Medikament, a collective that works as a vaccine, for a cultural shrink of techno industry. Smo kolektiv umetnikov, ki se javnosti predstavlja z svojo značilno temačno plesno glasbo. Naša ekipa DJev želi postaviti nov nivo kvalitete, ko vam predstavlja nepoznane zvoke. Širimo obzorja v techno podzemlju in spodbujamo vse, ki začenjajo svojo artistično pot. Kontaktirate nas lahko za programsko ali i
zvedbeno izpeljavo dogodka, najem opreme in DJev.
We are a group of artists who present themselves to the public with their characteristic dark dance music. Our DJ team wants to set a new level of quality when presenting unfamiliar sounds to you. We broaden our horizons in the techno underground and encourage everyone who is starting their artistic path. You can contact us for program or implementation of the event, equipment rental and DJs.