The Asian Life

The Asian Life Deep news selection, feeling the pulse of the times

Library in the skyline

Library in the skyline

Cloud an buildings.

Cloud an buildings.

Lingshan Island

Lingshan Island

Guess where?

Guess where?

Blue sky in Nansha

Blue sky in Nansha

The Lighthouse in Nanshan,Guanagzhou

The Lighthouse in Nanshan,Guanagzhou

Nansha Guangzhou

Nansha Guangzhou

【Examining the Characteristics of Chinese Perception of Rome through Historical Records】Authur:Xizhi LIU(刘西沚)The depicti...

【Examining the Characteristics of Chinese Perception of Rome through Historical Records】
Authur:Xizhi LIU(刘西沚)
The depictions of Rome in Chinese historical sources reflect both an objective portrayal of ancient Roman history, culture, and society, as well as an interpretation influenced by China's own historical and cultural context. Group cognition typically emerges as a composite of individual perceptions. Historical sources indicate that the Chinese viewed Rome as a highly developed civilization. Chinese records depict Rome as possessing advanced transportation and agriculture, similar to China. Additionally, Rome is noted for its abundant resources and products, particularly in commerce and maritime trade, and a relatively incorrupt and democratic political system.

The variation of Roman contents in ancient China varied depending on the stability and strength of domestic political rule across different dynastic eras and the extent of its external communication. The ancient Chinese perception of Rome evolved and persisted with the succession of dynasties. As previously demonstrated, dynasties with close official relations with the Western regions or engaged directly with Roman envoys or merchants had more written content about Rome, the extent of its external communication and international interactions often stemmed from political and military imperatives between the ruling regime and countries in the Western regions. Conversely, dynasties without significant news regarding Rome selectively excerpted or reduced Rome-related content from preceding dynasty's historical records. For example, the Tang Dynasty experienced an increased volume of records pertaining to various facets of Rome. This surge can be attributed to the engagement with Nestorian Christians, resulting in an augmentation of content encompassing military and religious aspects concerning the Eastern Roman Empire, building upon the foundation laid during the Han Dynasty.

Ancient China demonstrated a generally open and inclusive attitude towards Rome, showing a particular interest in the economic aspects of the distant and prominent Western empire. Chinese official historical records in ancient times frequently display biased depictions by the Han ethnicity, centered on their own rule, referring to neighboring foreign ethnic groups as "barbarians." The Han people displayed a predisposition for negatively evaluating the moral values, customs, and economic practices of southern islanders and northwest nomadic tribes. In contrast, their descriptions of Rome were devoid of derogatory labels or negative depictions. This may be possibly influenced by positive associations with distant Western Regions' commodities and attributed a sense of respect towards this Western imperial, seen as another center of civilization in the world and comparable in civilization to the Han and Tang dynasties.

【The Contents and Variation of Roman Records in Chinese Official Histories from the Han through the Tang】Authur:Xizhi LI...

【The Contents and Variation of Roman Records in Chinese Official Histories from the Han through the Tang】
Authur:Xizhi LIU(刘西沚)
Chinese official dynastic histories involving records related to Rome can be roughly divided into three periods based on chronological characteristics. In the first phase, which predates the 5th century, the early official historical sources served as the initial encounters with the Roman Daqin, including works such as Hou Hanshu (后汉书)[ The Hanshu 汉书 introduces 230-year historical events from 206 BC to 23 AD, being basically completed by Ban Gu 班固 (206-24 BC) in 83 BC.], Weilue (魏略) and Jinshu (晋书). The term "Daqin" first appeared in the Hou Hanshu (the Book of the Later Han) and was mentioned 12 times throughout the work. During the Han Dynasty in China, the ruling class gradually recognized the significance of the Western Regions through their struggles against the Xiongnu. As a result, they embarked on efforts to establish communication and engagement with various ethnic groups in the Western Regions, seeking military and political cooperation. Hou Hanshu also records that General Ban Chao (班超), stationed in the Western Regions, appointed Gan Ying (甘英) as an envoy to Daqin, hoping to establish an alliance with the Roman Empire to combat the military threats posed by the Huns jointly. After passing through the Parthian border, they planned to cross the sea. However, the Parthians stopped them from proceeding, deceiving them about the dangers of a long and perilous sea voyage. They also mentioned that something in the sea could cause homesickness and even death. As a result, Gan Ying and his companions had to abandon their plans to reach Daqin.

