Mediacorp LOVE 972

Mediacorp LOVE 972 Your beloved station that plays entertaining lifestyle programmes and your favourite contemporary Mandarin hits. (f) For publicity and marketing purposes.

LOVE 972 – General Contest Terms & Conditions

1. Contests held on LOVE 972 and its official platforms (each, a “contest”) are organised by Mediacorp Pte Ltd. Contests are open to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents aged 18 years and above as of the date of entry in the contest and currently residing in Singapore. By entering a contest, you agree to these rules and regulations.

2. Employee

s of Mediacorp and their immediate family, sponsoring companies and their agencies are not eligible to enter. For the avoidance of doubt, Mediacorp shall have the sole and absolute discretion to determine the eligibility of a participant for purposes of a contest. If required by Mediacorp, participants shall provide all required information and documentation and satisfy all requirements specified by Mediacorp in its sole and absolute discretion (including but not limited to providing written confirmations and making audio/video calls with Mediacorp’s representatives) for purposes of verifying the eligibility and/or identity of each participant.

3. You shall make full and honest disclosure of all particulars and information as requested by Mediacorp. Participants understand that submission of any inaccurate, incomplete, false or misleading particulars or information, or wilful suppression of material facts will render the participant liable for disqualification.

4. Calling through to LOVE 972 does not necessarily qualify one as the winner. Each caller must fulfill all criteria relevant to each contest in order to qualify as a winner. That means the caller must be aware of the contest he / she is participating in and fulfill all requirements (including but not limited to giving the correct answer when asked by the DJ / Presenter on duty).

5. If any person has taken part and won in any contest organised by LOVE 972 within 30 days prior to the relevant contest date (inclusive of the date of winning), then such person, and his/her immediate family members and/or anyone living within the same household, shall not be eligible to participate in the relevant contest. If required by Mediacorp, participants shall provide all required information and documentation and satisfy all requirements specified by Mediacorp in its sole and absolute discretion (including but not limited to providing written confirmations and making audio/video calls with Mediacorp’s representatives) for purposes of verifying the eligibility and/or identity of each participant. For the avoidance of doubt, Mediacorp shall have the sole and absolute discretion to determine the eligibility of a participant for purposes of a contest.

6. In cases where listeners have to write in to participate in a contest, entries must be sent only to the address announced by LOVE 972 on the relevant contest platform but note that proof of postage is not proof of delivery. Additionally, multiple and photocopied entries are not allowed and will be considered void.

7. Your personal data will be collected, used, disclosed and/or processed by Mediacorp for the following purposes:

(a) For Mediacorp or its designated representatives or business partners to provide goods and services to you or parties designated by you and matters ancillary thereto. (b) To verify and process payment when you purchase goods and services from Mediacorp. (c) For verification and record of your personal particulars including comparing it with information from other sources and using the information to communicate with you. (d) For research and analysis, including surveys and polls. (e) For administration and collection of prizes, including publishing of list of winner(s). (g) To send you notices, information, promotions and updates including marketing and advertising materials in relation to Mediacorp’s goods and services and those of third party organizations selected by Mediacorp. (h) To comply with any request from any third party or any order of court or directive from authorities investigating any alleged offence or misconduct or for the purposes of taking legal action against any you. For the avoidance of doubt, Mediacorp may share your personal data with a third party in order for Mediacorp to perform the purposes as described above, or for other purposes where we have your consent to do so.

8. By agreeing to these rules and regulations, you:

(a) consent to Mediacorp collecting, using, disclosing and/or processing your personal data for the purposes as described in the Clause above;
(b) consent to Mediacorp transferring your personal data out of Singapore to Mediacorp’s third party service providers or agents for the purposes as described in the Clause above. If you have any questions relating to Mediacorp’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal data, please contact Mediacorp’s Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

9. By participating in a contest, each participant agrees to take part in any promotional or publicity exercise as may be conducted by Mediacorp in connection with the contest and each participant hereby irrevocably and unconditionally grants Mediacorp all consents and waivers necessary for Mediacorp to record and use the participants’ performance(s) and appearance(s) in any manner as Mediacorp shall in its sole discretion deem fit. Each participant acknowledges that Mediacorp shall be at liberty to publish and otherwise use any recordings made by Mediacorp, including without limitation telephone recordings, audio recordings, video recordings and photographs (if any), for promotional and publicity purposes or any other purposes as Mediacorp deems appropriate (whether now or in the future).

