Ageing in place in Singapore often means seniors are encouraged to age at home or in the community they live in, where there is an aged care delivery system built in.
With a rapidly ageing population, Singapore tends to look at the growing life expectancy, forgetting that the health expectancy has a 10-year debt behind our life expectancy.
Through our monthly Big Read Unwrapped, TheHomeGround Asia speaks to social cultural anthropologist Thang Leng Leng on whether Healthier SG is able to close the gap between health and life expectancies or are we too late?
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Singapore will be putting in place laws to prevent cancel culture, or people from docking others’ free speech through aggressive online attacks, said Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam in an interview in September.
This is at a time when social media has grown significantly and the idea that a person can be “cancelled” or blocked from having a prominent public platform or career has become a polarising topic of debate.
Yet detractors say the use of the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) by the government to rebut claims by the opposition is, in itself, cancel culture.
Through our weekly series Unwrapped this week, TheHomeGround Asia takes a look at whether POFMA stops the rise of fake news in its track or is, in itself, a form of cancel culture.
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Singapore’s new work pass is among several initiatives to attract the world’s best and brightest as borders open and economies recover.
Several global capitals have stepped up efforts to draw global talents, Singapore escalates its own efforts with a new work pass allowing foreigners earning at least S$30,000 a month to start, operate and work for multiple companies in the country at the same time.
Speaking at the Singapore Economic Policy Forum on 18 Oct, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong assured Singaporeans that the Government will “redouble” its efforts to develop and support local workers while keeping the economy open.
Through our weekly series Unwrapped this week, TheHomeGround Asia takes a look what this new pass and assurance mean for the Singaporean employees and if this will lead to a rise in anti-foreigner sentiments.
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Healthier SG is a major transformation of Singapore’s healthcare system, shifting the emphasis from reactively caring for those who are sick, to proactively preventing them from falling sick.
To do so, Singapore residents need to be linked to a family doctor, and foster community support for healthier lifestyles and hopefully delay the deterioration of health, reduce the burden on loved ones, and improve quality of life.
Through our weekly series Unwrapped this week, TheHomeGround Asia takes a look at whether our healthcare system, having been one that cares for the sick and doctors taught to treat disease rather than to enhance health, can the structure, be flexible enough to promote health beyond cursory generic advice of “exercise more, eat less and sleep enough”?
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In today’s Singapore, there seems to be a shift in the government’s relationship with civil movement — from adversarial to amicable, where the common refrains are engagement and consultation.
Combining advocacy with attempts that help complement government efforts helps both parties work together instead of against one another, but often this is a dance where both the government and the people take turns to lead.
Through our monthly Big Read Unwrapped, TheHomeGround Asia speaks to two former NMPs Anthea Ong and Eugene Tan on the need for civil groups to come together and work with the government to create the opportunity for change.
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#thgbigread #thgpolitics #sggovernment #sgpolitics #singapore #singaporean #GenZ #sgmillenials #youngsingaporean #patriarchialgovernment #PAP #WorkersParty #PeoplesActionParty #singaporelife #NMP #nominatedmemberofparliament #sgparliment #LeeKuanYew #LeeHsienLoong #LawrenceWong Anthea ONG
The Singapore judicial system is said to be “firm, just and fair” yet according to reports in the media, it seems to mete out punishment differently to different people for similar offences.
The difference in the sentences in two recent media reports of women having kicked police officers seems to be a case in point. Through our weekly series Unwrapped this week,
TheHomeGround Asia finds out from partner at IRB Law Muntaz Zainuddin if this is so, or that media reports on crime do not cover the full extent of the law.
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Technology-enhanced cameras, from body cams and CCTVs to in-vehicle cameras and smart phones, are everywhere.
Yet the number of Singaporeans, particularly adults, misbehaving is on the rise, with the recent case of the woman trying to stop traffic and ripping off the licence plate from a car garnering over 5 million views to a video posted online.
Is adult temper tantrums in public the new normal?
