Maggie Kane: Community skillshare series | Trailer
Lanskega septembra smo s kamero sledili Maggie Kane - Nastal je kratek dokumentarni film o umetnici, ki vrača moč ljudem z najmočnejšim orodjem: znanjem.
Režija in montaža: Maja Andlovic
Direktor fotografije: Domen Ožbot
Kratki dokumentarni film je nastal v sodelovanju s Projekt Atol in Trajna idt..
#MaggieKane #Skillshare #Documentary #InterdisciplinaryArt #Empowerment
Na Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo lahko študiraš marsikaj! Serija kratkih videov za promocijo študijskih smeri.
Režija in montaža: Maja Andlovic
Direktor fotografije: Domen Ožbot
Asistent kamere: Matic Soban
Modibodi - Kotiček menstrualnih hlačk
Za Modibodi Slovenija smo posneli klepet o revolucionarnih menstrualnih hlačkah, ki so ne samo udobne in zanesljive, ampak tudi ekološke.
Režija in montaža: Maja Andlovic
Direktor fotografije: Domen Ožbot
Asistent kamere: Luka Maček
Snemalec tona: Matic Pritekelj
Marko Šajn, Vzajemni kompromis/Mutual Compromise
Posneli smo kratek film o grafikah, printih in risbah, ki jih je za MGLC Ljubljana ustvaril Marko Šajn.
Link na profilu!
Režija in montaža: Maja Andlovic
Direktor fotografije: Domen Ožbot
#MarkoŠajn #Printmaking #ArtDocumentary #ContemporaryArt #riso #risoparadiso
This year @pif_camp we also made a short documentary about ISOLABS a project by Marko Peljhan.
Thanks to all who were a part of this story!
Video created @pif_camp
Directed and edited by Maja Andlovic
Director of photography Domen Ožbot
Additional video footage Tilen Sepič
Graphic design by Jure Šajn
Animation by Jure Lavrin
VR experience by Žiga Pavlovič, Miha Godec and Gabriela Filipović
Music by Bernhard Rasinger (live @pif_camp)
PIFcamp is organised by Projekt Atol and Ljudmila , in co-operation with Bio Tehna and RAMPA Lab.
The event is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
With the support from the Ministry of Culture and the City of Ljubljana.
ISOLABS is a project within the framework of the European Capital of Culture 2025
Nova Gorica - Gorizia and has received support from the konS ≡ Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art, which is a project chosen on the public call for the selection of the operations “Network of Investigative Art and Culture Centres”. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union.