2018 European Junior Open Water Swimming Championships. She also competed at the International School Sport Federation’s 2017 World Championships and at the 2014 Mediterranean Cup.
“Eden was an amazing girl, a good friend, competitive, extremely hardworking, highly self-disciplined, worked hard, always aimed high, set goals and met them,” the Israel Swimming Association wrote on Instagram.


We need to reverse Biden’s strategic calculus for the Middle East, which has once again proven completely wrong.

John Bolton: The Middle East is again in crisis, and the Biden administration was caught flat-footed. On September 29, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told a conference hosted by the liberal Atlantic magazine: “The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.”
Eight days later, Hamas attacked Israel. In due course, America (and Israel, which also missed the terrorist onslaught) will need a full accounting of how multiple intelligence agencies failed to detect preparations for the horror unleashed Oct. 7.
We need to reverse Biden’s strategic calculus for the Middle East, which has once again proven completely wrong.
The fundamental misperception, which pervades all aspects of regional policy, is that the mullahs leading Iran can be negotiated into civilized behavior.
They can be persuaded to renounce their three-decade-long quest for deliverable nuclear weapons, say Biden and his advisers.
They will see the light and give up their own state terrorism, perpetrated by the Revolutionary Guard’s Quds Force, and their sponsorship of terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen’s Houthi rebels and Iraqi Shia militias. To achieve this goal, Biden has pursued a policy of appeasement toward Tehran.
From day one of his presidency, his negotiators have made concession after concession to get back into the fatally flawed 2015 nuclear agreement.
That deal, one of the worst diplomatic mistakes in US history, was negotiated by many of the same people Biden hired to steer his Iran policy.
There is substantial evidence that an Iranian influence operation penetrated Team Biden, the full consequences of which are as yet unknown.
Rob Malley, Biden’s chief Iran negotiator, had his security clearance suspended in April.
Of course, Biden and his top advisers were already so favorably disposed toward Iran that Tehran may not have needed to bother infiltrating his government.
Other evidence of appeasement abounds, including weakening the enforcement of economic sanctions, particularly against the export of Iranian oil to countries like China, reimposed on Iran in 2019 after the Trump administration withdrew from the nuclear deal.
The most recent display of Biden on bended knee to the ayatollahs was the unfreezing of $6 billion in exchange for five American hostages Iran illegitimately held.
That act of human trafficking contravened decades of US policy not to engage in hostage ransoms or exchanges and undoubtedly impressed the Tehran regime that Biden is an extraordinarily weak and needy president.
Iran has long armed and equipped, trained and advised, financed and protected both Hamas and Hezbollah.
In recent years, these and other terrorist groups were forged into a “ring of fire” around Israel, a strategy conceived by former Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani, who received an early departure in January 2020, courtesy of the United States.
Biden may fear acting, but Israel is about to show him how to treat Iran and its outriders.


The Patriach of Jerusalem, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, who was recently confirmed as cardinal with Stephen Ameyu of South Sudan said on Monday, he was willing to exchange himself for Israeli children taken hostage by Hamas militants in the besieged Gaza. Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa reportedly made...


Sunday's Pentagon Briefing: The Atlantic Fleet is on the way.
Hamas has no interest in peace negotiations, and no one trusts them anyway.
Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria are threatening to attack northern Israel, while Iran is promising to further equipment their forces. Meanwhile, the powerful U.S. Atlantic Fleet is on the way. America will soon have full strike groups in the Eastern Mediterranean with "all stations combat ready."
The massive naval armada includes two Carrier Strike Groups and is a formidable force that can project power throughout the Middle East and deter aggression.

- 2 Aircraft Carriers
USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78)
USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69)

- 2 Ticonderoga-Class Cruisers
USS Normandy (CG-60)
USS Philippines Sea (CG-58)

- 7 Arleigh Burke-Class Destroyers
USS Thomas Hudner (DDG-116)
USS Ramage (DDG-61)
USS Carney (DDG-64)
USS Roosevelt (DDG-80)
USS Laboon (DDG-58)
USS Mason (DDG-87)
USS Gravely (DDG-107)

- 1 Type-45 Air Defense Destroyer
HMS Duncan (D-37)

- 5 Frigates
ESPS Méndez Núñez (F-104)
FS Surcouf (F-711)
ITS Carlo Margottini (F-592)
TCG Yavuz (F-240)
HS Psara (F-454)

- 2 Landing Support Ships
RFA Lyme Bay
RFA Argus

There are two other carrier strike groups in reserve. The American deployment also includes an unannounced number of submarines, supply ships, aircraft and other surface ships.
The deployment was delayed for two days in order to “Increase the readiness of the ships to peak combat effectiveness.”

  to write and pronounce Dinka Language Alphabet and Vowels.

to write and pronounce Dinka Language Alphabet and Vowels.


