Humans should love challenges because their attack is notification that the opponent which is success is about to occupy the whole you and eliminate them, if that happened it's a clear sign that something beautiful is coming on your way.
Challenges should not be avoided because they're tools uses by failure to test and destroy its opponent (success) by measuring your confidence, courage, consistency and optimism, if these elements are weak they invade and induce effect but if are strong you are likely to resist the invasion.
Challenges can not be avoided because they're like Bacteria in biology (microbiology) which help human in many different ways but their presence in large numbers affect the human.
Challenges must be loved because they make human calm in tough situations and expert in problems solving.
Challenges must be considered as they determine whether to be trusted or not because the more challenges you face the less you talk and slow in telling your secrets to anyone and when you are given a secret you are likely to keep it, making you trustworthy.
Challenges must be appreciated because they make humans humble and accept themselves and others as they are making them less judgemental to their environment.
Challenges must be appreciated because they help in changing how people approach problems,how they behave to themselves and others and most importantly how they think.