10. Winners shall be required to strictly adhere to instructions specified by Mediacorp for redemption of prizes won. Without limitation to the foregoing:

(a) If any redemption deadlines are specified by Mediacorp, all winners must claim their prizes by the stipulated deadline failing which the prizes will be forfeited. Claims made otherwise will not be entertained. (b) In the event that winners are unable to collect their prizes within any specified deadline, they must immediately contact and inform Mediacorp to request for an extension, which shall be granted at Mediacorp’s sole and absolute discretion. (c) In the event that prizes are required to be collected personally and a winner is unable to collect his / her prize personally, he / she may appoint a proxy to collect it on his / her behalf bearing a letter of authorization and a photocopy of the NRIC / Driver's license / Passport / Birth Certificate which Mediacorp will need to sight for verification purposes. (d) Prizes which are delivered by Mediacorp to the winners will only be delivered to an address within Singapore. Mediacorp shall not be liable for any prizes which are lost, delayed or damaged in the process of delivery, for reasons beyond its control. All winners will be solely responsible for providing Mediacorp with accurate contact and/or delivery details, and in the event that any failure and/or delay in prize delivery or redemption is due to any incorrect or incomplete information provided by the winner, the winner shall fully indemnify Mediacorp for any losses and/or costs incurred.

11. Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable. In the event that the winner, for any reason, does not accept the prize, no other form of compensation will be supplied in lieu of that forfeited prize (or any part thereof).

12. Mediacorp and its sponsors reserve the right not to award any prizes, or to substitute or alter any of the prizes offered. In particular, where any prize (or part thereof) is unavailable, Mediacorp may (but shall not be obliged to) provide an alternative prize, in its sole and absolute discretion. Participants acknowledge and agree that the all prizes may be subject to such other terms and conditions as may be imposed by Mediacorp and/or any third party agents and/or contractors engaged by Mediacorp to fulfil the delivery of prizes (if any).

13. No obligation will be incurred by Mediacorp or its sponsors by reason of participation in a contest or by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the participants as a result of or on account of a contest. Mediacorp shall not be liable or responsible for any and all losses, damages, costs and/or expenses (of any nature whatsoever) suffered by any participant arising from any failure or refusal, for whatever reason, to deliver or transfer, whether by Mediacorp or its sponsors, the prize(s) or make good on any promise or offer to the participants.

14. By accepting a prize, the winner accepts full and complete responsibility for their own safety and welfare at all times and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, agrees that Mediacorp and its sponsors shall not be liable or responsible for any risks or damages associated with or arising out of the winner’s acceptance of the prize. Each participant expressly acknowledges and agrees that Mediacorp and its sponsors shall not be liable to any of the participant(s) for any injury, loss or damage whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with a contest, including any loss, damage or injury which may be incurred arising from the prizes. The winner (and his/her accompanying guest, if applicable) shall sign such waivers and releases as may be required by Mediacorp, failing which Mediacorp reserves the right to disqualify the winner. Mediacorp shall not be responsible or liable for any misinterpretation or misrepresentation of facts in respect of the prizes offered as published in any media, marketing or advertising materials.

15. Each participant shall indemnify Mediacorp, its related companies, and their respective officers, employees and agents against any claims, liabilities, damages, loss or expenses (including legal expenses on a full indemnity basis) resulting from any breach of these rules and regulations.

16. Each participant shall be responsible for his/her own expenses incurred by him/her during or in connection with his participation in a contest, and no reimbursement may be sought from Mediacorp.

17. In the event of any actual or suspected fraud, abuse, or breach of any of these rules and regulations by any participant, Mediacorp reserves the right to disqualify him/her from a contest, and any prizes won may be forfeited, withheld or withdrawn.

18. Mediacorp reserves the right to amend these rules and regulations without prior notice or to terminate or postpone a contest at any time without prior notice.

19. Contests held on Facebook and/or Instagram are in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook or Instagram. By entering the relevant contest, you agree to a complete release of Facebook and Instagram from any or all liability in connection with the contest.

