改写奢华 有品
强调质感,并以低调、纯粹的方式呈现的奢华与生活品味,是《品 Prestige》要传达的。
《品 PIN PRESTIGE》是一本出版于新加坡和马来西亚的中文奢华时尚生活杂志,隶属于BurdaLuxury 和 Hubert Burda Media.
BurdaLuxury, a subsidiary of German media conglomerate Hubert Burda Media, is one of Asia’s most vibrant and progressive independent media houses. Its portfolio includes a host of successful regional publishing brands in lifestyle and luxury markets with presence across Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India and Paris. Print publications include AUGUSTMAN, Prestige, PIN Prestige and Adore. Digital offerings serving savvy audiences and thought leaders with round-the-clock news include Lifestyleasia.com, Augustman.com, PrestigeOnline.com and PinPrestige.com. As part of its range of services, Burda also provides expertise and resources to clients seeking production of high-quality contract publishing, special projects and supplements.
Hubert Burda Media
Hubert Burda Media, headquartered in Munich, is an international technology and media company with over 540 brands and products that are oriented to the needs of consumers. Burda has 175 million users and approximately 60 million paying consumers. Its commercial success is driven by over 10,000 employees around the world. Burda is active in 19 markets, including Germany (where it is one of the country’s largest media groups), elsewhere in Europe, the United States and Asia. A culture of entrepreneurship and innovation is the driving force behind the organisation, which builds on its original roots and values as a family-owned company.