*A valuable Military History Lesson, narrated by an Indian Army officer*
It was 1980-81.
After a grueling first term training at the Indian Military Academy, I had come home (Jalandhar) during *‘term-break’* and travelling to Jammu-by bus, to attend a marriage.
When we reached Mukerian , a scholarly looking Muslim gentleman (apparent from his sherwani, cap and neatly cut beard) boarded the bus and took seat next to me.
Bus had covered quite-a- distance, when he broke the ice asking me,
*“आप कहाँ जा रहे हैं ?”*
और बातचीत का सिलसिला चल पड़ा।
उन्होंने बताया कि वह हिमाचल प्रदेश विश्वविद्यालय में पढ़ाते हैं ।
When he learnt that having finished my engineering, I had decided to join Army and currently undergoing training at the Indian Military Academy ,Deharadun, he congratulated me for choosing a prestigious and respected career.
When tête-à-tête turned to curriculum at Military Academy, I told him that apart from physical training, we were taught subjects like *‘Administration, Tactics, Military History etc.’*
इस पर उन्होंने बताया कि Ph.d. के दौरान उनकी रिसर्च का विषय भी *“एक महान मिलिट्री शख्सियत. A Great Military Personality ”* ही थी।
This was his PH.D Research Topic.
When he asked me, which all famous generals we studied in Military History, I mentioned Gen Rommel, General Montgomery and few more.
इस पर कुछ संजीदा होते हुए उन्होंने पूछा,
*“क्या आप उस जनरल का नाम बता सकते हैं जिसकी फ़ौज आज भी चल रही है?”*
*He asked me, Can You tell the name of a General whose Army is existing & active even today?*
कुछ हैरान होते हुए मैंने जवाब दिया,
*“जी, जनरल तो बनते रहते हैं, पर ऐसा जनरल शायद ही कोई हुआ होगा जिसके नाम की फ़ौज चलती रहे ।”*
उन्होंने मुस्कुराते हुए कहा,
*“जरा जेहन पे जोर डालें, आप जानते हैं।”*
मेरे कुछ जवाब न दे पाने पर उन्होंने अगला सवाल किया,
*“आप ज़फरनामा के बारे जानकारी रखते हैं?”*
*Do You know anything about Zafarnama? He asked me.*
और मेरे *‘जी, नहीं’* कहने से पहले ही वह बोले:
*“'Zafarnama' an Epistle of Victory, was a Spiritual victory letter written in Persian by Guru Gobind Singh ji & sent to Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, after the Battle of Chamkaur in 1705.*
*And the most quoted verse of Zafarnama goes as:*
*चूं कार अज़ हम्म हील-ते दर गुज़स्त,*
*हलाल अस्त बुर्दन ब-शमशीर दस्त ।*
*It means,*
*When all has been tried, yet,*
*Justice is not in sight,*
*It is then right to pick up the sword,*
*It is then right to fight🙏."*
बस तब तक पठानकोट पंहुच चुकी थी, सो वह मुझसे बोले:
और फिर बस से उतरने से पहले, हाथ मिलाकर उन्होंने मिलिट्री हिस्ट्री का एक बेहतरीन सबक देते हुए कहा:
As we alighted, we shook hands and he taught me an invaluable lesson of Military History, as he spoke:
*“गुरु गोबिंद सिंह अकेले ऐसे जनरल हुए हैं जिनकी फ़ौज आज भी चल रही है ।”*
*Guru Gobind Singh is the only General in this World, whose Army is still existing!**
(The Muslim Scholar had done PHD on this topic *“गुरु गोबिंद सिंह:एक संत एक सिपाही” Guru Gobind Singh, a Saint & a Soldier*
This note was shared to me by a very close Friend, a non Sikh. The characters in this seem to be non Sikhs.
*Its a very inspiring lesson for the Sikh community.*
This is the general impression in non Sikhs about us.
*The belief is that Sikhs stand up to tyranny and injustice, and are helpful to the weak. We Sikhs and our future generations, need to live up to this expectation, by our actions!*🙏
🌹With regards🌹