Through our weekly series Unwrapped this week, TheHomeGround Asia looks at whether we actually play a part in reviewing and refreshing the country’s social compact.
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#thgunwrapped #thgopinion #thgfeature #badbehavior #BehavingBadly #bodycameras #CCTV #invehiclecameras #smartphones #surveillancecamera #TuasSecondLink #singapore #singaporeans #malaysia #sgroadvigilante
Every new start-up needs its founder to plot a course – to decide how to grow the business, and then do it.
It is likely to take between six months and a year before you can see real results so do not expect to knock it out of the park in the first month.
In the second of our weekly series Start-Up Stars, TheHomeGround Asia looks at how the ability to choose passion and drop something others consider the path to success helped these young entrepreneurs change themselves and others for the better.
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The Kampung Gym
Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong launched Forward Singapore this week as a roadmap for a society that benefits many, not just a few.
He wants to engage Singaporeans through the six pillars to understand their concerns and explore trade-offs involved in policy shifts.
Yet when it comes to logging down their ideas, some of the online sites only give interested parties a day to do so.
Through our weekly series Unwrapped this week, TheHomeGround Asia looks at whether we actually play a part in reviewing and refreshing the country’s social compact.
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It is a worldwide phenomenon that the burden of caring for aged parents rests on the shoulders of single, unmarried daughters but male caregivers are beginning to change that landscape.
While there is no playbook and caregiving for elderly parents is an uphill task, there is no lack of help from the government to ease caregivers of financial burden and offset the cost of caregiving training courses.
Yet not everyone knows what these grants are, how to apply or worse, qualifies for them.
Through the first of our monthly Big Read Unwrapped, TheHomeGround Asia looks at the high price family caregivers pay and whether they know how and where to seek for financial and emotional help.
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#thgunwrapped #thgbigread #caregiving #caregivers #caregiverlife #caregiversupport #caregiverburnout #mentalstrain #mentalwellness #caregiverwellness #caregivingsg #sgcaregiving #caregivingstruggles #burnout #burnoutisreal #burnoutprevention #mentalhealth
#caregivingfortheelderly #AIC #calsingapore #samhsingapore #msfsg Agency for Integrated Care - AIC Singapore Caregivers Alliance Limited MSF Singapore Singapore Association for Mental Health
The Selective En Bloc Redevelopment Scheme, more popularly known as SERS, was introduced in 1995 as part of the government’s efforts to renew older housing estates.
It entails the government taking back the sites, giving SERS residents a package that includes compensation and rehousing benefits, and the opportunity to move to a new home on a fresh 99-year lease.
Yet at the recent SERS exercise in Ang Mo Kio, residents find themselves having to fork out about $100,000 each for similar-sized replacement units.
Through our weekly series Unwrapped this week, TheHomeGround Asia looks why SERS is not a “one-for-one exchange” and if the top up is due to the high cost of Build-to-Order (BTO) launches within mature estates.
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#thgunwrapped #SERS #SelectiveEnBloc #leasebuyback #singapore #singaporean #retirementplan #retirementhome #retirementlife #retirementliving #roofoverourheads #hdb #MND #DsemondLee #housingdevelopementboard #matureestates #maturehdbestates Housing & Development Board Ministry of National Development
Starting and growing a small business is no small feat. The new start-up needs its founder to plot a course – to decide how to grow the business, and then do it.
It is likely to take between six months to a year before you will see any real results so do not expect to knock it out of the park in the first month.
In our first of a weekly series Start-Up Stars, TheHomeGround Asia looks at how the tenacity to succeed helped this young entrepreneur to make a change for the better.
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#THGSuS #singapore #singaporeans #startupsstars #startupssg #TeaHeeSG #youngentrepreneur #youngentrepreneurs #smallbusiness #braveentrepreneur #braveentrepreneurs #startingoutright #stratingoutyoung #bubbletea #bubbletealover #bubbleteatime Teahee SG