Although Gan Ying's journey failed, he provided valuable insights into the transportation routes and the cultural traits of ethnic groups along the Western Regions. As a result, the term Daqin officially entered the official vision at that time. Another event In 166 A.D., King Andun (安敦, possibly known as Marcus Aurelius Antoninus) of the Daqin Empire sent a messenger with gifts to China through the Rinan route. Hou Hanshu introduced the travel routes to the westernmost country known as "Daqin," providing substantial descriptions of Daqin's economic trade and products and its political and administrative management. It delved into the currency system[ In the book Hou Hanshu, ancient Chinese recorded that "The Daqin State uses gold and silver currencies. One gold coin was worth ten silver coins" (Hou Hanshu, vol. 88 Xiyuzhuan, §.26). Roman and Byzantine coins, including imitations, have been found in various places such as Vietnam (a total of 10 imitative Roman coins featuring "ANTONINVS" were unearthed), Indonesia (54 coins), and Cambodia's Angkor Borei (13 coins). These coins served as currency or decorative items. In China (97 coins, with 41 identified), Byzantine coins were abundant during the reigns of Anastasius I Dicorus and Justinian I but declined during the reign of Heraclius I.], trade conditions[ It usually made ten times more profit through trade with Anxi (Parthia) and Tianzhu (India), while the people of Daqin were relatively honest. The prices in the domestic market were relatively uniform. In addition, their food prices were relatively cheap, and the country was rich" (Hou Hanshu, vol. 88 Xiyuzhuan, §.27).

Subsequently, the Weilue presented the most comprehensive and detailed content regarding Rome, encompassing a substantial length of 1,750 characters. In contrast, the account provided in the Hou Hanshu was significantly shorter, consisting of only 941 characters. In 226, Sun Quan (孙权) granted an audience to Qin Lun (秦论), a merchant who claimed to be from Rome. Qin Lun had lived in China for over a decade, and Sun Quan even sent an official named Liu Xian (刘咸) to accompany Qin Lun on his return journey to Rome. Regrettably, Liu Xian passed away halfway through the trip. Notably, Qin Lun traveled to and from China by sailing and entering through Vietnam. The shipbuilding industry in Wu was highly developed during the Three Kingdoms period, and many large merchant ships were built. Besides, Rulers like Sun Quan also displayed an open diplomatic approach and engaged with various Southeast Asian countries, which helped form and facilitate the maritime Silk Road. The contents documented in Weilue are more comprehensive than Other works, particularly in their detailed descriptions of the various goods originating from Daqin and its vassal states.

In Jinshu, it is evident that the direct mention of Daqin drastically reduced to 310 characters. Although the Jin Dynasty still controlled significant northwest cities like Dunhuang in Xinjiang, the internal conflicts during the Three Kingdoms period weakened the central authority's control over the Western Regions. The Jin Dynasty's court naturally shifted its attention towards those emerging nomadic kingdoms, leaving limited capacity to focus on the faraway Roman Empire. Jinshu's content on Rome is mostly an excerpt from previous works such as Hou Hanshu and Weilue, the information presented is almost identical to what was already available.

During the 5th to 7th century, the second phase marked a transition in understanding Roman names from Daqin to Fulin. This transition is evident in three major historical texts: Songshu (宋书), Liangshu (梁书), and Weishu (魏书). These texts contain relatively few references to Rome, with characters counts of 172, 239, and 325, respectively. In the Eastern Jin dynasty (317-420 CE), the imperial court moved its capital from Luoyang to Nanjing. This decision had several consequences: it distanced the court from conflicts in the north. However, it relinquished control over trade routes to the Western Regions and gradually lost information about Western countries. However, records in the Songshu and the Liangshu indicate that the southern maritime route became more critical with the advancement of maritime technology. Mediterranean commodities like glassware as evidence were excavated in southern Chinese provinces such as Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Guangxi.

As the first minority ethnic regime in the Chinese official account, the Northern Wei government aimed to enhance the legitimacy ruling by documenting its history in Weishu. Thank to their reconnecting with certain countries in the Western Regions, Weishu is one of the earliest sources to capture the shift from Roman to Eastern Roman (Byzantine) realms, covering the period from 386 CE to 550 CE, coinciding with Byzantine history from the death of Theodosius I to the reign of Justinian. However, they did not realize that different names for the Eastern Roman Empire, like Pulan (普岚), Fuluni (伏卢尼), or Fulin, all referred to the same entity as Daqin (Roman Empire) at that time, resulting in separate biographies for each name.

