We’re revisiting celebratory moments with the 2024 Igor Zabel Award Laureate - Edit András, art historian, art critic, curator, and senior member of the Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Art History in Budapest.
We wish this year will be supportive to her and her professional endeavours.
Video recordings: ERSTE Foundation and Barka Media
Video editing: Matic Drakulić
Igor Zabel Award 2024 programme partners: Igor Zabel Association, ERSTE Foundation, and Moderna galerija
Vljudno vabljeni na tretji simpozij o razstavljanju likovne umetnosti, arhitekture in oblikovanja ter razstavnih institucijah na Slovenskem.
🗓️ četrtek, 11. april, od 10.00 do 17.50 in petek, 12. aprila, od 9.30 do 17.30
📍 dvorana Mestnega muzeja, Gosposka 15, Ljubljana
S tretjim simpozijem nadaljujemo poglobljen razmislek o praksah razstavljanja umetnosti, arhitekture in oblikovanja na Slovenskem. Tudi tokrat bomo obravnavali izbrane razstave, umetnostne institucije in druge fenomene s področja razstavljanja v kronološkem loku ter z najrazličnejših vidikov.
🖼️ Več informacij o programu: https://igorzabel.org/sl/novice/2024/razstavljanje-na-slovenskem-III
We kindly invite you to the third symposium on exhibiting of art, architecture, and design, and exhibition institutions in Slovenia.
🗓️ Thursday, 11 April, 10.00–17.50 and Friday, 12 April, 9.30–17.30
📍 Conference Hall, City Museum of Ljubljana, Gosposka 15, Ljubljana
🖼️ More info about the programme: https://igorzabel.org/en/news/2024/Exhibiting-in-Slovenia-III
V sodelovanju z / In cooperation with: Mestni muzej Ljubljana, KGLU l Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti, Galerija Božidar Jakac, Kostanjevica na Krki, Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta ZRC SAZU, Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino FF UL
Podpora / Supported by: Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS) and the ERSTE Foundation.
Interview with Oksana Briukhovetska - Igor Zabel Award 2022 Grant Recipient
While starting with preparations for the Igor Zabel Award 2024, we are happy to refresh the memory about the Igor Zabel Award 2022 recipients through short video interviews.
Oksana Briukhovetska received the Igor Zabel Award 2022 Grant for her outstanding contribution to the artistic and activist life in Ukraine and beyond.
In the video she reflects on her projects, the relations between art and politics, and the connectedness of her work to the local contexts which she comes from.
Production: ERSTE Foundation, 2023
You can watch the full videos here or on our YouTube channel!
Interview with Antonina Stebur - Igor Zabel Award 2022 Grant Recipient
While starting with preparations for the Igor Zabel Award 2024, we are happy to refresh the memory about the Igor Zabel Award 2022 recipients through short video interviews.
Antonina Stebur received the Igor Zabel Award 2022 Grant in recognition of her extraordinary power of resistance, her commitment to decolonize Belarusian art, and her contagious belief – so evident in her texts, lectures, collaborations, and curatorial projects – that art is a practical instrument of political imagination.
In the video she reflects on her projects, the relations between art and politics, and the connectedness of her work to the local contexts which she comes from.
Production: ERSTE Foundation, 2023
You can watch the full videos here or on our YouTube channel!
Interview with Alina Șerban - Igor Zabel Award 2022 Grant Recipient
While starting with preparations for the Igor Zabel Award 2024, we are happy to refresh the memory about the Igor Zabel Award 2022 recipients through short video interviews.
Alina Șerban received the Igor Zabel Award 2022 Grant for her exceptional research and ability to create self-managed organizations and platforms that bring together Central and Eastern European researchers, practitioners, and cultural workers.
In the video she reflects on her projects, the relations between art and ecology, and the connectedness of her work to the local contexts which she comes from.
Production: ERSTE Foundation, 2023
You can watch the full videos here or on our YouTube channel!
While starting with preparations for the Igor Zabel Award 2024, we are happy to share a short conversation with Bojana Pejić - art historian, curator, and Igor Zabel Award 2022 laureate. In this video, Pejić talks about her work, feminism in socialist Yugoslavia, Gender Check exhibition, and what receiving the Igor Zabel Award means to her.
Produced by: ERSTE Foundation, 2023
Watch the full interview here! ⬇️