Sofia Academy

Sofia Academy Surrounded by nature, exquisite grand piano and amazing acoustics - simply a dream for every artist.

[ENG]Upcoming 5th concert of marvellous singer & chanson artist Vita Mavrič and the pianist Jaka Pucihar. Together they ...

Upcoming 5th concert of marvellous singer & chanson artist Vita Mavrič and the pianist Jaka Pucihar. Together they will take us through the journey of timeless chansons! 🎶⏳

Few last tickets are still available through our website!

See you on 22nd of February, at 19:00!✨🎟️

Prihajajoči 5. koncert ene najpomembnejših slovenskih šansonjerk Vite Mavrič ter pianista Jaka Puciharja! 🎶⏳

Vabljeni na vrhunski glasbeni večer, na katerem nas b***a z glasbeno poezijo popeljala skozi brezčasne šansone.

Na voljo je še nekaj zadnjih vstopnic na naši spletni strani!

Se vidimo 22. februarja ob 19:00! ✨🎟️

Dejan Romih: A Rising Star in Classical Piano | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview🌟 Sofia Academy presents an exclusive i...

Dejan Romih: A Rising Star in Classical Piano | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview

🌟 Sofia Academy presents an exclusive interview with the talented young pianist Dejan Romih. 🎧🎶

Dejan takes us on a journey through his musical path – from his early beginnings in Slovenia to studying at the prestigious Koninklijk Conservatorium in Brussels. He shares insights into his passion for the piano and his artistic inspirations.

🎙️ Created and led by: Zlatka Jambrovič�
🎥 Filming, editing, and production: Petra Koprivec

👉 Follow us for more inspiring stories!�
Facebook: Sofia Academy�
Instagram: Sofia Academy

🎟️ Explore upcoming events and reserve tickets here:�


Dejan Romih: Mladi talent klasičnega klavirja | Ekskluzivni intervju Akademije Sofia

🌟 Akademija Sofia predstavlja ekskluzivni intervju s talentiranim mladim pianistom Dejanom Romihom. 🎧🎶

Dejan nas popelje skozi svojo glasbeno pot – od prvih korakov v Sloveniji do študija na uglednem Koninklijk Conservatorium v Bruslju. Zaupa nam svojo strast do klavirja, umetniške navdihe in izzive, s katerimi se sooča pri gradnji kariere klasičnega glasbenika. 🎹

🎙️Ustvarila in vodila: Zlatka Jambrovič�
🎥 Snemanje, montaža in produkcija: Petra Koprivec

👉 Spremljajte nas za več navdihujočih zgodb!�
Facebook: Akademija Sofia�
Instagram: Sofia Academy

🎟️ Preverite prihajajoče dogodke in rezervirajte vstopnice tukaj:�

Dejan Romih

🌟 Sofia Academy presents an exclusive interview with the talented young pianist Dejan Romih. 🎧🎶Dejan takes us on a journey through his musical path – from...

Goran Bojčevski: Virtuoso and Creator of "Balkan Nuevo" | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview🌟...

Goran Bojčevski: Virtuoso and Creator of "Balkan Nuevo" | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview

🌟 Sofia Academy presents an exclusive interview with the brilliant clarinetist and creator of the musical style "Balkan Nuevo" – Goran Bojčevski. 🌍

Goran takes us on a journey through his life – from studying music in Ljubljana, which brought him to Slovenia, to performing on stages worldwide. He shares how he stays true to himself and his dreams, as well as what inspires him in his musical and personal journey. 🎶

In this interview, learn more about his passionate connection to the clarinet, the national instrument kaval, and his innovative musical style that fuses Balkan rhythms with the passion of tango. 💃🪗

Goran Bojčevski believes music is life and says:
"Trusting your dreams is challenging, but it's the key to success." 🌟

➡️ Watch the full interview and discover an inspiring story that intertwines love for music, family, and life.

