The 4 essentials skills for 21st century education is Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration. We are committed to providing avenues to boost these skills in children. The Kidz Parade provides the skill set and mindset to excel in all these areas to kids and empower parents and teachers to support children. We do that in 4 different ways.
1. Public Speaking Camps & Leadership
Camps: These programs are designed and facilitated to give the framework and confidence for children to develop and boost their effective communication skills. The parents of our past students say these are transformational programs. The reason - our chief coach and our methodology. Our chief coach is Manoj Vasudevan, World #3 at the World Championship of Public Speaking, co-author of Amazon #1 bestseller in public speaking - World Class Speaking in Action and the author of the bestseller, Leadership Lessons from the Mousetrap. We draw the inspiration from Stanford University's Design Thinking Methodology to boost the creative confidence and critical thinking in children. They build up their collaboration skills over group activities and live feedbacks to each other. Get more details at
2. The Kidz Parade Edutainment magazine: We are publisher's of The Kidz Parade Edutainment magazine. The magazine is all about providing opportunities for children to showcase their creative talents and to gain inspiration from experts. Children use it to empower themselves as well to as to add to their portfolios for higher education. Check and
3. Articles and Tips: We provide research based articles and tips to parents and teachers on our website at Sign up to receive regular updates right in your inbox, on our website.
4. Innovation Camps: These camps are organized time-to-time in collaboration with science centre. This is to create an innovative and creative pool of children. Get more details at