During the third phase after the 7th century, the references to "Rome" had transformed into predominantly focusing on the Byzantine Empire as Fulin. This shift is reflected in official historical works such as Suishu (隋书), Beishi (北史), Jiu Tangshu (旧唐书), and Xin Tangshu (新唐书). In the latter two, the direct descriptions of Rome increased to 904 and 990 characters, respectively. During the Tang Dynasty, the representation of Byzantium as "Fulin" gradually supplanted the usage of Daqin. Much of the description pertaining to Daqin from the Han Dynasty continued to be retained, with the added clarification that Fulin was identified as Daqin, Noteworthy records might stem from Jingxingji (经行记), authored by Du Huan(杜环), a former Tang Dynasty soldier who, after being captured by the Arabs during the Battle of Talas, reached Africa. Building upon the preceding dynasty's records, the Tang Dynasty introduced information regarding Roman military concepts and religious beliefs. Historical records show that the Tang Dynasty witnessed frequent diplomatic visits and religious exchanges with Fulin. This period marked a notable peak in the richness of historical materials documenting the cultural interactions between East and West, surpassing even the level achieved during the Han Dynasty. Owing to the flourishing stability of the Tang Dynasty and its close relations with the Western Regions.

【The Origins of Rome-related Content in Chinese Sources】Authur:Xizhi LIU(刘西沚)Throughout ten officially recognized Chines...

【The Origins of Rome-related Content in Chinese Sources】
Authur:Xizhi LIU(刘西沚)
Throughout ten officially recognized Chinese histories, from the emergence of the term Daqin to the prevalence of the name Fulin. Official histories are compiled and accepted by the imperial court, written by contemporary scholars, and recognized by the government. They contain a wealth of substantive content, clear formats, and meticulous approaches to selecting material. They represent the prevailing understanding of historical events during that particular era. To explore the characteristics of Rome-related content recorded in the Chinese official histories across different dynasties by reviewing historical documents referencing Daqin and Fulin.

In summary, the transmission of information regarding Rome to China was primarily through three methods: 1) Envoys who had successfully completed their missions and returned from the Western regions conveyed their findings through official reports.[ Throughout history, individuals and delegations were sent on political and diplomatic missions to unite with other ethnic groups against common enemies, such as the Xiongnu. Notable examples include Gan Ying in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD; And Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus' embassy arrived in China in 166 AD; In addition, officials like Peiju, who oversaw market trade in Zhangye City, were stationed in the Western Regions. Through interviews with merchants, Peiju collected information on the geography, names, customs, clothing, products, and other materials from 44 countries, which were compiled into a book with maps. These officials and envoys brought back reports of their observations and experiences in the Western Regions.] 2) Roman missions and merchants, who had undertaken journeys to China, disseminated their knowledge through oral communication.[ For instance, we will encounter the self-proclaimed Roman merchant Qin Lun‘s case in the subsequent passage. He asserted that his group arrived by ship from the South Sea and entered the Chinese region through Vietnam. Qin Lun received the hospitality of Sun Quan, the ruler of the Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, and eventually resided in China for more than a decade before departing.] 3) hearsay obtained from other Western individuals or travelers from South Asia.[ Accounts from travelers from other regions, such as the Korean monk Hui Chao (慧超) who embarked on a pilgrimage to the five Indian states between 723 and 727.] All the pieces of information related to the Western Regions were diligently documented in dynastic official histories.

【Rome according to the Chinese Official Histories from Han through Tang】Authur:Xizhi LIU(刘西沚)China and Rome were geograp...

【Rome according to the Chinese Official Histories from Han through Tang】
Authur:Xizhi LIU(刘西沚)
China and Rome were geographically situated at opposite ends of the Eurasian continent. Ancient Chinese historical sources regarded Rome as the westernmost edge of the known world, leading to some vague or stereotypical cognitions and Utopian longing for Rome. The Chinese descriptions of Rome-related contents sometimes portrayed it as another "China" in the Western world. This depiction encompassed both the external representation of Roman history and culture, as well as the interpretation of Rome based on Chinese historical and cultural inheritance. Throughout this process, the Chinese continuously constructed their understanding of Rome, occasionally drawing upon imagination and fictional elements. Interestingly, the ancient Chinese referred to Rome as Daqin (大秦literally meaning "the Great Qin State," which refers to the first unified and centralized multi-ethnic Chinese feudal state), which embodies the captivating imagination associated with this distant overseas power during that era.