🎙️ Created and led by: Zlatka Jambrovič
🎥 Filming, editing, and production: Petra Koprivec

👉 Follow us for more inspiring stories!
Facebook: Sofia Academy
Instagram: .sofia

🎟️ Explore upcoming events and reserve tickets here:


Goran Bojčevski: Virtuoz in kreator "Balkan Nueva” | Ekskluzivni intervju za Akademijo Sofia

🌟 Akademija Sofia predstavlja ekskluzivni intervju z vrhunskim klarinetistom in ustvarjalcem glasbenega sloga "Balkan Nuevo" – Goranom Bojčevskim. 🌍

Goran nas popelje skozi svojo življenjsko pot – od študija glasbe v Ljubljani, ki ga je pripeljala v Slovenijo, do odrov po vsem svetu. Zaupa nam, kako ostaja zvest samemu sebi in svojim sanjam ter kaj ga navdihuje na glasbeni in osebni poti. 🎶

V intervjuju odkrijte več o njegovem strastnem odnosu do klarineta, nacionalnega inštrumenta kavala in inovativnega glasbenega sloga, ki združuje balkanske ritme in strast tanga. 💃🪗

Goran Bojčevski verjame, da je glasba življenje, in pravi:
»Zaupati svojim sanjam je zahtevno, a je ključ do uspeha.« 🌟

➡️ Oglejte si celoten intervju in odkrijte navdihujočo zgodbo, ki združuje ljubezen do glasbe, družine in življenja.

🎙️ Ustvarila in vodila: Zlatka Jambrovič
🎥 Snemanje, montaža in produkcija: Petra Koprivec

👉 Spremljajte nas za več navdihujočih zgodb!
Facebook: Sofia Academy
Instagram: .sofia

🎟️ Preverite prihajajoče dogodke in rezervirajte vstopnice tukaj:

Goran Bojčevski

🌟 Sofia Academy presents an exclusive interview with the brilliant clarinetist and creator of the musical style "Balkan Nuevo" – Goran Bojčevski. 🌍Goran ta...

Created by passionate artists, for passionate audience, Sofia academy’s 2nd Concert Series are well under way, so don’t ...

Created by passionate artists, for passionate audience, Sofia academy’s 2nd Concert Series are well under way, so don’t forget to book your tickets for upcoming concerts! ✨

Bojan Cvetrežnik: A Journey from Concert Halls to the Streets | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview

Bojan Cvetrežnik: A Journey from Concert Halls to the Streets | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview

�I’m incredibly excited to share our interview with Bojan Cvetrežnik, a violinist who brings tradition to life with every note. 🎻✨

Bojan’s story is unique and deeply inspiring—he’s a musician who finds more joy in connecting with people on the street than performing in grand concert halls.

In this heartfelt conversation, he shares his passion for folk and traditional music, the beauty of spontaneous interactions, and how music bridges the gap between cultures and generations. 🌍🎶

If you appreciate authenticity and the power of music to bring people together, this interview will leave you inspired and uplifted.

👉 Watch the full interview here:

🎙️ Created and led by: Zlatka Jambrovič
🎥 Filming, video editing, and production: Petra Koprivec

👉 Follow Sofia Academy:
Instagram: .sofia
Facebook: Sofia Academy

🎟 Check out our concert calendar and book your tickets here:


Bojan Cvetrežnik: Od koncertnih odrov do utripajočih ulic | Ekskluzivni intervju Akademije Sofia

�Z velikim navdušenjem z vami delimo intervju z Bojanom Cvetrežnikom, violinistom, ki z vsakim tonom oživlja tradicijo. 🎻✨

Bojanova zgodba je edinstvena in globoko navdihujoča—je glasbenik, ki mu več pomeni povezovanje z ljudmi na ulici kot igranje v velikih koncertnih dvoranah. V tem iskrenem pogovoru deli svojo strast do ljudske in tradicionalne glasbe, lepoto spontanih trenutkov ter kako glasba povezuje kulture in generacije. 🌍🎶

