Pishonfamily 比逊家政

Pishonfamily 比逊家政 A Happy Family That You Deserve! 美好家庭 你值得拥有

5/1/2019「隐秘的事是属耶和华—我们神的;惟有明显的事是永远属我们和我们子孙的,好叫我们遵行这律法上的一切话。」申命记 29:29 CUNPSS-神有一位敬虔的工人对于上帝所安排一切奇妙的事迹也感到同样的不解。有一天他去参观一家纺织工...

申命记 29:29 CUNPSS-神


The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.
Deuteronomy 29:29 NIV

There is a godly man who feels confused for all the wonderful things that God has arranged. One day he went to visit a textile factory and he found the answer. He concentratedly watched thousands of textiles weaving in the same direction. It looked like messy things, but they were moving in the same way. In order to further understand the operation, he asked: "Can I look at the inside of the machine?" The worker replied, "I'm sorry, the box key is held by the owner." Yes, "The key is held by the master" is the only answer for all our problems.


You brought me more happiness than a rich harvest of grain and grapes.
Psalms 4:7 CEV
你使我心里快乐, 胜过那丰收五谷新酒的人。诗篇 4:7 CUNPSS-神

How to defeat discouragement
-Pastor Rick Warren
1. Remember Gods love, look at the Cross
2. Be authentic, be real to yourself
3. Remember the life is not about me
4. Realize my limitations
5. Use my pains to help others
6. Take time to renew
7. Stay focused on eternity


If You Want to Hear God, Get Still and Listen
By Rick Warren

“Pause a moment, Job, and listen; consider the wonderful things God does” (Job 37:14 GNT).
“約伯啊,請留心聽,要駐足沉思上帝的的奇妙作為!”( 約伯記 37:14新漢語譯本)

Sometimes as adults we get spiritual wiggles. We cannot get still and be quiet.
有時我們成年人會心思不安;我們定不下心,無法安靜 。

But you have to be quiet in order to hear God speak. If you want to hear God’s vision, then you’re going to have to turn off the television. You can’t listen to God and the TV at the same time!

It is possible God never speaks to you because you’re never quiet. Something is always going on in your mind, so while God is trying to get through to you on the telephone of life, he’s getting a busy signal. You’ve got to reserve time alone with God.
很可能你從未聽見上帝對你說話,因你從未安靜你的心。腦中總被不同的事物佔據,致使在祂試著 “打生命電話” 給你時,得到的是 “電話正在使用中” 的訊號。你需要和祂預定單獨相處的時間。

The Bible says in Job 37:14, “Pause a moment, Job, and listen; consider the wonderful things God does” (GNT).
聖經約伯記37:14 說: “約伯啊,請留心聽,要駐足沉思上帝的的奇妙作為!”(新漢語譯本)

God wants to spend time with you. He says, “Pause, be quiet, get alone, and learn solitude so I can talk with you.”
上帝喜悅花時間與你相處。祂說: “停頓一下,安靜下來,獨自來到我面前,學會獨處,這樣我可以與你傾談。”

Is getting God’s dream for your life worth a day of your life? Have you ever taken an entire day and done nothing but be alone with God? Talk to God in prayer. Let God talk to you through the Bible. Relax. Think. Write down the thoughts he puts in your mind. Set some goals. Look through your schedule. Set your priorities. Spend the day saying, “God, where do you want me to go? What direction do you want my feet headed?”
用一天的時間換得上帝對你一生的夢想值得嗎?你可曾經一整天什麼也不做,只為與上帝單獨相處?用禱告向上帝說話,讓上帝藉著聖經對你說話。放鬆,思考,寫下祂給你的靈感;為自己設定一些目標。查看日程表,整理安排事情的優先次序。用這天來詢問上帝, “主啊!祢要我去哪裡?祢要我的腳步走向哪裡?”

God speaks to people who take the time to listen — not just for a day but also on a regular basis. This is called a quiet time, and it is when we can have an intimate conversation with God.


