Malmer Productions

Malmer Productions Malmer Productions is a Umeå based recording, mixing and mastering company aimed to all kinds of music.


This winter, we're going full circle with Cavern Deep. Our final album on the concept trilogy is coming to a close. Currently, we're just waiting on the last music video to be done and edited, and then we'll unleash the first single upon the world.

This is the artwork(made by our own Kenny) for one of the songs on the album. Can you guess what it's called?

Yesterday,  released their single.It is engineered, mixed and mastered by me!

Yesterday, released their single.

It is engineered, mixed and mastered by me!

Turns out that making a mix as aggressive and raw as possible is a fun challenge. The new  album "The Cutting Begins" is...

Turns out that making a mix as aggressive and raw as possible is a fun challenge. The new album "The Cutting Begins" is out now!
Engineered, mixed, and mastered by me.

I totally sucks at posting things here nowadays. Partly because of the sheer amount of work that I have. Anyway, I've mi...

I totally sucks at posting things here nowadays. Partly because of the sheer amount of work that I have. Anyway, I've mixed and mastered the upcoming album with my band . It's is a mixture of Swedish and English prog. The latest singles can be found here:

Did the master for this beautiful piece of art by

Did the master for this beautiful piece of art by

Last weekend, I recorded the next  album to great success. Can't wait to share this one!

Last weekend, I recorded the next album to great success. Can't wait to share this one!


Part III is done and recorded! It is the most ambitious album we've done so far.

We also might have a new member in the band. Any ideas about what instrument he might be playing?


Förrådsvägen 17


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