🎄| Season's Greetings,
Merry X-Mas & a Happy New Year!
🇸🇷| "Wan Switi Srefidensi",
Our models Shaista Kolf & Shannon Chotoe featured in commercial for Firgos Suriname N.V.
💄| We'd love to connect again with you!
Due the COVID-19 pandemic we were not able to execute our project activities. We are very busy for 2022! Keep following our updates.
#GLAMModels #Fashion #Beauty #Quality #Rebranding
We had a blast during the Fashionshow at the Yearfair 2019.
Herby we want to thank all the Models including Adebo Model Management Suriname, Genetic Models Star Models & Style Models for the Models.
We also send our regards to the Fashion and Jewelry designers whom showed their impressed designs. Those where:
1. Estrada's TEMBE ;she showed gala designs and african print dresses
2. Jene's Bijouterie jb; she showed african print bags and bijoux
3. Brasil Moda; showed brazilian clothes
4. Jaier Windzak; he showed african, and cultural clothes and designs
5. Sammy Baby Instyle Products; Fashion designer Samantha Toney; showed bikini and beachwear
6. Jo Jo's Bijouteries; Jewelry Designer Jacob Joëlla; showed her exclusive X-mas Jewelry collection
7. Hay Looks; showed african print designs (clothes) from Ghana
8. Le Sher Designs; showed gala dresses
9. Nazia K. designs; also showed exclusive dresses
10. Star Models inc. with M. Weebers/ and Kathleen Nibte; showed dresses (satin and african), and eco bags
Thank you all for the opportunity and support.
Video: Models in designs of Estrada.
Creative Fashion Directors:
Ms. Kathleen Nibte & Chebre Montana
Animoto Trial Promo Video
We Are OPEN for Business!
We zijn ready om jou Auto 🚘🚿een Deluxe Wasbeurt te geven.
Waar? Badmintonweg zijstraat Toekomstweg!
Kom gauw💯
Save Thalia Benefit Spektakel GLAM Models
"De Effectieve bijdrage die Fashion kan leveren aan de Economie can Suriname"
Be there on the 8th en 9th of September 2018!
Get your ticket!