Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory

Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory Igor Zabel was an internationally renowned Slovenian curator and art historian (1958-2005).

Igor Zabel Association works with Igor Zabel’s - distinguished Slovene curator and art historian - heritage and supports art history and theory in the Central, Eastern, South Eastern Europe, and beyond. The Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory was founded in 2008 by Zabel family members and ERSTE Foundation with the objective to work with Igor Zabel’s heritage, highlight and evaluate the

importance and ongoing influence of his work, especially the work he performed in the field of visual arts, as well as to support art and cultural theory and contemporary curatorial practices in the Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe and beyond.

We are happy that the discussion around the book 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐲 last Saturday in Haus der Kulturen der Wel...

We are happy that the discussion around the book 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐲 last Saturday in Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin was so well visited and lively.

We extend our gratitude to the speakers (Beti Žerovc and Sanja Horvatinčić), moderator (Nanne Buurman), co-organizers Archive sites, books, journal, HKW, and engaged public.


We’re revisiting celebratory moments with the 2024 Igor Zabel Award Laureate - Edit András, art historian, art critic, curator, and senior member of the Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Art History in Budapest.

We wish this year will be supportive to her and her professional endeavours.
Video recordings: ERSTE Foundation and Barka Media
Video editing: Matic Drakulić

Igor Zabel Award 2024 programme partners: Igor Zabel Association, ERSTE Foundation, and Moderna galerija

[Open call / Javni poziv]❗The deadline for the open call for the critic-in-residence programme 2025 in Ljubljana is appr...

[Open call / Javni poziv]

❗The deadline for the open call for the critic-in-residence programme 2025 in Ljubljana is approaching!

In collaboration with the MGLC Ljubljana - Švicarija, a creative and residential centre, we are inviting art historians, art critics and cultural journalists to apply for a fully funded, one-month residency in Ljubljana during September 2025.

📅 Deadline for applications: 31 January 2025 (23:59 CET)

🔗 https://igorzabel.org/en/news/2024/critic-in-residence-2025


❗Bliža se rok za prijavo na kritiško rezidenco 2025!

V sodelovanju z ustvarjalnim in rezidenčnim centrom MGLC Švicarija vabimo umetnostne zgodovinarje, umetnostne kritike in kulturne novinarje iz mednarodnega prostora (prijavitelji iz Slovenije niso upravičeni) k prijavi na enomesečno rezidenco v Ljubljani v septembru 2025.

📅 Rok za prijavo: 31. januar 2025 (ob polnoči CET)

🔗 https://igorzabel.org/sl/novice/2024/kritiska-rezidenca-2025

MGLC Švicarija v sodelovanju z Društvom Igor Zabel za kulturo in teorijo (Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory) vabi umetnostne zgodovinarje, umetnostne kritike in kulturne novinarje iz mednarodnega prostora k prijavi na enomesečno rezidenco v Ljubljani v septembru 2025.
MGLC Švicarija, a creative and residential centre, in collaboration with the Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory invites art historians, art critics and cultural journalists from international milieu to apply for a fully funded, one-month residency in Ljubljana during September 2025.
👉 https://mglc.si/en/mglc-pro/calls/6/open-call-for-critic-in-residence-programme-2025/

[On this day / Na današnji dan]On this day twenty years ago, the exhibition The Future is Not What it Used to Be closed ...

[On this day / Na današnji dan]

On this day twenty years ago, the exhibition The Future is Not What it Used to Be closed in the Galerie für zeitgenossische Kunst in Leipzig. The starting point of the curators, Igor Zabel and Barbara Steiner was the utopian promises of socialist modernity and its internal contradictions. The intention of the exhibition was to examine - from a contemporary artistic perspective - the fiction of function and functionality, the myth of rationality, and the resulting individual and collective strategies of deviation or appropriation, and cultural diversity.

🔗 More about the exhibition: https://gfzk.de/en/2004/die-zukunft-ist-nicht-was-sie-einmal-war/


Na današnji dan pred dvajsetimi leti se je v Galeriji za sodobno umetnost (Galerie für zeitgenossische Kunst) v Lepizigu zatvorila razstava The Future is Not What it Used to Be. Izhodišče kuratorjev Igorja Zabela in Barbare Steiner so bile utopične obljube socialistične modernosti. Namen razstave je bil raziskati fikcijo funkcije in funkcionalnosti, mit racionalnosti ter iz tega izhajajoče individualne in kolektivne strategije odklona ali apropriacije ter kulturne raznolikosti.

🔗 Več o razstavi: https://gfzk.de/en/2004/die-zukunft-ist-nicht-was-sie-einmal-war/

The Future Isn’t What It Used to Be November 28, 2004 until January 16, 2005 with Tadej Pogačar, Roman Ondak, Olaf Nicolai, Dorit Margreiter, Deimantas Narkevičius, Josef Dabernig, Nina Fischer and Maroan el Sani curated by Barbara Steiner and Igor Zabel Ausstellungsansicht, Die Zukunft ist nich...