How Do You Get Grace?
By Rick Warren

“Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’” (2 Corinthians 12:8-9a NIV)
「爲這事,我三次求過主,叫這刺離開我。祂對我説:「我的恩典夠你用的,因爲我的能力是在人的軟弱上顯得完全。」(和合本 哥林多後書12: 8-9a)

What do you do when you can’t fix an unfixable problem? What do you do when you can’t solve an unsolvable riddle? What do you do when you can’t change an unchangeable circumstance? What do you do when you can’t control something that hurts deeply in your life?

You throw yourself on the sustaining grace of God.

How do you get the kind of grace to keep going in spite of temptations, trials, tension, tiredness, and troubles? You do four things:
1. Call out. Cry out for God’s help. As long as you pretend to be self-sufficient, you short-circuit God’s power in your life. You need to admit your inadequacy and say, “God, I can’t handle this!” The Bible says, “God is against the proud, but he gives grace to the humble. So give yourselves completely to God .... Come near to God, and God will come near to you” (James 4:6-8a NCV).
1. 呼求。呼求上帝的幫助。若你偽裝自己能夠應付,你輕看了神在你生命中的大能。你必須承認自己的失當,向上帝說:「主啊,我應付不了這事!」聖經說:「上帝阻擋驕傲的人,賜恩給謙卑的人。故此,你們要順服上帝……你們親近上帝,上帝就必親近你們」(和合本 雅各書4:6-8a)
2. Fill your mind with God’s Word. Let God’s Word comfort, strengthen, fill, soothe, and give you the energy to keep going. Get into it every single day of your life. David prayed, “I lie in the dust; revive me by your word” (Psalm 119:25 NLT). If the answer were to look within yourself, you’d already be changed. You need to look to God! He’s the only one with sustaining strength.
2. 將上帝的話充滿你心。讓上帝的話安慰,堅固,充滿,撫平,並賜你能力繼續向前。每一天都要進到上帝的話語裏。大衛禱告:「我的性命幾乎歸於塵土,求你照你的話將我救活。」(和合本 詩篇119:25)。若是能從自身找到答案,你早已被更新。你必須仰望上帝!祂是唯一擁有永不止息能力的上帝。
3. Accept support from God’s people. The Bible says by helping each other with our troubles, we obey the law of Christ, which is, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” God never meant for you to go through life on your own. He puts weaknesses in our lives so we realize how much we need each other. You need to accept support from God’s people.
3. 接受屬上帝的人的支持。聖經說到,在患難中彼此幫助就是遵行基督「愛人如己」的律法。上帝從未要你一人孤獨走過一生。祂賜我們生命中的軟弱,使我們明白我們需要彼此。你要接受屬上帝的人的幫助。
4. Hold on to God’s promises. There are over 7,000 of them in the Bible waiting to be claimed. Here’s one of them: “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youth grow tired ... but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:29-31 NIV). Keep your hope in the Lord and your eyes focused on the hope of Heaven, not just on the here and now.
4. 依靠上帝的應許。聖經裏有超過七千個應許等著你來領受。其中之一是: 「疲乏的,祂賜能力;軟弱的,祂加力量。就是少年人也要疲乏困倦……但那等侯耶和華的,必從新得力。他們必如鷹展翅上騰,他們奔跑卻不困倦,行走卻不疲乏。」(和合本 以賽亞書40:29-31)盼望在上帝,定睛在屬天的盼望,而不局限在眼前的片刻。
The Bible says, “Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’” (2 Corinthians 12:8-9a).
聖經說:「爲這事,我三次求過主,叫這刺離開我。祂對我説:「我的恩典夠你用的,因爲我的能力是在人的軟弱上顯得完全。」(和合本 哥林多後書12 :8-9a)
When you’re going through a problem you can’t fix, don’t give up. Just look up!

