MED je vse od svojega vzbrsta v letu 2008 zavezan vodilu odprtosti za različne načine glasbenega ustvarjanja in namenjen poglabljanju interakcije med različnimi mediji produkcije. Temelji torej na žanrsko čim bolj neobremenjenem dojemanju elektronske oziroma elektroakustične glasbe, z željo omogočanja svojevrstne estetske izkušnje prek drezanja v nevralgične točke glasbenega dogajanja, novih konce
ptov in raziskujoče narave produkcije. stoletja, predvsem načela destrukcije in analiziranja ter nadaljnjega povezovanja in sintetiziranja form. Ever since its onset in 2008, the MED festival has been committed to the principle of openness to different ways of musical expression. Its purpose has been to deepen the interaction between the variety of production media. It is therefore based, in terms of genre, on a most uninhibited and relaxed perception of electronic or electroacoustic music, and wishes to enable a particular esthetic experience by means of tapping on the neuralgic points of musical happenings, fresh concepts and the exploring nature of production. The festival's conceptual starting point is the music belonging to the second half of the 20th century, mostly the principles of destruction and analysis, as well as further connection and synthesis of forms.