👉 Celoten intervju si oglejte tukaj:

🎙️ Ustvarila in vodila: Zlatka Jambrovič
🎥 Snemanje, montaža in produkcija: Petra Koprivec

👉 Spremljajte Akademijo Sofia:
Instagram: .sofia
Facebook: Sofia Academy

🎟 Preverite naš koledar koncertov in rezervirajte vstopnice tukaj:

Bojan Cvetreznik

I’m incredibly excited to share our interview with Bojan Cvetrežnik, a violinist who brings tradition to life with every note. 🎻✨Bojan’s story is unique and...

Irena Preda: A Voice That Moves the World | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview

Irena Preda: A Voice That Moves the World | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview

“What a beautiful voice! She is wonderful!” – Montserrat Caballé

“Everyone melted when she sang!” – His Majesty Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Irena Preda is not just a soprano; she is a force of nature whose talent has enchanted audiences worldwide. With a career that spans opera houses and concert halls across several continents, her voice is a beacon of passion and artistry.

🎙️ Created and led by: Zlatka Jambrovič
🎥 Filming, editing, and production: Petra Koprivec

👉 Follow us for more inspiring stories!
Instagram: .sofia

🎟️ Explore upcoming events and reserve tickets here:


Irena Preda: Sopran, ki osvoja srca po vsem svetu | Ekskluzivni intervju Akademije Sofia

“Kako čudovit glas! Neverjetna je!” – Montserrat Caballé
�“Vsi so se stopili, ko je zapela!” – Njegovo veličanstvo princ Filip, vojvoda Edinburški�

Irena Preda ni le sopranistka; je umetnica, ki s svojim glasom očara in navdihuje občinstvo po vsem svetu. Njena kariera sega od opernih hiš in koncertnih dvoran po celem svetu, kjer s svojo strastjo in predanostjo ustvarja nepozabne trenutke.

👉 Ne zamudite tega iskrenega pogovora z eno izmed najvplivnejših slovenskih sopranistk polne navdiha.

🎙️ Ustvarila in vodila: Zlatka Jambrovič�
🎥 Snemanje, montaža in produkcija: Petra Koprivec�

👉 Spremljajte nas za več navdihujočih zgodb!�
Instagram: .sofia

🎟️ Preverite prihajajoče dogodke in rezervirajte vstopnice tukaj:

Irena Preda

“What a beautiful voice! She is wonderful!” – Montserrat Caballé“Everyone melted when she sang!” – His Majesty Prince Philip, Duke of EdinburghIrena Preda is...


Intervju #10

🎥 An amazing day with our pianist ! Photo shoot and interview recording complete—stay tuned for the magic.✨ 📸: Petra Kop...

🎥 An amazing day with our pianist ! Photo shoot and interview recording complete—stay tuned for the magic.✨

📸: Petra Koprivec

Sašo Vollmaier: Redefining the Piano | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview�Explore the artistry of Sašo Vollmaier, a piani...

Sašo Vollmaier: Redefining the Piano | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview
�Explore the artistry of Sašo Vollmaier, a pianist celebrated for his innovative approach to piano performance. Known for his ability to evoke an extraordinary range of sounds, Sašo takes us behind the scenes of his creative process, his daily routines, and his unconventional interpretations of classical and contemporary music.

What you'll hear in this interview:
�✨ Sašo’s humorous take on starting the day (“I open my eyes and ask if it’s already time—then coffee!”).�✨ How he unlocks the full expressive potential of the piano.�✨ The influence of collaboration on his artistic growth.�✨ Overcoming challenges to create music that breaks boundaries.

Don’t miss this fascinating conversation with an artist who is constantly reinventing what the piano can do.

