DagaZ gaming

DagaZ gaming En evig tonåring, född 1968. Spelar Call of Duty i olika smaker.

All you have to do is to be old and bronze to have people hating you... :)

All you have to do is to be old and bronze to have people hating you... :)

Old and slow and learning. Just trying to have some fun holding the point! Unranked.https://twitch.tv/dagaz1968

Luckily I am a 56 year old bronze player...

Luckily I am a 56 year old bronze player...

Old and slow and learning. Just trying to have some fun holding the point! Unranked.https://twitch.tv/dagaz1968

The daily heal and deal damage section.

The daily heal and deal damage section.

Old and slow, but still loves to learn how to be a better player. Like ít or just scroll by.

Check it out! Like it if you like it!

Check it out! Like it if you like it!

Old man, noob in Overwatch 2. Trying my best. Learning as I go. Like it or scroll by!

There is always that tank that doesn't seem to get their limitation. Not even as a human being.

There is always that tank that doesn't seem to get their limitation. Not even as a human being.

hours in this game as a 56yo noob in Overwatch 2. I try to observe and learn. Play mostly support.

I am old and slow and my Tracer is a lvl5. Well. Trying hard to improve.

I am old and slow and my Tracer is a lvl5. Well. Trying hard to improve.

I am old and slow and have 200 hours in Overwatch 2. Bare with me. I am trying.

Just popped this on my YouTube!

Just popped this on my YouTube!

I am a noob in Overwatch 2, trying to utilize what I have learned so far. I main Moira, but plays Illari and Juno as well.

Check it out!

Check it out!

When you find the skin in the store that makes it so nice.


Öja Ickholmsvägen 1



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