告诉你个秘密🤫,姐很久没有做Facial了!女人要从头到脚美的其中一个最重要部位就是脸蛋啊!前几次出国虽然做了防晒,但还是输给了强大的紫外线!让本来就脆弱的皮肤晒得又干又多细纹,最惨的是浮现不少斑斑,让脸看起来脏脏的😣。 听说aquarius_aesthetic.sg 的OXYBOTOX有立竿见影的效果,特别适合我这种需要急救的皮肤!亲身体验了第一次,果然立马看见效果!在发起有趣的深层洁脸泡沫时,感觉沉积在脸上好几层的污垢都一并清除了;疗程加上神奇的“无侵入式氧气肉毒杆菌”,是怕打针姐妹们的福音!它能够靠非注射的方式把补水滋润精华以“气压喷射式”喷打入你的皮肤深层,让“皮肤大口大口的喝水”!一个疗程约1小时内完成,就立马看见效果!姐自己试过了有效才推荐给你!有皮肤干燥细纹急需拯救的姐妹们也赶快去试试哈!现有第一次体验价在$138,不要错过哦!
On trial promotion: $138 nett
Non-Invasive Oxybotox-Effect Facials Treatment
Is a radical rejuvenating agent of deep action:
- replenishes optimal moisture levels
- levels out horizontal mimic wrinkles
- significantly reduces the depth of vertical wrinkles
- brightens the skin
- Instantly skin looks smooth and toned
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说了要开始从头美到脚;那么当然头发很重要啦!偏偏白发又长出来了,影响气势,马上就到Mystique Hub International紧急整顿一番,也换上了新发色,开开心心准备与好姐妹们去庆祝生日啦!谢谢Mystique Eric Goh的专业团队一直把我的形象照顾得好好滴!
Thanks Proffesional Haircare Team take care of my hair & nail.
Manicurist: Sarah
Products: Les Cheveux International
Mystique at Nex shopping
#ArganShampoo #selfcare
#haircare #haircut #hairtreatment
Thank you to the Mystique Hub International & Mystique Eric Goh
Professional Team for taking care of my hair and nails.
Manicurist: Sarah
Products: Les Cheveux International
Mystique at Nex shopping
#manicure #pedicure #onestopbeauty
#haircare #haircut #hairtreatment
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