2/26/2019(经文) 你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了。马太福音 6:33 CUN(解释) 耶稣告诉我们正确的生活次序是把神放在我们生命的首位,而我们往往求神先满足我们生活的需要,这样的次序错了!(应用) 时间上让神居...

(经文) 你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了。马太福音 6:33 CUN
(解释) 耶稣告诉我们正确的生活次序是把神放在我们生命的首位,而我们往往求神先满足我们生活的需要,这样的次序错了!
(应用) 时间上让神居首位:每天早上灵修
(祷告) 主耶稣,从今天开始我要让你在我生命中居首位。你是我时间的主,你是我关系的主,你是我金钱的主。你也应许说,当我们先求你的国,你的义时,我们的生活不会有缺乏,奉你的名祷告,阿们!

(Scripture) Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Matt 6:33 NLT
(Observation) Jesus tells us to put God first for our life. But we always ask God to meet our needs first.
(Application) Put God first in our time: Daily devotion in the morning.
Put God first in our relationship: Weekly cell group meeting and Sunday service.
Put God first in our money: Monthly tithe and love offerings
(Prayer) Jesus, I want You to be the Lord for my life. The Lord for my time, relationship and money. When I seek first of Your Kingdom n the righteousness, my life will be lack of nothing, in Your name I pray. Amen!

1/8/2019🆚你要保守你心,胜过保守一切 , 因为一生的果效是由心发出。箴言 4:23 CUNPSS-神在新的一年,你想看到你生命的改变吗?你想经历上帝更多的恩典吗?最重要的一件大事是先更新我们的想法,管理好我们的心思意念,华理克牧师给...

🆚你要保守你心,胜过保守一切 , 因为一生的果效是由心发出。箴言 4:23 CUNPSS-神

🆚Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts. (Proverbs 4:23 GNT).

Why is it so important that you learn how to manage your mind? Let me give you three reasons. - Rick Warren

1.Manage your mind because your thoughts control your life

2.Manage your mind because the mind is the battleground for sin.

3.Manage your mind because it’s the key to peace and happiness.


🆚凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。 爱是永不止息.....哥林多前书 13:7‭-‬8
非常感恩,虽然爸爸妈妈的婚姻不是最完美,但他们一起走过了50年的日子,为他们的人生记下美好的回忆,也为我们和我们的儿女留下最宝贵的祝福, 祝爸爸妈妈金婚快乐!

🆚It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:7‭-‬8 NIV
My heart is so grateful for the blessings from my parent to us n our children. Though my parent's marriage is not a perfect one. They have been walked together for 50 years to mark a wonderful memory in their life. Happy Gold Marriage!

12/21/2018🆚因有一婴孩为我们而生; 有一子赐给我们。 政权必担在他的肩头上; 他名称为「奇妙策士、全能的神、永在的父、和平的君」。以赛亚书 9:6 CUNPSS再过5天就是圣诞节了!圣诞节应该是孩子们最高兴的日子因为他们会收到礼物...

🆚因有一婴孩为我们而生; 有一子赐给我们。 政权必担在他的肩头上; 他名称为「奇妙策士、全能的神、永在的父、和平的君」。
以赛亚书 9:6 CUNPSS


🆚 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6 NKJV

5 more days to Christmas.
Christmas is the most happiest day for children because they will receive the gift. Christmas is also the most celebrated day in the world because everyone can receive God's most wonderful gift - His begotten son Jesus. Few people care for Sakyamuni's birth, the founder of Buddhism; Except Muslims, nobody knows prophet
Muḥammad, why Jesus is so special? He is the Savior to the whole world.

12/11/2018🆚 若没有奉差遣,怎能传道呢?如 经 上所记:「报福音、传喜信的人,他们的脚 踪 何等佳美!」罗马书 10:15 CUNPSS-神🆚And how can anyone preach unless they are se...

