Naš najljubši način potovanja po Skandinaviji je s trajekti. So odlični pri premagovanju daljših razdalj, vozijo zelo pogosto, so ugodni, otroci imajo igralnico, pa tudi za zabavo in hrano je poskrbljeno. Ponavadi gremo na tiste, ki niso turistični, nudijo malo manj ampak vseeno več kot vse potrebno udobje. Tokrat smo šli z njim iz severne Danske na Švedsko, za počitniško vozilo, 2 odrasla, 2 otroka in 2 psa je bila cena okoli 90€, vožnja pa je trajala skoraj 5h. Če imaš majhne otroke, se ti ob rezervaciji splača vzeti samopostrežni zajtrk/kosilo/večerjo , saj je za otroke do vključno 3let vse brezplačno. Sami kabine ne vzemamo na vožnjah do 5h, ker smo tam premalo časa, ker želita otroka vse raziskati in se igrati. Smo pa tokrat šli na trajektu celo v kino, kjer smo bili edini,zato smo risanko izbrali sami :). Če greš večkrat, zbiraj točke trajektne linije, s katero se voziš največ, vsi imajo neke bonus programe za zveste stranke. Če te o takšnem načinu potovanja zanima še kaj, just ask.....
Our favorite way to travel around Scandinavia is by ferry. They are great for long distances, they run very often, they are affordable, the children have a playroom, and entertainment and food are also provided. We usually go to those that are not touristic, they offer a little less but still more than all the necessary comfort. This time we went with ferry from northern Denmark to Sweden, for a vacation vehicle, 2 adults, 2 children and 2 dogs, the price was around €90, and the drive took almost 5 hours. If you have small children, it is worth taking the breakfast/lunch/dinner buffet when you make your reservation, because everything is free for children up to 3 years old. We don't take the cabin ourselves on rides up to 5 hours, because we don't have enough time. Children want to explore everything and play. But this time we even went to the cinema on the ferry, where we were the only visitors, so we chose the cartoon ourselves :). If you go more than once, collect the points of the ferry line with which you ride the most, they all have some bonus programs for loyal customers. If you have any questions,just ask.