Don't believe the socialist squad propaganda

1. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 and there is no occupation. Israel won Gaza and the West Bank after being invaded in two different wars. Then Israel pulled out in a goodwill gesture.

2. The people of Gaza overwhelmingly approve of Hamas in polls and elected them to power.

3. Israel has approved over 15,000 work visas for Gaza residents who are allowed to enter Israel every day. It is now suspected some of those people used their inside knowledge to help with last weekend’s attack.

4. Surrounding Muslim countries (like Egypt) refuse to accept refugees from Gaza. Why? They built a wall to keep them out.

5. 20% of Israel’s population are Muslim. They hold elected offices and serve in prominent positions in the Israeli Knesset (parliament).

6. Countries all over the world have sent billions in aid to Gaza. Unfortunately they use it to make bombs and other weapons rather than build infrastructure for their people. The donations fund opulent lifestyles for senior Hamas leaders in Qatar, which is far from Gaza.

7. The Hamas leadership has rejected five plans for a two state solution. They don't want a Palestinian nation. The Hamas goal is the obliteration of Israel, and everyone knows it.


Dinka Language Alphabet in both the Old and the MScript (M for Mo'nyja'ng, Millennium, Modern Script).

Dinka Language Vowels - nature, written in both the Old and the New MSCRIPT, and sound examples for English speakers.

Dinka Language Vowels - nature, written in both the Old and the New MSCRIPT, and sound examples for English speakers.


The worst massacre of Jews in one day since World War II.

Megyn Kelly "Look at this Washington Post headline. How about: 'Hamas Terrorists Murder 700, 2000 Wounded, and Kidnap Hundreds of Innocents in Unprovoked Attack; Israel Acknowledges: It’s War.' The MSNBC bias is far worse."

OANN: "Hamas was trained by Russia's Wagner Group. You can argue about different responses or levels of involvement, but Russia, Iran, Hamas and the Chinese Communist Party represent evil. . . There are too many conservatives defending Vladimir Putin."

A.G. Hamilton in National Review: "This is the worst terror attack in the modern history of Israel, including those that occurred during both Intifadas. This will end up being the equivalent of at least 10 9/11’s for Israel.
"The images of dead women and children lying in the street and at bus stops will haunt me for a long time. These events have changed the Middle East for years to come as Israel must now accept again they are fighting for their survival and cannot settle for anything less than full security for its citizens moving forward.
"The Biden administration has a lot to answer for here. Their entire approach to the region has been a failure.
"They restarted aid to Gaza without any conditions. They have continually enabled Iran, including with a recent deal that gave Iran $6 billion extra to fund the very types of attacks and missile stockpiles we saw used this week."


Analysts point to meetings of senior Iranian and Hamas officials and social media posts by Supreme Leader Khamenei in recent weeks as signs of coordination


The USS Gerald R. Ford stands as one of the world's largest aircraft carriers, the latest and most cutting-edge aircraft carrier in the United States.


I had to stop watching at the SPLM objective 2nd: self-determination! Categorically, it wasn't incorporated into SPLM objectives as a result of 1991 split; rather, it was the core demand of most or even all southern- based liberation movements. To say it was a 1991 apparition is quite shocking!


Looking for any illustrative Artist in Juba or anywhere to take up illustrations for a work. Please contact this platform through [email protected] with your portfolio and we will go from there. Work is urgent.


Amaal Press Books Team


Ye Ngou Buk Loi Ku bea Beany Kiritho, bea Piou Mie’t

Lead Singer/Choir Master: Ye ngou buk loi ku bea Beany Kiritho, bea piou mie’t.

Chorus: Akuut xea Kirithia’a’n mat ku xo yiic, buk rout nhiaar.

Lead Singer/Choir Master: Ye ngou buk loi ku bea Beany Kiritho, bea piou mie’t.

Chorus: Akuut xea Kirithia’a’n mat ku xo yiic, buk rout nhiaar.

All: Buk xo yiic mat buk lue’l rin; Buk xo yiic mat buk door; Buk xo yiic mat buk aa touk; Buk xo piouth dhuouk ceean xea rin awuouc kuan cuk loi.