🆚 若没有奉差遣,怎能传道呢?如 经 上所记:「报福音、传喜信的人,他们的脚 踪 何等佳美!」罗马书 10:15 CUNPSS-神
🆚And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Romans 10:15 NIV

How to share Gospel with people
Bible reading: John 4:6-26
Discover the needs(verse6-7)
Respect the dignity(verse7)
Direct the conversation(verse10)
Activate the interest(verse13-15)
Realize the problem(verse16-18)
Provide the solution(verse20-24)
Lead to the Lord(verse25-26)

12/3/2018🆚保护你的是耶和华; 耶和华在你右边荫庇你。  白日,太阳必不伤你; 夜间,月亮必不害你。诗篇 121:5‭-‬6 CUNPSS-神最近发生2件事情让我觉得都是上帝在保护我,免得我落入试探中。不久前接到一个主内姊妹的电话,...

🆚保护你的是耶和华; 耶和华在你右边荫庇你。 白日,太阳必不伤你; 夜间,月亮必不害你。诗篇 121:5‭-‬6 CUNPSS-神


本来11月29日要带我父亲去医院就诊,一个月前就已经预约好,但不久前我父亲身体状况不佳,我有点担心他是否经得起长时间外出,加上上个星期Jasmin和岳母去江西,我还要照顾洁怡, 我再次祷告,我相信天父是知道我们的重担,28日晚上收到就诊取消的通知(延迟到12月20日),我如释重负,感谢主的看顾! 祷告确实能带出改变,荣耀归给主!

🆚The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
Psalm 121:5‭-‬6 NIV

Two things happened to my life recently to show God's protection and to prevent me from temptations. A sister wanted to learn English from me. I promised her without much thinking. I felt it inappropriately after I gave it second thought. I brought the issue to the Lord in prayer. Two days later, the sister texted me she had the same feeling because she is single right now, thank God to protect His children all the time.
My father had a medical appointment on Nov 29. Just a few days ago, his conditions became unstable. That worried me if he could take a long run. Further more, my wife went to Jiang Xi with my mother in-law last week so I need to look after my daughter. I prayed again. God knows our situations! I received a message from hospital the day before saying my father's appointment postponed to Dec 20th. Prayer really can make a difference in our life. All glory to God!


🆚 求你开启我的眼睛, 使我看出你律法中的奇妙。诗篇 119:18 CSBS
每个星期一是我的安息日,感谢我太太愿意帮我接送女儿, 让我在这一天身体休息,情绪充电,灵里重新聚焦于上帝。
第一次完成我们新的EV Car的充电就遇到充电枪拔不出来的问题:那天刚好医院打电话给我说我爸爸情况不好,要我马上去医院,我心里着急,为车抹油祷告,宣告神的应许,属灵征战都做了,充电枪还是拔不出来。打电话给客服,他们早上也遇到同样问题,使劲拔就出来了,我想他们不愿意下来因为我们住得僻远。最后,我只能用榔头和螺丝刀把充电枪敲下来,外壳损坏了,但充电还是可以的。前两天我看了一下用车手册,才知道拔枪前需要按一个车钥匙上的解锁键,我还以为车门开着就已经解锁了。这几天我一直在思考,人生道路上遇到的问题,是否因为我自己没有去查考人生使用手册-圣经,而常常求助于人(找牧师,长老),怪环境不好(在教会小组得不到牧养),自己运气不佳(出生在不好的家庭)等等,其实一切答案都在圣经里面,愿大家喜爱神的话语,如干旱之地盼雨一般。
🆚 Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.
Psalms 119:18 NLT
Every Monday is my Sabbath. I'm thankful for my wife to send n fetch my daughter today so that I can rest my body, recharge my emotions n refocus my spirit.
I can't pull the charging gun out from our new EV car when I finished the first charge.
Hospital called me to inform me of my father's critical condition n requested me going to the hospital immediately. I was in a rush. The gun was still stuck even after I prayed with oil, fought the spiritual warfare n proclaimed Gods promises etc. I called customer service n was told that they encountered the same problem this morning n advised me pull with all my strength. Finally I took the gun out with hammer n screw driver, but damaged the plastic casing. A few days ago, I realized I didn't press the unlock button of car key to release the gun upon reading the user manual. I have been thinking of my problems in life. Could it be I didn't study the Bible, rather asking for people's help(look for pastors, elders), complaint about the environment(not properly being fed in church or cell group) n a bad luck (born in wrong family)etc. The truth is: all answers in the Book. I pray we will love Word of God, just like a parched land thirsts for rain.