In Chinese sources, the Roman territory became known as Daqin (大秦) started during the Han Dynasty and directly associated Daqin with the later Fulin (拂菻) frequently used during around the Tang Dynasty, which been identified as referring to the Byzantine Empire. Traditionally, the Han and Tang Dynasties are considered the two most prominent periods in ancient Chinese history, characterized by unifying multiple ethnicities and maintaining long rule over vast territories. This paper aims to explore the depiction of Rome in official Chinese historical sources, examining how Rome-related content is portrayed and shedding light on how the Chinese perceived Rome from Daqin (Roman Empire) to Fulin (Eastern Roman Empire).Daqin


Here is Singapore

【Indian visitors in Singapore surged by 350pc from last year】There were a total of 1,93,230 Indian visitors to Singapore...

【Indian visitors in Singapore surged by 350pc from last year】

There were a total of 1,93,230 Indian visitors to Singapore in the first three months of this year, which is about 3.5 times more than the 54,530 who arrived in 2022, informed the Singapore Tourism Board (STB).
Last week, the STB announced that the number of visitors to Singapore was far beyond expectations, with over 2.9 million arrivals in the first quarter of this year, which is 62 per cent of 2019's first three months figure.
Indians accounted for the fourth-largest source of tourist arrivals in the first quarter of this year after Indonesians (523,300), Malaysians (278,910) and Australians (265,730). Americans were the fifth-largest at 168,960.
Meanwhile, China, which was the largest source of tourists for Singapore with over 3.75 million visitors in 2019, ranked as the ninth largest group of tourists in the first quarter of this year with only 124,560.
In 2019, based on figures from China's National Bureau of Statistics, Chinese tourists made nearly 170 million trips abroad.
Although China has lifted travel restrictions, cumbersome travel processes targeted at Chinese residents by countries such as South Korea and Japan earlier this year dampened the enthusiasm for outbound travel.
The same was exacerbated by delays in passport renewals and visa applications as well as the inability of Chinese airlines to mount the same number of flights as before Covid. Based on data from Alibaba-owned travel booking site Fliggy, during February, international flights out of China are at less than 10 per cent of 2019 levels.
Furthermore, the travel habits of Chinese citizens have been changed by three years of Covid-19 restrictions, with many now content to explore the vast and varied attractions in their own country.
"The Chinese tourists we will welcome this year and in the coming years are very different from those who came before," Wolfgang Georg Arlt, founder and chief executive of COTRI (Chinese Outbound Tourism Research Institute), was quoted by CBNC as saying at ITB Berlin, the world's largest tourism trade fair.
COTRI is an independent consulting company based in Germany.
In China as elsewhere, years of pandemic-induced lockdowns sparked a shift away from major tourist attractions toward "more nature-orientated, more outdoor-orientated tourism", Arlt said. He highlighted the emergence of trends like camping and glamping, as well as family-focused trips.
COTRI predicts that Chinese outbound travel will recover to about two-thirds of 2019's figures, with around 110 million overseas trips this year.
In the meantime, the Singapore Tourism Board is not waiting for Chinese tourists' return to launch new activities and attractions to boost tourism on the island.
To inspire travel to Singapore through TV series and films, STB together with the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) announced the launch of an SGD 10 million (USD 7.5 million) Singapore On-screen Fund. The fund aims to support international media and entertainment (ME) partners in marketing Singapore through television and film shows aimed at an international audience.
The Singapore On-screen Fund will support selected projects by key ME companies, which must be set in Singapore and launched before the first quarter of 2027. Successful projects will receive funding support of up to 30 per cent of qualifying costs related to featuring Singapore, including production and marketing costs.
This is, in part, inspired by past collaborations which resulted in movies such as "Crazy Rich Asians", the popular K-drama "Little Women (2022) and the HBO sci-fi hit series "Westworld Season 3" (2020). These shows created an international impact and left a positive impression on audiences around the world.
Also just announced in April is the return of the Free Singapore Tour which is very popular with Indian tourists as well as those from Australia and Indonesia. The tour was suspended during the pandemic. This tour is organised by STB together with Changi Airport and is meant for transit passengers at Changi, who have a layover period of at least five-and-a-half hours but less than 24 hours. They must also have valid entry visas for Singapore to take part in the tours.
The objective of organising these free tours is to entice transit passengers to make Singapore a destination for their next holiday.
The original three tours available before Covid -- the City Sights Tour, Heritage Tour and Jewel Tour -- have been refreshed to include new points of interest. A brand-new Changi Precinct tour will introduce travellers to the interesting sights and sounds of the eastern region surrounding Singapore Changi Airport. Each tour lasts two and a half hours and will be available daily, with plans to progressively increase to nine hours a day.
In 2019, over 80,000 passengers went on the Free Singapore Tour.
Another exciting development is the stationing of a brand-new Disney Cruise Line ship in Singapore from 2025 for five years. A memorandum of understanding between STB and Disney Cruise Line was announced on March 29. (ANI)

【Malaysia says it will protect its rights in South China Sea】 Malaysia said this week that it remains committed to prote...