We are revisiting and sharing joyful celebratory moments with the 2024 Igor Zabel Award Grant recipients - Irfan Hošić, Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu, and Natalija Vujošević. We wish that this year will be supportive to them and their professional endeavours.
Video recordings: ERSTE Foundation and Barka Media
Video editing: Matic Drakulić

Igor Zabel Award 2024 programme partners: Igor Zabel Association, ERSTE Foundation, and Moderna galerija

[Recommended]Conference 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧: 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐀𝐫𝐭, 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐑𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐚"The symposium brings together ma...


Conference 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧: 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐀𝐫𝐭, 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐑𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐚

"The symposium brings together major practitioners in contemporary art to pay tribute to the critical and curatorial activities of Joseph Backstein (1945–2024), who promoted contemporary art in and from Russia. He was especially concerned with fostering a relationship with the international art world post-Perestroika. Four panels will discuss different phases of his career and art critic Katy Deepwell, who was married to Backstein for 23 years until his death, will introduce the event."

🗓️Thursday, 16 January 2025, 14:00—20:00
📍online and at the Pushkin House, London.

🔗 More info:

Symposium: Joseph Backstein: Curating Contemporary Art, in and from Russia

Catch a glimpse of the inspiring events and amazing atmosphere of the 2024 Igor Zabel Award programme in the recap video...

Catch a glimpse of the inspiring events and amazing atmosphere of the 2024 Igor Zabel Award programme in the recap video on our YouTube channel!

▶️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLytiXaYtvc
Video: ERSTE Foundation and Barka Media

Igor Zabel Award 2024 programme partners: Igor Zabel Association, ERSTE Foundation, and Moderna galerija

Here is the recap of this year's Igor Zabel Award programme:Seminar, 28.–29. 11. 2024, Museum of Modern Art (MG+), LjubljanaAward Ceremony, 29. 11. 2024, Sok...

If you missed this year's Igor Zabel Award Ceremony, you can watch the recording of the conversation with the Igor Zabel...

If you missed this year's Igor Zabel Award Ceremony, you can watch the recording of the conversation with the Igor Zabel Award 2024 Laureate Edit András by Urška Jurman here:

▶️ https://youtu.be/DBkGkV9Smow?feature=shared

ERSTE Foundation

Conversation with the Igor Zabel Award 2024 Laureate Edit András by Urška JurmanAward Ceremony, 29. 11. 2024, Sokol House, Tabor, LjubljanaThe jury has given...

[Igor Zabel Award 2024]“Hungary is in such a dark situation that I do hope that it could be some kind of stimuli or hope...

[Igor Zabel Award 2024]

“Hungary is in such a dark situation that I do hope that it could be some kind of stimuli or hope, not just for me but for the art scene that the message could be that is seen, it is heard. I do hope.” -Edit András on the importance of the Igor Zabel Award

🎙️You can listen to the full conversation with Edit Andras in the Sector Ž programme on Radio Študent 89,3 MHz here: https://radiostudent.si/kultura/sektor-z/gender-minefield

ERSTE Foundation

Sektor Ž 5. 12. 2024 – 21.30 Urška Malič Nina Pernat Urška Malič Gender minefield Audio file Predvajaj Vir: Foto: Nada Žgank / Društvo Igor Zabel V decembrskem Sektorju Ž se bomo pogovarjali z Edit András, letošnjo dobitnico nagrade Igorja Zabela.   Pridružite se nam v četrtek ob 21....

[Nagrada Igorja Zabela 2024]»In države, ki niso imele na ta način turbulentne zgodovine kot mi, zdaj enostavno ne zmorej...

[Nagrada Igorja Zabela 2024]

»In države, ki niso imele na ta način turbulentne zgodovine kot mi, zdaj enostavno ne zmorejo razumeti, kaj se dogaja. Na svoj način pa zato razumemo mi. Ne bi rekla, da imamo boljšo strategijo za boj proti aktualnim krizam, imamo pa vsaj veliko izkušenj, dobrih ali slabih.« -Edit András

Vabljeni k branju ali poslušanju celotnega pogovora Žige Bratoša z dobitnico nagrade Igorja Zabela 2024 Edit András.

🔗 https://www.rtvslo.si/kultura/intervju/v-zda-so-tedaj-rekli-ne-to-ni-nas-problem-deset-let-pozneje-je-tema-se-kako-tudi-njihov-problem/729111

ERSTE Foundation

"Kulturo preprosto potrebujemo za preživetje, za samorefleksijo, za razmisleke o prihodnosti. Zato verjamem, da je to notranja potreba, enako pomembna kot osnovne fizične potrebe," je prepričana madžarska kritičarka in kuratorka Edit András.

Congratulations to all artists and curators who will participate in the MQ – MuseumsQuartier Wien residency program in V...