它與聖經一致嗎? (約翰福音7:17)
它會使我更像基督嗎? (雅各書3:17)
我的教會家庭會確認它嗎? (以弗所書 3:10)
它與上帝賦予我的生命特質一致嗎? (以弗所書 2:10)备注:我有这方面的能力
它與我的責任感相關嗎? (羅馬書 14:4)
它是評判性而不是譴責性的嗎?(羅馬書 8:1)
我有感到來自上帝的平安嗎? (腓立比書 4:6-7)备注:家里有平安

It has been 3 months since my family moved from Singapore to Shanghai.
My heart is grateful for God's grace in my life. I have been experiencing God's perfect timing n His wonderful plan. My wife n I are going to get our new BYD car this afternoon. I thank God for the precious gift because we are celebrating our 19th wedding anniversary in two days. Our marriage is not the best but is blessed by Him.
I'd like to share pastor Rick Warren's teaching on how to differentiate if the impression is from God or not to address questions asked by some sisters n brothers.
You can reference it when you want to know if an impression is from God.
I add a note beside.

Does it agree with the Bible? (John 7:17)
Note: Read Bible daily
Will it make me more like Christ? (Jas3:17)
Note: For the benefits of other's
Does my church family confirm it?(Eph3:10)
Note: Church leaders support
Is it consistent with how God has shaped me? (Ephesians 2:10)
Note: I have the talents to do
Does it concern my responsibility(Rom14:4)
Note: I have burdens in my heart
Is it convicting rather than condemning? (Romans 8:1)
Note: No guilt, no condemnation
Do I sense God’s peace about it? (Php4:6-7)
Note:Family support n Shalom.


🆚彼此说:「谁给我们把石头从墓门滚开呢?」 那石头原来很大,她们抬头一看,却见石头已经滚开了。马可福音 16:3‭-‬4 CUN

我们跟随主的人,生命中也会遇到许多的难处,这是正常的,是我们生命的一部份。不要一遇到困难,就觉得神不爱我们了。圣经里说:我们进入神的国,必须经历许多的艰难。(徒14:22) 但当我们不避一切艰难困苦而挺身向前时,就会发现许多的难处早已被主挪开了。因为我们的神是行在我们前面的主!(申31:8)

🆚And they said among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?” But when they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled away—for it was very large. Mark 16:3‭-‬4 NKJV
We will encounter difficulties in life when we follow the Lord. It's normal n part of our life. Don't think the way that God doesn't love me anymore when we are facing problems. However, when we are determined to move forward regardless of difficulties n we found God had removed them away from our life. For our Lord is the God who goes before us. (Deu31:8)


罗马书 8:28 CUNPSS-神

Do you feel like a failure today?
Maybe you feel like a failed parents for children's disobedience.
Maybe you feel like a failed worker for conflicts with colleagues n clients.
Maybe you feel like a failed businessman for being cheated.
Maybe you feel like a failed Christian for no breakthrough in something you dislike.
The good news is that you don't give up or are self-pity. Just like Jigsaw puzzle, give God all your broken pieces of your life,
He can make them a beautiful picture.
🆚And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.Romans 8:28 NKJV

9/6/2018🆚 你们必欢欢喜喜而出来, 平平安安蒙引导。 大山小山必在你们面前发声歌唱; 田野的树木也都拍掌。以赛亚书 55:12 CUN感谢主,我和女儿洁怡到上海已经一个月了,我太太海燕8月28日也在上海和我们团聚。洁怡在这里的学校已...

