Reaching Out to the World Through the Bible Witness Media Ministry
The BWMM started with the publication of a humble quarterly magazine, the Witness magazine, in 2001 . Right now it has increased the frequency of issuance to a bimonthly magazine, the Bible Witness magazine. Each issue is centred on relevant themes. With its foundation on the unchangeable and infallible Word of God, and written by God’s servants with a solid conviction and faith on God’s Word, the Magazine has been a source of spiritual nourishment to many. We praise God for the testimonies received from brethren who have been blessed by the articles in the Magazine. We pray that the printed word will always remain as a blessing to Bible-believing brethren. The articles with accompanying questions and children’s stories & quizzes have been used as materials for Bible classes and discussions groups of all ages. May God be pleased to turn some non-believers to repentance and to edify His people through the Magazine. Since then, devotionals for young and old, and tracts have been published.
Praise God for the vision given to Pastor and the able support of the BWMM team in harnessing technology to spread the Word. While the impact of the printed word through the Bible Witness Magazine is limited in reaching out to people in some ways, the launch of the Bible Witness Web Radio has been able to spread God’s truth far and wide. Employing the capabilities and convenience of the Internet, the Web Radio is able to reach the hands and homes in far away lands every minute of every day. Through God’s timely provision of financial gifts and brethren with God-given talents, the BWMM set up its own recording and computer facilities to broadcast the Web Radio programmes. It was certainly a joyful day on January 1, 2007 when members and friends tuned in to listen to the Bible Witness Web Radio’s first broadcast! Praise God for each one who continues to serve in planning the programme, sourcing for materials, and for brethren who gladly availed themselves for recording, editing and uploading these materials for transmission. Besides the web radio broadcast that offers a variety of programmes that are available 24/7, one could also download daily morning and evening devotions and other programmes on demand.
Every year, the BWMM holds two Bible study retreats during the March and September school holidays. The BWMM also used to operate a small Book Room in the heart of Chinatown, Singapore, where a weekly Lunch Hour Bible Study was held every Wednesday at 1.00pm (Singapore Standard Time).
The Book Room, along with the recording studio and publishing office, have been shifted, expanded and centralised in Gethsemane Media Centre - the timely & necessary provision of our faithful and never-failing Head of the Church - which now houses a Pastor’s library; 2 recording studios for daily recording of sermons and hymns; and, a seminar room for Bible Studies and Christian Fellowship meetings in the island of Singapore.
The Lord has indeed been good and merciful to all who serve in the BWMM. May He continue to provide through His people so that the BWMM will extend its capabilities even wider to bring more lost souls to Him and that more believers would be built up in their faith. Please pray for us as we work towards developing mobile applications and webTV, that we may fulfil the Great Commission in areas which have not been reached by preachers - while our Lord tarries.
(Adapted from “A testimony of BWMM” by Eld Mah Chin Kwang, an elder of Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church as published in Bible Witness Double Commemorative Special, Volume 11 Issue 2)