20. In the event of a dispute, the decision of Mediacorp is final. No appeals or correspondence will be entertained.

21. These rules and regulations shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Singapore laws.



Have you seen Wang Sha and Ye Feng’s first film, ‘The Crazy Bumpkins’? 🎬

Catch EP 1 of #逗笑人间60年 for free on mewatch now:

📣📻   大换班,这个星期正式启动!❤️6am – 11am《早安! 玉建煌崇》陈碧玉、陈建彬、李国煌、周崇庆11am – 2pm《蔡蔡郭》蔡荣祖、蔡礼莲、郭亮2pm – 5pm《最爱粉TASTIC》陈粉樱5pm – 8pm《爱慧圣莉》巫许...

📣📻 大换班,这个星期正式启动!❤️

6am – 11am《早安! 玉建煌崇》

11am – 2pm《蔡蔡郭》

2pm – 5pm《最爱粉TASTIC》

5pm – 8pm《爱慧圣莉》

8pm – 11pm《811娜坚房 》

11pm – 12am《周公讲鬼》



这个12月,随曾兄弟旅行社和LOVE 972 DJ巫许玛莉,搭乘包机直飞乌兹别克斯坦。现在报名双人折扣200元!

这个12月,随曾兄弟旅行社和LOVE 972 DJ巫许玛莉,搭乘包机直飞乌兹别克斯坦。现在报名双人折扣200元!






#蔡礼莲 #蔡荣祖 #郭亮
#听广播好开心 #做广播很幸福


#蔡蔡郭 准备节目片花时录的视频!

#蔡礼莲 #蔡荣祖 #郭亮


如果 DJ们是一名奥运选手,他们会想参加哪一个项目?🤔 ALL THE BEST !! 🇸🇬💪

充分利用你的时间 发挥你的才华,让你的人生更有意义!感受义工的精神,了解如何加入“志愿者关爱网”,共建充满关爱与包容的新加坡!还能现场体验当志愿者的乐趣,收集印章换取礼品!这个周末7月27号和28号,就在Lot 1 Shoppers’ Ma...

充分利用你的时间 发挥你的才华,让你的人生更有意义!

这个周末7月27号和28号,就在Lot 1 Shoppers’ Mall 的志愿者嘉年华! 不要错过!

浏览 获知详情。





Wang Sha and Ye Feng's first comedy record in Singapore sold approximately 200,000 copies?!?

Catch EP 1 of #逗笑人间60年 for free on mewatch now:


精致中餐 "5 on 25 五月亭“ 就在 Hotel Andaz 25楼。




今天的吃在972,爱慧圣莉带你到Angie’s Oyster Bar & Grill 尝美食,并送出餐券!

谢谢@linang56 🌹这两年来在 Love972 《最爱粉tastic》陪粉樱一起与听众聊天互动🙌,度过开心的午餐时间。🍲 今天还买了汤圆,㊗️福节目:圆圆🈵🈵 !! ❤️❤️

谢谢@linang56 🌹这两年来在 Love972 《最爱粉tastic》陪粉樱一起与听众聊天互动🙌,度过开心的午餐时间。🍲 今天还买了汤圆,㊗️福节目:圆圆🈵🈵 !! ❤️❤️

传统的脆皮烧肉一般都要花上好几天的功夫才能制作出来,今天粉樱请Chef Leon教大家如何在2小时以内做出皮脆肉嫩的脆皮烧肉!脆皮烧肉1. 带皮的五花肉 800克2. 月桂叶 4片3. 黑胡椒粒 2克4. 红糖 50克5. 海盐 50克 +...

今天粉樱请Chef Leon教大家如何在2小时以内做出皮脆肉嫩的脆皮烧肉!

1. 带皮的五花肉 800克
2. 月桂叶 4片
3. 黑胡椒粒 2克
4. 红糖 50克
5. 海盐 50克 + 150克
6. 清水 100毫升 + 500毫升

1. 把黑胡椒粒放入平底锅,用中火翻炒1分钟。
2. 加入50克红糖、50克海盐、月桂叶和100毫升的清水煮至沸腾。
3. 在锅中加入500毫升的冷水使其降温。
4. 把五花肉浸泡在卤水中,卤水不要超过猪皮。放在冰箱1个小时,同时也让猪皮的表面风干。
5. 预热烤箱230摄氏度,同时在烤箱的最底层放入一盘清水。
6. 从卤水中把五花肉取出来,然后用纸巾把猪皮上的水分擦干。再把150放入克的海盐均匀地涂抹在猪皮表面。
7. 把五花肉放在烤架上,再放入烤箱,烘烤30分钟。
8. 30分钟后,海盐应该凝结,把整片海盐取出,然后继续烘烤至表面金黄色,约30分钟。
9. 从烤箱取出,静置10分钟即可切片。






《LOVE 972最爱30再忆起》答案揭晓!30个地点,你猜对了几个?恭喜15位完全答对的赢家!🥰👏     #有你的感觉真好  #最爱30再忆起

《LOVE 972最爱30再忆起》答案揭晓!30个地点,你猜对了几个?