Choirmaster: Pa'l ku tie'e’l.

All: E kean xea Jongrac, a ku loung xea nhieear yen xea ci Nhialic than piny akoul wa’r xen ce’k xen looung ke, buk rout nhiaar xea kam kua.

Choirmaster: Pa'l ku tie'e'l.

All: E kean xea Jongrac, a ku loung xea nhieear yen xea ci Nhialic than piny akoul wa’r xen ce’k xen looung ke, buk rout nhiaar xea kam kua.



Beany Nhialic, duk xok peal ngooung piny.

Beany, muk weai kua, nyuouth xok couk dheal pyr weai kua.

Yeak xok dhueeang, x3; nyuouth xok pan ci wa'rkuandyt mo'ur, duk xok peal ngooung piny.

Kritho, raan cea pyr de juear Nhialic tean xea xook; thai weai kua; nyuouth xok pyr wa'r ce'k xea raan thyn.

Ba'r ama'a'th bi yin pia'th kua bean mac tean xok.

Nyuouth xok looung, nyuouth xok looung, pyr xook; Ba'ny da Yetho Kiritho; ayum ci weai kua pyr youk.

Duk xok kun Jo'k; nyuouth xok looung xea Panxeanhialic, Ku buk jal pyr.


Lord, God, never abandon us to the spiritual poverty of the world.

Lord of our lives, lead our feet to the road that leads to life for our souls.

Grant us holiness and lead us to paradise lost to our ancestors; never abandon us to worldly spiritual poverty.

Christ, you who sacrificed your life to God in ransom for our souls, walk our spirits; show us paradise lost.

Come quietly to lead our souls for us.

Teach us laws; our Lord Jesus Christ; bread of life for our souls.

Never abandon us to the Evil One but teach us laws of heaven, and then we shall live.


know the Mo'nyja'ng language with fluency.
have the modified Mo'nyja'ng language script, the MScript, that adapts to ubiquitous English keyboards.
can now therefore write in the Mo'nyja'ng language with flair that I have always wanted because a major impediment to marrying the ubiquitous modern technologies to Mo'nyja'ng language has now been removed.

is a Mo'nyja'ng language song in chant/keeab rendered in the MSCRIPT (The song is in Twic Mayardit Mo'nyja'ng language version.).

wa'a'n a kan ye'n xe gue'ng xe mo'rtho'n nom. Malual tho'n xe Ring xe Paruoum. Ca guang tung ... ku loour a guout.

into English: It was that promise of long ago; it was the reason the horns were curved to sharpen; the horns of the Red Bull of Ring of the Parum Clan; I sharpened the horns to the drum beats.




ka anyar yen ea neak ma, ror dan ea Bo'thanyith a cinn acen x2. Ror Wuny, ror ea Marial, ror Atioukwel kur ror dan ea Marial Bo'thanyith. Ror Pakal ea Ngo'p a cinn acen kek ea ror ea Monyditt. A oo kek ea ror Ajak, ror ea citt co'uk die.


