Dear faithful listeners of BE107FM,
We have partnered with BE107FM to broadcast uplifting Christian messages, music, and songs for almost 27 years.
Today, there are omni-channel opportunities for digital media beyond the scope of radio. So, just as we pioneered Christian radio for Singapore, we will continue to share Jesus to our communities by breaking ground with fresh content on emerging digital platforms.
Therefore, we are dissolving our partnership with BE107FM to better deploy our resources. Although this partnership has been of tremendous service in times past, parting ways now will be of benefit to all parties.
Since July 2021, another Christian organization has begun partnering with BE107FM. Do take note that there will be changes in broadcast timings and content at BE107FM.
Meanwhile, please visit hopechannel.sg to watch, listen, and experience Christ-centered digital content.
We will keep you informed of fresh content through Hope Channel Singapore’s Whatsapp, Telegram and Instagram channels.
Thank you for your continued support and prayer.
God Bless.
Anandan N.
Follow Hope Channel Singapore
Website: https://hopechannel.sg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HopeChannelSingapore
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WhatsApp Broadcast Channel: http://bit.ly/hcswa
Telegram Broadcast Channel: http://bit.ly/hcstelegram