Congratulations to all artists and curators who will participate in the MQ – MuseumsQuartier Wien residency program in Vienna in 2025:

January – February 2025
Vladyslav Riaboshtan from Ukraine

March – April 2025
Šimon Chovan from Slovak Republic

May – June 2025
Vanda Sárai from Hungary

July – August 2025
Dana Andrei from Romania

July – August 2025
Selma Banich from Croatia

September – October 2025
Andrej Škufca from Slovenia

September – October 2025
Tereza Sikorová from Czech Republic

ERSTE Foundation, tranzit (tranzit. at, tranzit.cz, tranzit.hu, tranzit.ro, tranzit.sk), Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory and Kontakt Collection / WHW Akademija are pleased to host the following artists in residence in the MQ – MuseumsQuartier Wien:

postponed to 2026
𝐕𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐲𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐯 𝐑𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐚𝐧 from Ukraine

March – April 2025
Š𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧 from Slovak Republic

May – June 2025
𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐒á𝐫𝐚𝐢 from Hungary

July – August 2025
𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐢 from Romania

July – August 2025
𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐡 from Croatia

September – October 2025
𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐣 Š𝐤𝐮𝐟𝐜𝐚 from Slovenia

September – October 2025
𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐳𝐚 𝐒𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐯á from Czech Republic

Photo credit: © MQ

[Open call / Javni poziv]In collaboration with the MGLC Ljubljana - Švicarija, a creative and residential centre, we are...

[Open call / Javni poziv]

In collaboration with the MGLC Ljubljana - Švicarija, a creative and residential centre, we are inviting art historians, art critics and cultural journalists to apply for a fully funded, one-month residency in Ljubljana during September 2025.

📅 Deadline for applications: 31 January 2025 (23:59 CET)

🔗 https://mglc.si/en/mglc-pro/calls/


V sodelovanju z MGLC Ljubljana - Švicarija vabimo umetnostne kritike in novinarje iz tujine, ki delujejo na področju kulture, k prijavi na enomesečno rezidenco v Ljubljani v septembru 2025.

📅 Rok za prijavo: 31. januar 2025 (ob polnoči CET)

🔗 https://mglc.si/en/mglc-pro/calls/

MGLC Švicarija v sodelovanju z Društvom Igor Zabel za kulturo in teorijo (Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory) vabi umetnostne zgodovinarje, umetnostne kritike in kulturne novinarje iz mednarodnega prostora k prijavi na enomesečno rezidenco v Ljubljani v septembru 2025.
MGLC Švicarija, a creative and residential centre, in collaboration with the Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory invites art historians, art critics and cultural journalists from international milieu to apply for a fully funded, one-month residency in Ljubljana during September 2025.
👉 https://mglc.si/en/mglc-pro/calls/6/open-call-for-critic-in-residence-programme-2025/

Another biennial edition of the Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory has come to an end, marked by unforgettable days...

Another biennial edition of the Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory has come to an end, marked by unforgettable days of joyful reunions and inspiring encounters as we celebrated this year’s Laureate and Grant Recipients.

A huge thank you to the amazing team, for their effort and dedication in making this possible!
Urška Jurman, Hana Cirman, Urška Comino, Borut Cajnko and technical team, Lara Mejač, Elena Chirila, AA + Studio Kruh, Stella Ivšek (BEAM TEAM), Ajda Ana Kocutar, Vida Šturm, Maša Pelko, Nataša Živković

📷 Nada Žgank / Igor Zabel Association

ERSTE Foundation

[Priporočamo / Recommended]Vabljeni na diskurzivno-razstavni dogodek "Kako je umetnost pomembna. In kako pomeni", danes,...

[Priporočamo / Recommended]

Vabljeni na diskurzivno-razstavni dogodek "Kako je umetnost pomembna. In kako pomeni", danes, 3. decembra, ob 18.00 v Projektni prostor DUM, Kolodvorska 6, v Ljubljani.

V središču tretjega letošnjega pogovora, med teatrologom in publicistom Rokom Vevarjem in kustosom Tevžem Logarjem, bo kultno umetniško delo One Year Performance, priznanega tajvanskega umetnika Tehching Hsieha. Pogovor bo v angleškem jeziku.

Več informacij: https://dum-club.si/?p=1692


We extend the invitation to the discursive-exhibition event "How Art Matters. And How it Means", today, 3 December, at 18:00 in the DUM project space, Kolodvorska 6 in Ljubljana.

The focus of this year's third conversation, between theatre scholar and publicist Rok Vevar and curator Tevž Logar, will be the cult artwork One Year Performance by renowned Taiwanese artist Tehching Hsieh. The talk will be in English.

Kako je umetnost pomembna. In kako pomeni. XI del.2024 03.12.2024, 18.00, Projektni prostor DUM, Kolodvorska 6, Ljubljana Tehching Hsieh One Year Performance, 1980–1981(Time Clock Piece) V središču tretjega letošnjega pogovora, med teatrologom in pubicistom Rokom Vevarjem in kustosom Tevžem Lo...

The 2024 Igor Zabel Award programme included also a two-day Seminar in Ljubljana's Moderna galerija featuring the 2024 L...

The 2024 Igor Zabel Award programme included also a two-day Seminar in Ljubljana's Moderna galerija featuring the 2024 Laureate Edit András and Grant recipients Irfan Hošić, Ovidiu Țichindeleanu, and Natalija Vujošević. They presented their work and, more broadly, discussed how art and theory from Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe can contribute to the world in these times of exacerbating crises.

📷 Nada Žgank / Igor Zabel Association

ERSTE Foundation


Trg Prekomorskih Brigad 1


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