🆚 你们必欢欢喜喜而出来, 平平安安蒙引导。 大山小山必在你们面前发声歌唱; 田野的树木也都拍掌。
以赛亚书 55:12 CUN


🆚“For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12 NKJV

It has been exactly one month for me to be in Shanghai, China. Thank God my wife Jasmin joined us safely on August 28. Our daughter Charis already started her school yesterday n our son Zhanyan's working for a technology company in Singapore during his school holidays. He will be going to Shanghai from Oct 4 to 13.
Right now I plant myself n my family in a local family n The congregation here is about 100 sisters n brothers.
We live in the surburban area n the living condition is fine except for many mosquitoes at night, we are able to overcome it by grace of God :)
Please pray for me to share Good News with people here more boldly n wisely. Pray that I am more willingly to be led by Holy Spirit. Pray we can purchase a car to resolve difficulties for our transportation. Thank you n may God bless you, your family n all sisters and brothers in CHC.


🆚 我知道怎样处卑贱,也知道怎样处丰富;或饱足,或饥饿;或有余,或缺乏,随事随在,我都得了秘诀。腓立比书 4:12 CUN

If you can't enjoy what you have right now, I guarantee you can't enjoy God's blessings in future. What-if is the biggest lie in our life. You heard people say: If I got money, I will give. If I got married, then I'm happy. If I got time, then I will serve. If my family got saved, then I will praise n worship God etc. Friends, these all are lies. It won't happen in that way. Learn to be contented in all situations just like Paul said:
🆚 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Philippians 4:12 NIV


我们要把自己降卑,像『地毯』那样,摊在地上,让别人在我们身上行走,觉得柔软而舒服。怎样能看别人比自己强呢?有一个信徒说得好,他说,看我自己是看我的旧人,看别人是看他的新人。真的!如果我们看到自己的天性,自己的败坏;看神在别人身上的恩典,在别人身上的改变,就不能不看别人比自己强了。―― 倪柝声《基督的心》
腓立比书 2:3 CUNPSS-神

We want to humble ourselves, like the "carpet", spread it on the ground, let others walk on us, feel soft and comfortable. How can I see others better than myself? One believer said well, he said, seeing that I am looking at my old man and seeing others as his new man in Christ. Really! If we see our own nature, our own corruption; see God's grace in others, change in others, you can't help to see others better than yourself.
— Watchmen Nee, The Heart of Christ
🆚Don't be jealous or proud, but be humble and consider others more important than yourselves.Philippians 2:3 CEVDC


我们祷告有一个很关键的地方是抓住上帝的应许,用他的话语来宣告,不是来提醒他,而是我们自己。感到缺乏时,耶和华我是牧者(诗23:1)。 生病时,你的鞭伤我得医治(赛53:5)。家人还没信主时,一人信主全家得救(徒16:31)。以下的经文就是摩西抓住了神的应许,最后他的祷告蒙神允许。
🆚 求你记念你的仆人 亚伯拉罕 、 以撒 、 以色列 。你曾指着自己起誓说:『我必使你们的后裔像天上的星那样多,并且我所应许的这全地,必给你们的后裔,他们要永远承受为业。』」 于是耶和华后悔,不把所说的祸降与他的百姓。出埃及记 32:13‭-‬14 CUNPSS-神

God is omniscient. Why we need to pray n tell Him about our things? The key of our prayers is to hold on God's promises. Quote His words not to remind Him but ourselves. When you are lack, pray Lord is my shepherd (Ps23:1). When you are sick, pray I'm healed by His stripes (Is53:5). Got unsaved family members, pray my entire family will be saved because I have been saved(Act16:31). Below verses show how Moses hold on God's promise n got his prayer answered.
🆚 Remember the solemn promise you made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You promised that someday they would have as many descendants as there are stars in the sky and that you would give them land. So even though the Lord had threatened to destroy the people, he changed his mind and let them live. Exodus 32:13‭-‬14 CEVDC


731 Woodlands Circle #08/03



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