🎙️ Created and led by: Zlatka Jambrovič
🎥 Filming, video editing, and production: Petra Koprivec

👉 Follow Sofia Academy:
Instagram: .sofia
Facebook: Sofia Academy

🎟 Check out our concert calendar and book your tickets here:


Sašo Vollmaier: Nove dimenzije pianizma | Ekskluzivni intervju Akademije Sofia
�Spoznajte umetniški svet Saša Vollmaierja, pianista in skladatelja, ki slovi po svojem inovativnem pristopu k izvajanju glasbe. Sašo, ki iz klavirja izvabi izjemno paleto zvokov, razkriva ozadje svojega ustvarjalnega procesa, vsakodnevne rutine in nekonvencionalne interpretacije klasične ter sodobne glasbe.

O čem govori v intervjuju:
�✨ Sašev humorni pogled na začetek dneva ("Odprem oči in se vprašam, če je že treba—potem kava!").�✨ Kako odkrije ves izrazni potencial klavirja.�✨ Vpliv sodelovanja na njegovo umetniško rast.�✨ Premagovanje izzivov za ustvarjanje glasbe, ki presega meje.

Ne zamudite tega zanimivega pogovora z umetnikom, ki nenehno preoblikuje pomen klavirja in pianizma v glasbi.

🎙️ Ustvarila in vodila: Zlatka Jambrovič
🎥 Snemanje, montaža in produkcija: Petra Koprivec

👉 Spremljajte Akademijo Sofia:
Instagram: .sofia
Facebook: Sofia Academy

🎟 Preverite naš koledar koncertov in rezervirajte vstopnice tukaj:

Explore the artistry of Sašo Vollmaier, a pianist celebrated for his innovative approach to piano performance. Known for his ability to evoke an extraordinar...

Karmen Pečar Koritnik: A Cellist’s Life of Dedication | Sofia Academy Exclusive InterviewMeet Karmen Pečar Koritnik, a w...

Karmen Pečar Koritnik: A Cellist’s Life of Dedication | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview

Meet Karmen Pečar Koritnik, a world-class cellist who began her journey at the age of five and performed her first concert at just 13. In this candid interview, she shares the profound connection she has with her instrument and reflects on the discipline, patience, and emotional depth required to master the cello.

What you'll hear in this interview:�
✨ How Karmen discovered her passion for the cello as a child.
✨ The story behind her debut performance at 13.
✨ Her thoughts on balancing the technical and emotional aspects of music.
✨ The role of perseverance in her artistic journey.

Dive into Karmen’s inspiring story and discover what makes her one of the most remarkable cellists in Slovenia and abroad.

🎙️ Created and led by: Zlatka Jambrovič
🎥 Filming, video editing, and production: Petra Koprivec

👉 Follow Sofia Academy:
Instagram: .sofia
Facebook: Sofia Academy

🎟 Check out our concert calendar and book your tickets here:


Karmen Pečar Koritnik: Življenje violončelistke, predano glasbi | Ekskluzivni intervju Akademije Sofia
�Spoznajte Karmen Pečar Koritnik, vrhunsko violončelistko, ki je svojo glasbeno pot začela pri petih letih in že pri trinajstih imela svoj prvi koncertni debi. V iskrenem intervjuju deli globoko povezanost s svojim inštrumentom ter razmišlja o disciplini, potrpežljivosti in čustveni globini, ki so potrebne za obvladovanje čela.

O čem govori v intervjuju:

✨ Kako je že kot otrok odkrila strast do čela.
✨ Zgodba o njenem debitantskem koncertu pri trinajstih letih.
✨ Njena razmišljanja o usklajevanju tehničnih in čustvenih vidikov glasbe.
✨ Vloga vztrajnosti v njeni umetniški poti.

Potopite se v navdihujočo zgodbo Karmen in odkrijte, kaj jo dela eno najizjemnejših violončelistk, tako doma v Sloveniji, kot po svetu.

