Mahakaruna Buddhist Society Singapore Pindapata & Robes Offering Ceremony (宏慈佛教协会托钵与供僧袈裟法会)at Expo with more than 200 monastics and continuous choir singing by Compassionate Arts Group throughout the ceremony.
Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu!
Mahakaruna Buddhist Society Singapore මහා කරුණා බෞද්ධ සංගමය සිංගප්පූරුවMahakaruna Buddhist Society Singapore මහා කරුණා බෞද්ධ සංගමය සිංගප්පූරුව
Check out the wonderful and meritorious Charity Art Exhibition - Blissful Realm ③ by Wu Xin Hui at Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic which ends on 29 Nov.欢迎大家莅临 SBFC举办的吴心晖居士书画义展 - 净色界③ (最后一天-11月29日)
At Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic 55th Anniversary Celebration and official launch of Blissful Realm ③ - Charity Art Exhibition 23-29 Nov by Wu Xin Hui
新加坡佛教施诊所庆祝55周年记念和净色界③ 开幕典礼- 欢迎大家莅临 SBFC举办的吴心晖居士书画义展 (11月23-29日)
Closing Address at the Forum for Buddhist Nuns in Singapore 《新加坡比丘尼法谊论坛》
We rejoice in the inspiring Forum for Buddhist Nuns in Singapore 《新加坡比丘尼法谊论坛》 organized by Sakyadhita (Daughters of the Buddha, Singapore) held today, 30 Sep 2024. Keep a lookout for our special feature in our next issue.
The Compassionate Network (TCN) sharing on important aspects that impact us as we care for our family, friends and members of the community during final stages of life.
A snapshot of the Forum for Buddhist Nuns in Singapore.
At ✨Medicine Buddha Dharma Assembly✨
Arrival of Guest-of-Honour Ms Jane Ittogi, Speech by The Buddhist Union Venerable Shi Bao Tong and Dharma mantra and songs by Venerable Heng Sure.