#有你的感觉真好 #最爱30再忆起

今晚我们飞去台南,非FUN不可!       #有你的感觉真好




Morsels by Chef Petrina Loh
25 Dempsey Road Tanglin 249670

《LOVE 972最爱30再忆起》得奖名单出炉啦!🥳30年来, 感恩有你陪伴;恭喜15位完全答对的赢家!❤️工作人员稍后将联系你,请给我们一些时间。*须符合条规

《LOVE 972最爱30再忆起》得奖名单出炉啦!🥳
30年来, 感恩有你陪伴;恭喜15位完全答对的赢家!❤️


《LOVE 972最爱30再忆起》是由莆田赞助。

#有你的感觉真好 #最爱30再忆起

今天粉樱访问内分泌外科顾问医生 Dr Daphne Lee 及 Pinnacle 医疗诊所的创办人 莫文锐医生 ,谈糖尿病。许多听众都在询问有关《甜言蜜语~糖尿病健康讲座》的讯息。你报名了吗?日期:8月3号,星期六,时间:下午2点到5点,地...

今天粉樱访问内分泌外科顾问医生 Dr Daphne Lee 及 Pinnacle 医疗诊所的创办人 莫文锐医生 ,谈糖尿病。


地点:大巴窑HDB Hub B1 礼堂
主持人:Violet 粉樱
票价:每人 $12。
* 7月19号及之前购票,只需 $10。
订票热线 :8792 2592
订票网站 :

Love972是《甜言蜜语 - 糖尿病健康讲座》的指定宣传电台


今天的“吃在972“,爱慧圣莉带你到位于 Park Royal Collection Marina Bay 的 Peppermint 享用娘惹自助餐,同时也送你餐券!

“生命中最重要的事情就是,学习如何付出爱,以及接受爱。” 欢迎《最后14堂星期二的课》主演—卜学亮!《最后14堂星期二的课》8月28日至9月1日,滨海艺术中心剧院, 门票从$38 起 SI...

“生命中最重要的事情就是,学习如何付出爱,以及接受爱。” 欢迎《最后14堂星期二的课》主演—卜学亮!

门票从$38 起
SISTIC热线 63485555

Love972是 《最后14堂星期二的课》的协力宣传电台!

《厨房粉tastic》:粉樱分享社区养生导师Aunty Carol  提供的客家传统佳肴食谱 !姜汁手撕鸡材料 1. 鸡腿两支 一 500g ( 帶皮洗淨 )2.姜 一 130g ( 去皮拍扁取汁,留姜渣待用 )3.姜汁 一 50ml  (...

《厨房粉tastic》:粉樱分享社区养生导师Aunty Carol 提供的客家传统佳肴食谱 !

1. 鸡腿两支 一 500g ( 帶皮洗淨 )
2.姜 一 130g ( 去皮拍扁取汁,留姜渣待用 )
3.姜汁 一 50ml ( 腌鸡腿 )
4.胡椒盐一 1茶匕 ( 腌鸡腿 )
5. 玉米油 一 50mL ( 炸姜丝用 )
1. 青葱 一 25g ( 切小段 待用 )
2. 芫荽 一 25g ( 切小段 待用 )

做法( 1 )
1. 把姜汁和胡椒盐和鸡腿拌擦均匀后腌15分钟.
2. 热锅下玉米油用小小火把姜丝炸成金黄色捞起留油侍用.

做法 ( 2 )
1. 把腌好的鸡腿连同姜汁一起放入盘中后,下锅用大火蒸20分钟即可.
2. 把蒸好的鸡腿撕成你喜欢的大小后,摆入盘中再把葱段和芫荽段放在撕好的鸡腿肉上,再淋蒸鸡腿的汁,
3. 把刚刚炸姜丝留下的油,开火煮热后,淋在葱和芫荽上, 最后摆上金黄色的姜丝即可开动咯!



Mediacorp Campus, 1 Stars Avenue


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