🎙️ Ustvarila in vodila: Zlatka Jambrovič
🎥 Snemanje, montaža in produkcija: Petra Koprivec

👉 Spremljajte Akademijo Sofia:
Instagram: .sofia
Facebook: Sofia Academy

🎟 Preverite naš koledar koncertov in rezervirajte vstopnice tukaj:

Karmen Pečar Koritnik

Meet Karmen Pečar Koritnik, a world-class cellist who began her journey at the age of five and performed her first concert at just 13. In this candid intervi...

Such a joy doing the photoshoot, filming and spending the day with the incredibly talented Goran Bojčevski at Sofia Acad...

Such a joy doing the photoshoot, filming and spending the day with the incredibly talented Goran Bojčevski at Sofia Academy - Studio S! 📸

🎶 His concert on Saturday was outstanding and watching him play and hearing his passion for music up close was truly inspiring.

He’s not just an extraordinary clarinetist and composer—he’s also such a warm person. Can’t wait to share his story with you all in the upcoming interview! 🎥💛

With love, 📷 Petra Koprivec

Goran Bojčevski


Intervju #8

🌟 Eva-Nina Kozmus: S flavto skozi Pariz – glasba, ki povezuje svet! 🌟Z veseljem delimo ekskluzivni intervju z izjemno na...

🌟 Eva-Nina Kozmus: S flavto skozi Pariz – glasba, ki povezuje svet! 🌟

Z veseljem delimo ekskluzivni intervju z izjemno nadarjeno Evo-Nino Kozmus, mednarodno priznano flavtistko, ki nas popelje skozi svojo navdihujočo glasbeno pot v Parizu. 🎶✨

V tem iskrenem pogovoru Eva-Nina Kozmus deli:

🎵 Življenje in uspeh v živahnem Parizu.
🎵 Njen edinstven pristop k igranju flavte.
🎵 Premagovanje osebnih izzivov in ponovno odkrivanje strasti do glasbe.
🎵Karate in glasba.
🎵 Resničnost, s katero se soočajo ženske v glasbeni industriji, vključno z dvojnimi standardi in predsodki.

To je intervju, poln vpogledov, humorja in vztrajnosti – obvezno ogledalo za vse, ki jih navdihuje iskanje odličnosti! 🙌✨

Ogledate si celoten intervju tukaj:
👉 Eva-Nina Kozmus: Flavtistka na poti skozi Pariz in še dlje | Ekskluzivni intervju Akademije Sofia

🎬 Kreirala in vodila: Zlatka Jambrovič�🎥 Posnetek, video montaža in produkcija: Petra Koprivec�🎶 Glasba: Paris-Montmartre

👉 Ne pozabite spremljati Akademije Sofia za več čudovitih intervjujev z umetniki!
�📅 Oglejte si naš koledar koncertov in rezervirajte svoje karte tukaj:



🌟 Eva-Nina Kozmus: A Flutist’s Journey Through Paris and Beyond | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview 🌟

We’re thrilled to share our exclusive interview with the incredibly talented Eva-Nina Kozmus, an internationally acclaimed flutist, as she takes us through her inspiring journey in the world of music in Paris. 🎶✨

In this candid conversation, Eva-Nina opens up about:

🎵 Living and thriving in Paris, surrounded by cultural wonders.
🎵 Her unique approach to flute playing, inspired by her martial arts background.
🎵 Overcoming personal challenges and rediscovering her passion for music.
🎵 The realities women face in the music industry, including double standards and biases.

This is an interview full of insights, humor, and resilience — a must-watch for aspiring musicians and anyone inspired by the pursuit of excellence! 🙌✨

Watch the full interview here:
👉 Eva-Nina Kozmus: A Flutist’s Journey Through Paris and Beyond | Sofia Academy Exclusive Interview

🎬 Created and led by: Zlatka Jambrovič�🎥 Filming, video editing, and production: Petra Koprivec�🎶 Music: Paris-Montmartre

👉 Don’t forget to follow Sofia Academy for more amazing artist interviews!
�📅 Check out our concert calendar and book your tickets here:


Cmereška Gorca 39
Pristava Pri Mestinju


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