As an author, a teacher, a researcher, and a scholar, with a greater liking for all languages and
language systems, I have always felt unhappy about my own inability in not being literate in my
own mother tongue despite being quite fluent in speaking it. Putting down on paper stories and
values learned from the speakers of the Dinka language, I was not able to write easily. One
major obstacle was the alphabet in use. For once, there are too many dots on words to contend
with. Secondly, in translating from paper to computer, the keyboard became another
impediment. Virtual keyboards, developed by well-meaning humanitarians are available and
free to acquire but vastly difficult to operate. In the current technological environment, I find
these impediments to be quite unnecessary. So, I thought of a modified Dinka Writing system
(script) that could be easier to use and probably be adaptable to the currently ubiquitous
English keyboards. The following is an attempt to do just that.
In doing this, I sought to merely modify the current alphabet just a little bit, including modifying
the vowel system. In my last article published on Monday, January 13rd, 2020 by Agamlong
Daily Newspaper, I argued that the letter ɣ be replaced with x to eliminate the issue with
mistaking it for an h sound in English which the Dinka language doesn’t have. I also argued for
letter ŋ to be replaced with ng as is in most of the East African and South Sudanese other
languages like the Toposa and Kiswahili. This was so because ng is easily located on the English
keyboard. I then sought to remove ɛ, and ɔ completely since they are just vowels and can be
built up in the words. However, I now seek to change ɛ to e’ and ɔ to o’. A new vowel system is
then built as in the table following. I call this whole new system: The MScript.
1. A marked reduction of the so many dots on words and letters;
2. Convenience and the ease of use offered by the ubiquitously available English keyboards on
all sorts of media;
3. Ownership of the Dinka Writing System by the young people;
4. Connecting the old and the new and
5. Preservation and propagation of the so many Dinka Culture values vital to life.
It is vitally important to remember and thank with gratitude all those who invented the Dinka
writing system and especially the incorporation of the complex vowel system. The one trouble
that was carried through in inventing the vowel system for the Dinka language is that the letters
used, incorporating the use of dots, introduced too many dots on words with which the written
Dinka language has come to be identified with. The resulting writing is pretty and hard to read.
Regardless of the obstacle shown above, in so doing, a great work was done for the Dinka
language except that everything that is done will always need fine-tuning, even the original
Wright Brothers’ aircraft is now a museum piece while the aviation industry has spawned
aircraft that would cause the marvel of the Wrights. It is also important to know that the Wright
Brothers still hold their place in history for eternity for their invention and so will the Dinka
writing system inventors. We only fine-tune and make better what they have built.
This was a short-hand attempt to make Dinka writing easier for me and for the young Dinka
Speakers or would-be Speakers who will, in the next decades preserve and propagate the
beautiful Dinka cultural system, language and values. In the event it is not useable for anyone
else, my works can be translated later to the conventional writing system adopted in the event
the Dinka language is lost or distorted.
It is a beautiful thing—a dhueang are’at.
Furthermore, with this MScript, my literacy in the Dinka Language is now on par with the English
Language. I now have that writing flair in the Dinka Language I have been seeking for the last ten
years. Now, the Dinka Language is married to the ubiquitous English Keyboards. Now, the Dinka
Language Writing has got technology.
With this, here are the changes advocated as shown and illustrated in examples below (follow
me on facebook on Amal Press page):
1. a,e,i,o,u
2. w,y,b,p,m
3. n,nh,ŋ,ny,r
4. d,dh,t,th,l
5. k,g,ɣ,c,j
6. ɛ,ɔ
1. a,e,i,o,u
2. w,y,b,p,m
3. n,nh,ng,ny,r
4. d,dh,t,th,l
5. k,g,x,c,j
6. e’,o’
aa ee ii oo uu
wa’ ya’ ba’ pa’ ma’
na’ nha nga nya ra
da’ dha’ ta tha la
ka ga’ xa’ ca ja
e’e’ o’o’
a e i o u ɛ ɔ
a e i o u e’ o’
aa ee ii oo uu e’e’ o’o’
a’ ea itt ou utt e’a o’u
a’a’ eea iitt oou uutt e’e’a o’o’u
