On Sunday the 20th of March 2022, on the day of the equinox, Smoties Sprehosad took place in Topol pri Medvodah and Belo. Sprehosad is a word-play and a compound word of “sprehod” (a walk) and “sad” (a fruit, a result) hinting that this is a walk-based public event where something is sown and planted. The event was organised by Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia within the Human Cities Smoties project of the Creative Europe Programme and in partnership with Valentin Zabavnik (the president of the Fruit Growing and Horticultural Society of Tunjice pri Kamniku), Zvonka Simčič in Mojca Senegačnik (artists, Zavod CCC – House on the hill), Jakob Šubic (forester and an active local actor in public space) and Mojca Sfiligoj (Homestead Pr' Lenart, Belo).
The participants learned in detail how to plant and cut old native fruit trees with Valentin Zabavnik. During the walk through the forests from Topol to Belo we practiced
exercises to enter into yourself to release tension with Jakob Šubic. There were many opportunities to share the memories, ideas and feelings about the public spaces in Topol, Belo, and the wider region along the walk. The exchange of opinions on where and what could be done to improve the public spaces along the route was encouraged by the mapping workshop moderated by the students of urban design from the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana. A great moment of the exchanges and conviviality of the day was the evening singing performance by Zvonka Simčič and Blaž Grm at Homestead Pr' Lenart announcing the spring. To make the day complete the meal made by local inn Gostilna Pr’Jur concluded Sprehosad. We want to thank all the participants for this very pleasant event and hope to meet again in the future for other Smoties events!
Event was organized by Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and other local actors.
#humancities #creativeeurope #PrLenart #ZvonkaSimči
Hiša na hribu je projekt ZAVOD CCC, ki vsako poletje v Žlebeh pri Medvodah postavi umetniško razstavo ter z različnimi aktivnostmi ponudi prostor za srečevanje, izobraževanje in odpira prostor za dialog med sodobno umetnostjo in kulturno dediščino. Hišo na hribu je Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije, v okviru mednarodnega projekta Human Cities, izbral za dobro prakso v javnem prostoru v majhnih in oddaljenih krajih.
V intervjuju z Mojco Senegačnik, sodobno umetnico in soavtorico projekta, boste izvedeli več o nastajanju projekta Hiša na hribu, vključevanju umetnikov in lokalne skupnosti v projekt kot tudi o zasnovi letošnje postavitve razstave v mežnarijo pri Sv. Marjeti in v njeno čudovito okolico narave.
Intervju je bil posnet v angleškem jeziku.
#SMOTIES #dobrapraksa #javniprostor #participativneprakse #oddaljenikraji Domačija Pr' Lenart CED Slovenia
Mednarodna jesenska šola
V okviru projekta LOS_DAMA! je bila za študente in mlade raziskovalce konec septembra 2018 organizirana MEDNARODNA JESENSKA ŠOLA na temo peri-urbanih območij na območju Alp.
Mladi so pod mentorstvom partnerjev projekta LOS_DAMA! v Salzburgu in Münchnu razvijali ideje na treh različnih temah:
• eko vizija regije Salzburg;
• živi laboratorij mokrišča Dachauer Moos v okolici Münchna;
• simulacijska igra upravljanja krajine.
Vabimo vas k ogledu videa, kjer sodelujejo tudi študentje iz Slovenije - Manca, Klemen in Alenka.