【Malaysia says it will protect its rights in South China Sea】

Malaysia said this week that it remains committed to protecting free access to the South China Sea, in response to Chinese concerns about Malaysian offshore energy projects.

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said China has questioned work being performed by the state energy firm Petronas in Malaysian territorial waters.

Anwar earlier said he was willing to negotiate the matter with China, drawing immediate criticism from Malaysia's political opposition.

Meanwhile, Malaysia's foreign ministry has said it would like all issues related to the South China Sea to be resolved in a peaceful manner, without compromising Malaysia's position.

"The government of Malaysia is unequivocally and firmly committed to protecting Malaysia's sovereignty, sovereign rights and interests in its maritime areas in the South China Sea," the ministry said in a statement.

China has repeatedly claimed sovereignty over nearly all of the entire South China Sea.

Some $3 trillion worth of ship-borne trade passes through the South China Sea annually.

Meanwhile, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam have overlapping territorial borders in the sea.

Malaysia's State-owned Petronas operates oil and gas fields in the South China Sea. In recent years, Malaysia has reported several encounters with Chinese vessels.

Anwar reiterated this week that Petronas would continue its South China Seas operations.

【SMEs to Generate at Least 1 Million More Jobs】Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen expressed his h...

【SMEs to Generate at Least 1 Million More Jobs】

Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen expressed his hope that SMEs will further absorb at least 1 million workforces as the Royal Government is preparing to provide scholarships to 1.5 million students for vocational training.
While presiding over a get-together and solidarity dinner with more than 5,000 SMEs and handicraft representatives at Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Centre in Phnom Penh on April 10, Samdech Techo Hun Sen said SMEs play a key role in job creation in Cambodia.
At the same time, the Premier urged the Ministry Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation to work with the Ministry of Commerce, the Federation of Associations of Small and Medium Enterprises of Cambodia (Fasmec) and the Samdech Techo Foundation Association for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Cambodia on capacity building of entrepreneurs.
Samdech Techo Hun Sen also encouraged SMEs entrepreneurs to increase their capacity and enhance their competitiveness.

【More than 130 people have died. Indonesia strongly condemns the Burmese military's air strikes and is seriously concern...

【More than 130 people have died. Indonesia strongly condemns the Burmese military's air strikes and is seriously concerned about singapore country】

The death toll from the Myanmar military government's air strike on Sagaing Province has increased to over 130. Indonesia, the rotating presidency of ASEAN, has made a strong condemnation, while Singapore has expressed its support for Indonesia's statement.
The Burmese military government launched bombings on Tuesday, destroying this village in Sagaing Province, with the death toll increasing to over 130 by Thursday.
Singapore expresses its serious concern over these airstrikes. We reiterate our commitment to working with Indonesia, other ASEAN member states, and our external partners to promote a peaceful resolution of the Myanmar crisis based on the Five Point Consensus, "Wei Wen said. He also expressed his deepest condolences to the families of all victims.
The Burmese military government has not released the number of casualties. Agence France Presse, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Burmese dissident media "Irrawaddy", and Radio Free Asia all reported on Thursday that the airstrikes caused at least 130 deaths. The United Nations believes that at least 100 people were killed. CNN cited information from exiled members of Congress stating that at least 160 people died.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Tilke, expressed "shock" at the attack. He said that the victims include schoolchildren performing dances; He called for the perpetrators to be brought to justice.
A villager involved in the search and rescue told Agence France Presse that as of Thursday afternoon, 130 bodies had been found, and 28 people were still missing. He said that these bodies were scattered at the location of the incident, and it was not easy to confirm their identity. We cremated the body with old tires
On the morning of Tuesday (April 11th), the Burmese military launched an air raid on the remote city of Kanbalu in Sagaing Province. At that time, the "People's Defense Force", composed of anti government personnel, was hosting the opening ceremony for the new office.
Myanmar's ASEAN Ambassador Ong Miaomin discussed the crisis and the upcoming peace plan with senior ASEAN officials in Jakarta on Thursday. The leaders of Asia are expected to also discuss this matter when they hold a summit in Jakarta next month.
Singapore's Foreign Minister, Dr. Vivian, posted a message on Facebook on Thursday stating that Singapore supports the statement by Indonesia, the rotating presidency of ASEAN, that it strongly condemns Myanmar.





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