cam Deng Kiu col pul ge’rge’r xo’k
caam Deeng Kiir cool cuur ke’e’r ro’o’k
tia’m Bean Pirr rout arukk ke’ar ro’uk
ca’a’l Beeal Miitt loour luumm ange’e’ar ro’o’uk
1. (a, aa, a’, a’a’)
a. Cam—Nyuoth ea xa ciin dun ea cam—Show me your left hand.
b. Caam—A ci ko’uc ea caam xiic—He/she/it has stopped.
c. Ti‘am—Tia’m ee kean ea loor bi nhom ceat rap—This rope species grows to the height
of sorghum.
d. Ca’a’l—Baar kean a ca’a’l xic ape’i—This lake is quite shallow.
2. (e, ee, ea, eea)
a. Deng—Co’l Deng a ba’, da—Please, let Deng get here.
b. Deeng—Aluel Deeng a ci piny thio’o’ung wathei ci deng tue’ny—The red mite filled
the grounds yesterday when it had rained.
c. Bean—To’ng duun a wean a ci bean ea dhuo’ukic—Your fight today should not be
d. Beeal—Raan kene e dek ea beeal wet e beeal tuaany nyai—This persons drinks the
bitter juice from this shrub because it cures illnesses.
3. (i, ii, itt, iitt)
a. Kiu—A ci kiu ea baar ko’u—It cried by the Lake.
b. Kiir—A ci la ea Kiir Adem ko’u—He/she/it has gone to the Kiir River.
c. Pirr—Pirr a cee rac—Don’t destroy life.
d. Miitt—Miitt e ring nya’n be ea ko’c gup abe yom doung ea rout—The rainbow licks
flesh off of its victims to remain only the skeleton.
4. (o, oo, ou, oou)
a. Col—A bi xeeat ke piny nguo’t ea col—He/she/it will get here well before first light.
b. Cool—Ca’k cool—Good afternoon.
c. Rout—Ca’k looi week ea rout—You did it by yourselves?
d. Loour—Ca’k loour ceec—Did you attend the dance?
5. (u, uu, utt, uutt)
a. Pul—Pul a ta’u ea baai thok—There is a pond near the house.
b. Cuur—Makuacagutcuurngok a ci cuur go’up be ea piu xiic—The kingfisher snatched
fish from the water.
c. Arukk—Na ye raan nhiar arukk, ka cii xeeat te reear xe’n thinn—Any trouble maker
must not get near me.
d. Luumm—Luumm a nhiar arukk—Gossippers like trouble making.
6. (e’, e’e’, e’a, e’e’a)
a. Ge’rge’r—Ge’rge’r a bi geer, a bi mubta riit, katib ea co’l mubta—Gerger Bn will sieve
it and the Mubta Bn will lock it.
b. Ke’e’r—Aa ci ro’um ea ke’e’r xic—The battle has started in the battlefield.
c. Ke’ar—Piirr ke’ar ea tim—Throw me the branch.
d. Ange’e’ar—Ange’e’r e yi, ye nga le’ak e yinn ba ya kat ajala—Angeer, who allowed you
to ride a bike?
7. (o’, o’o’, o’u, o’o’u)
a. Xo’k—Xo’k tul ea piean kene xic ea bith, da—Stick a spear inside this snake’s hole,
b. Ro’o’k—Ye raan ea ngou ea kene ea ro’o’k ka’ la’—What a stammer!
c. Ro’uk—Ye nga ci ro’uk jo’t—Who unloaded my fish trap?
d. Ro’o’uk—Ro’o’uk ku—Let us pray!
—Nimeeri ka ci thuouny ku jo’l la do’ung a Thaadik, cii bea ro’um ke Mubta. X2
—Wok la Awil, a buk do’m;
—Wok la Wanditt, a buk do’m;
—Cii bi kat Awil;
—Cii bi kat ea Wanditt;
—Cii bi kat Rumbek!
—Katib da a la!
—Katib ea co’l Mubta!
—Ge’rge’r a ci la;
—Ge’rge’r a bi geer;
—A bi Mubta riit;
—Katib ea co’l Mubta.
—Nimeiri (Former President of Sudan) fled leaving behind Al Sadiq (also Former Sudan
President), will he not meet up with the Key x2;
—We are going to Aweil;
—We will capture it;
—We are going to Big Wau;
—We will capture it;
—Will he not run from Awiel?
—Will he not run from Big Wau?
—Will he not run from Rumbek?
—Our battalion is coming;
—Battalion named the Key;
—Gerger (water bird) battalion is on its way;
—Gerger Battalion will sieve it;
—The Key will lock it.
—Xe’e’n Bul Mawutditt a ku lie’e’u nea bul xiic!
—Xe’n cii pirr e e;
—Ba’k le’m kea ya.
—I, Big Bul Mawut, if I am away from the dance;
—I am not alive;
—Pay me a visit.
—Jal ja’l, na lar e pan den e’.
—Jal ja’l, na lar e pan ea nyan touk aling.
—ku jal thieac, “Nyan thinn ea ma mio’c xe’n ea piu!”
—Go ya yoouk, “Maathura kan, ka ca waan cean!”
—Bal ea nyirr ea Kapoeta, a e Kapoeta.
—Bal ea nyirr ea Kapoeta.
—I left for her house;
—I left for the house of a certain girl;
—I asked her, “Young girl, I need some water!”
—She replied, “You have bypassed the well!”
—Mean girls of Kapoeta;
—Mean girls of Kapoeta.
—Ca’ Aceak xa kuouc cak;
—Bi rieany da ya kat ku do’ung piny ea ya rear;
—Xe’n ea raan ci duany x2;
—Wun da o o o;
—Aduany ea ka ye thieear ama’a’th x2;
—Xe’n ea raan ci duany a ba ya la nuang.
—My agemates run off;
—Leaving me still on my seat;
—God, why create me a cripple?
—My nation, I am a cripple;
—A cripple is walked gently;
—I am a cripple, completely disabled.
—Rinny Adiang a ci gue’e’r Wo’w;
—A yi Manut kek ea Majo’ng ea Dengditt;
—Aa rear Wau.
—Adiang youth have trickled to Wau;
—Even Manut and Majok, son of Dengditt are in Wau.





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